Outreach and Education Committee
Wednesday, 9:00 am, January 24, 2007
Commission Hearing Room4200 Smith School Road
Austin, TX 78744
Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
- Land and Water Plan Update
Staff: Robert Cook - Water Communications Initiative
Staff: Lydia Saldaña - Technical Guidance Program
Staff: Linda Campbell - Archery in Schools Program
Staff: Steve Hall - Law Enforcement Outreach and Education Programs
Staff: Willie Gonzalez
Committee Agenda Item No. 1
Presenter: Robert L. Cook
Outreach and Education Committee
Land and Water Plan Update
January 24, 2007
I. Executive Summary: Executive Director Robert L. Cook will briefly update the Commission on the status of the agency's efforts to implement the Land and Water Resources Conservation and Recreation Plan (the Plan).
II. Discussion: In 2001, the 77th Texas Legislature directed that the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) develop a Land and Water Resources Conservation and Recreation Plan (Tex. Park & Wild. Code §11.104). In November 2002, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission (the Commission) adopted the first Plan. A revised Plan was adopted by the Commission in January 2005. The Plan is available on the TPWD web site. Executive Director Robert L. Cook will update the Finance Committee on TPWD's recent progress in achieving the Plan's Goals and Objectives as they relate to the Outreach and Education Committee.
The Plan consists of 8 Goals and a total of 56 Objectives. The Goals stated in the Plan are as follows:
- Goal 1: Improve access to the outdoors.
- Goal 2: Preserve, conserve, manage, operate, and promote agency sites for recreational opportunities, biodiversity, and the cultural heritage of Texas.
- Goal 3: Assist landowners in managing their lands for sustainable wildlife habitat consistent with their goals.
- Goal 4: Increase participation in hunting, fishing, boating and outdoor recreation.
- Goal 5: Enhance the quality of hunting, fishing, boating and outdoor recreation.
- Goal 6: Improve science, data collection and information dissemination to make informed management decisions.
- Goal 7: Maintain or improve water quality and quantity to support the needs of fish, wildlife and recreation.
- Goal 8: Continuously improve TPWD business management systems, business practices and work culture.
Committee Agenda Item No. 2
Presenter: Lydia Saldaña
Outreach and Education Committee
Water Communications Initiative
January 24, 2007
I. Executive Summary: The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department is committed to educating Texans about the importance of water to the future of fish and wildlife in Texas. A multi-year communications initiative began in July 2002 with a special July edition of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Magazine, and it has evolved since then to include video documentaries, education material and other efforts.
II. Discussion: Communications Director Lydia Saldaña will discuss the status of the on-going effort. The third hour-long documentary is scheduled to air on prime-time PBS stations across Texas on February 15, 2007. Planning for the 6th special July issue of the magazine is underway as we continue to focus attention on this important conservation issue.
Committee Agenda Item No. 3
Presenter: Linda Campbell
Outreach and Education Committee
Technical Guidance Program – Past, Present and Future
January 24, 2007
I. Executive Summary: Linda Campbell, Program Director for Private Lands and Public Hunting and Mike Berger, Wildlife Division Director, will brief the committee on the history and accomplishments of the Technical Guidance Program. We will provide data on the expansion of technical assistance to landowners from 2,000 wildlife management plans on 6,908,824 acres in FY 1999 to the current total of 5,134 plans on 19,782,915 acres. We will discuss strategies to meet the growing demand for information and services to landowners and the importance of the program in accomplishing habitat conservation on private lands in Texas.
II. Discussion: Since 1930, TPWD biologists have been working with landowners to provide advice and guidance on habitat restoration and management. The increased economic value of white-tailed deer during the 1960s and 1970s led to increasing requests for assistance from private landowners managing habitats for deer and other wildlife. The TPWD Commission created the Technical Guidance Program in 1973 and established the first five technical guidance biologists. Other milestones for the program include:
- addition of five technical guidance positions during the period 1988-1991,
- assigning technical assistance duties to most wildlife division field staff positions in 1992,
- creation of the Private Lands Advisory Board in 1993,
- passage of the state confidentiality law and open space tax valuation for wildlife management in 1995,
- creation of the Lone Star Land Steward Awards Program in 1996, the Landowner Incentive Program in 1997, and the Managed Lands Deer Program in 1999,
- addition of 10 Private Lands Biologist positions in 2000
We will provide perspectives of past and current field staff obtained by survey and personal interviews. We will also discuss future needs and initiatives intended to improve services that result in on the ground conservation while meeting the growing demand from a continually diverse landowner constituency.
