Presenter: Tim Hogsett

Commission Agenda Item No. 4
Outdoor Grants
August 2003

I. Discussion: Local Park Grants: The Texas Recreation and Parks Account Program (TRPA) was authorized in 1993 to assist local political subdivisions of the state in providing basic public recreation facilities. TRPA revenue is generated from a portion of the state sales tax on sporting goods.

Funds available include $2,389,793 from Fiscal Year 2004 TRPA revenue and $2,000,000 in Land and Water Conservation Funds.

This review includes applications from 32 sponsors, requesting $14,006,750 in matching funds for all applications submitted by January 31, 2003. Based on site visits and analyses, the projects have been ranked in descending order of priority. Exhibit A contains the priority listing with funds requested by the sponsors and funds recommended by staff. Exhibit B contains a discussion of individual, eligible project proposals.

Facility Transfers: House Bill 2108, 76th Legislature, amended Parks and Wildlife Code to include grants for interim operation and maintenance of parks owned or operated and maintained by the department and being transferred to a political subdivision for operation and maintenance of the site. Included in the negotiation of the proposed transfer of state parks sites will be to consider transfer grant funding to facilitate the transfer. In January 2003 the Commission authorized a grant to facilitate the transfer of Kerrville-Schreiner State Park to the City of Kerrville in an amount of $1,808,763. The City of Kerrville has expressed an interest in maintaining the ability of park facilities to be reserved through the Department’s central reservation system. We currently provide similar service to Lower Colorado River Authority facilities through a contractual relationship. To enable the City of Kerrville to do this it will be necessary for them to purchase software, and there will be other associated costs. Since this is an essential part of the transfer, staff feels that this is a cost that should be paid from facility transfer funds. For that reason we are asking for authorization for the increase in the facility transfer agreement with the City of Kerrville in the amount of $29,741.

Houston Approriation Rider: Rider number 25 to the Texas Parks and Wildlife appropriation act for fiscal years 2002-2003 states “Out of the funds appropriated above in Strategy B.1.2., Local Parks, the department shall allocate $1,000,000 for a one-time grant to the City of Houston for the purpose of completing park restoration projects at Hermann Park.” The City of Houston has submitted a proposal that qualifies for these funds.

II. Recommendation: The staff recommends the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission adopt the following motion:

“Funding for projects listed in Exhibit A in the amount of $4,389,793 be approved, as described for individual projects in Exhibit B.”

“The Executive Director is authorized to increase the City of Kerrville, Kerrville-Schreiner State Park Facility Transfer Grant Agreement in the amount of $29,741.”

“The Department allocates $1,000,000 for a one-time grant to the City of Houston for the purpose of completing park restoration projects at Hermann Park.”

Attachments – 2

1. Exhibit A – Priority Listing (available upon request)

2. Exhibit B – Discussion of Individual Project Proposals (available upon request)