Presenter: Suzy Whittenton, Dennis Johnston
Commission Agenda Item No. 4
Boat Fees
January 2002
I. Discussion: Chapter 31 of the Parks and Wildlife Code authorizes the commission to set the amount of boat registration, titling and related fees. Additionally, Senate Bill 305, Section 31.006(f), passed by the 77th Legislature, provided TPWD with the authority to implement a program to identify and classify participants in the vessel and outboard motor industry, and to set fees to administer the program.
In an effort to address increased funding needs and to implement the authority provided by Senate Bill 305, during the summer of 2001 staff initiated a review of boat fees and began the process of developing rules related to the boating industry. Staff presented proposed changes to boat fees and proposed new rules regarding boat industry to the Finance Committee at its November 2001 meeting. The committee authorized staff to publish the proposed changes in the Texas Register for public comment (see Exhibit A). The proposed rules appeared in the December 14, 2001 issue of the Texas Register.
As of December 17, staff had received a total of 58 comments from the public regarding the boat fee proposals. In addition, public input is being sought via two public hearings scheduled in Garland (December 17th) and Corpus Christi (December 18th). Staff will present a summary of all public comments received at the time of the commission meeting.
PLEASE NOTE-- At the printing of this document, staff was in the process of reviewing comments and discussing the proposals with constituents. As a result of the comments and discussions, staff may present modifications to the proposals as originally drafted.
II. Recommendation: The staff recommends the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission adopt the following motion:
“The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission adopts amendments to 31 TAC 53.10 concerning Vessel and Motor fees Set by the Commission, and adopts new 31 TAC 53.100-53.105 concerning Boating Industry Registration and Fees, as published in the December 14, 2001 issue of the Texas Register (26 TexReg 10179).
Attachments- 2
1. Exhibit A – Proposed
rules (Available upon
2. Exhibit B - Fiscal
Note (Available upon request)
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