Attachments - 2
- Exhibit A – Graph showing number of wildlife management plans and acres under management plans (also available in table format)
- Exhibit B – Graph showing growth of Managed Lands Deer Program (also available in table format)
Committee Agenda Item No. 3
Exhibit A
Numbers of Wildlife Management Plans and Acres Under Management Plans

Table showing number of wildlife management plans and acres under management plans, FY 2000 - 2006
Fiscal Year | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 |
Plan Acres | 8,388,030 | 9,708,164 | 12,165,861 | 14,527,378 | 15,462,951 | 17,100,987 | 18759316 |
Number of Plans | 2272 | 2621 | 3319 | 3901 | 4312 | 4912 | 5482 |
Committee Agenda Item No. 3
Exhibit B
Acres and Ranches Under MLDP
FY 1999 – FY 2006

Table showing growth of Managed Lands Deer Program, FY 1999- 2006
FY 1999 | FY 2000 | FY 2001 | FY 2002 | FY 2003 | FY 2004 | FY 2005 | FY 2006 | |
Level 1 Acreage | 1,289,801 | 1,222,920 | 1,309,750 | 1,384,841 | 1,561,936 | 1,957,908 | 2,351,163 | 1,897,205 |
Level 2 and 3 Acreage | 1,898,194 | 2,218,571 | 3,049,009 | 3,659,342 | 4,315,153 | 5,462,037 | 6,409,530 | 8,289,892 |
Level 1 — # Ranches | 370 | 899 | 1,018 | 1,189 | 1,401 | 1,903 | 2,201 | 2,265 |
Level 2 and 3 — # Ranches | 443 | 508 | 681 | 767 | 862 | 1,005 | 1,310 | 1,632 |
Total Acreage | 3,187,995 | 3,441,491 | 4,358,759 | 5,044,183 | 5,877,089 | 7,419,945 | 8,760,693 | 10,186,687 |
Committee Agenda Item No. 4
Presenter: Steve Hall
Outreach and Education Committee
Archery in School Program
January 24, 2007
I. Executive Summary: The National Archery in Schools Program is an effort to bolster shooting sports involvement in school curricula, especially within physical education programs. Begun in Kentucky in 2002, the program has grown considerably and is now in 45 states. Texas began training teachers in 2005 and piloted the program in schools in 2006. It is now beginning full-scale implementation of the program through a partnership with the Texas Cooperative Extension Service, Texas A&M University System and Texas 4-H Shooting Sports Program. Initial sponsors include Toyota and the Dallas Safari Club who have each contributed $50,000 for the first two years of the program. Funds will be used to equip schools and provide transportation to the statewide school tournament on February 23, 2007.
II. Discussion: The Texas Archery in the Schools Program is a joint venture between Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and the Texas Education Agency. State organizations such as Texas Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance and many archery equipment manufacturers and organizations are also partners. The program promotes student education and participation in the shooting sports. The program's focus is to provide target archery training in 4-12th grade physical education classes. A significant outcome of the program is an increased interest in bow hunting. (38 percent of the new archers have shown an interest.)
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Objective: To provide needed funding and general support for hunter education and for wildlife conservation efforts. Declining participation in the shooting sports threatens financial and public support for wildlife conservation. Archery (federal) excise taxes directly support hunter education program efforts in Texas through federal assistance in wildlife restoration. The Archery in Schools Program is designed to teach archery skills to 40,000 plus students each year after the program is established in Texas. Many of these young people will become shooters and shooting supporters. Many will become bow hunters.
Texas Education Agency Objective: To engage more students in the educational process to improve classroom performance and reduce dropout rates. The national school dropout rate is 10 percent. Most students (88 percent) who drop out of school indicate they were not involved in extra-curricular activities. Archery taught through the Archery in Schools Program is accessible to all students. Educators nationwide are reporting that the program "engages the unengaged" and inspires students to greater achievement in school.
Attachments - 1
- Exhibit A – National and Texas Archery in Schools Program Overview
Committee Agenda Item No. 4
Exhibit A
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department's
Archery in Schools Program
A National Archery in the Schools Program
Development History (NATIONAL)
- The program began in Kentucky with the training of 39 educators in March 2002.
- Pilot Program Survey in 2002: 1,600 students were surveyed at the conclusion of their 2-week target archery class
Before the Course (55% boys and 45% girls)
- 72% did not own a bow & 62% had never shot a bow
After the Course
- 89% enjoyed archery
- 45% wanted to own archery equipment
- 59% wanted to become target archers
- 38% want to try bowhunting
Recent Survey (November, 2005) by "Responsive Management"
- 50 schools from among KY's 315 participating were selected
- Archery student graduates were surveyed
- 94% said they enjoyed archery
- 61% felt better about themselves after taking archery
- 49% liked their school better because archery was taught
- 66% liked PE class better with archery being taught
- 72% reported they liked archery letting them work more closely with their teacher
- 22% bought archery tackle after taking the class
Current Status
- 315 Kentucky schools (1 in 4) have adopted the program.
- 2003 NASP KY Championship attracted 651 student archers.
- 2004 NASP Championship, held in Louisville, attracted 1,291 shooters.
- 49 states and 16 countries have inquired about the program. Countries include; Nova Scotia, Ontario, Alberta, Manitoba, Quebec, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Iraq, Japan, Spain, Finland, Morocco, and Barbados.
- 36 States have adopted: KY, AZ, AL, GA, WY, WVA, AR, IA, IL, OH, OR, OK, MT, MI, MN, TX. TN, NE, LA, SC, IN, WI, NC, FL, NV, PA, VA, NJ, MS, CA, UT, CT, MO, CO, NM, and MD. (Note: By May 18, 2006 -this has more recently increased to 45 states)
Current NASP Sponsors
- Archery Trade Association ($175,000 grant for new state pilots)
- Mathews Inc. (nearly $1,000,000 donated or pledged to date)
- National Wild Turkey Federation ($100,000 national grant-National Conservation Sponsor)
- Brennan Industries
- National Field Archery Association
- Rinehart Targets
- International Bowhunting Organization
- National Bowhunter Education Foundation
- Muzzy Products Corp.
- Sims Vibration Labs
- Pope & Young Club
- Field Logic Inc.
- Archery Shooters Association
- Gordon Plastics
- Papes Archery
- BowTree Archery
- Easton-TruFlight Archery
- National Archery Association
- International Bowhunting Organization
- Muzzy Products Corp.
- Sims Vibration Labs
- Pope & Young Club
- Field Logic Inc.
- Easton-Truflight Archery
Development History (TEXAS)
- The program began in Texas with 17 trainers and 6 educators trained in September 2004
- By January 2006, 222 educators have been trained.
- Texas Hunter Education Instructor's Association received a Community Outdoor Outreach Program (COOP) grant to support equipment kits in 12 pilot schools in 2006.
- All Texas trainers have received equipment kits to use for training educators through donations from the Archery Trade Association and NASP.
- Archery Industry provides equipment at cost to educators (approx. $2500 per kit)
- Texas Field Archery Association is sponsored the first statewide competition in Texas in February 2006 with 126 participants. Plans the second tournament on February 23, 2007, in Temple at the Mayborn Convention Center.
- The TASP program in Texas officially started on February 1, 2006
- A new Texas Parks and Wildlife Archery Coordinator was hired in January 2007 to handle the day-to-day coordination statewide
- The new coordinator will be housed at Texas A&M University with existing collegiate, 4-H Shooting Sports and Texas Cooperative Extension conservation education staff. The coordinator will travel statewide conducting training and communicating with a network of regional coordinators, teachers and volunteers to ensure growth and success within the school PE curriculum.
- The program has already been combined with angler education and boater education activities to provide a suite of programs for PE teachers teaching the "Outdoor Adventures" course in high schools.
Current Texas Archery in Schools Sponsors
- Parks & Wildlife Foundation of Texas ($50,000 annually for two years through funding provided by Toyota and Dallas Safari Club - $25,000 each)
- National Archery in Schools Program - Provided initial training (Oct. 2006 in Flower Mound - DFW area) and some equipment and accessories
- Archery Trade Association ($15,000 grant for new state pilots)
- Matthews Inc. and Brennan Industries (Provides equipment to schools at cost)
- Texas Field Archery Association - Runs statewide tournament in February
Committee Agenda Item No. 5
Presenter: Willie Gonzalez
Outreach and Education Committee
Law Enforcement Outreach and Education Programs
January 24, 2007
I. Executive Summary: Law enforcement outreach and education programs are widespread across Texas. Each year, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department game wardens present programs to 349,187 Texans, mostly youngsters eager to learn about the outdoors.
II. Discussion: Within the law enforcement division, outreach and education events and programs are defined as those where direct contact is made with the public with the purpose of educating people about the department and Texas' natural and cultural resources and/or teaching participatory skills.
Events and programs include: 1) presentations to school children, civic organizations, conservation groups and landowners, 2) hatchery visitations, 3) career days in schools and minority recruitment, 4) youth camps, 5) outdoor woman workshops, 6) fishing and hunting events, presentations, 7) involvement with orphanages and other youth groups, 8) hunter, boater and angler education presentations and 9) wildlife and Project WILD programs.
Game wardens partner externally with businesses, conservation organizations and youth groups to garner support for their efforts, especially within the communities where they live. Internally, game wardens are trained and certified as angler, boater and hunter education instructors and use materials from programs like Project WILD to enhance the quality of their efforts.
Game wardens recruit volunteers, conduct background interviews and monitor or assist volunteers with their courses. They also conduct hunting, boating and water fatality investigations and use the analyses and information in programs to help people avoid accidents and to comply with hunting, fishing and water safety laws.