Conservation Committee
Wednesday, 9:00 am, November 1, 2006
Commission Hearing Room4200 Smith School Road
Austin, TX 78744
Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
- Land and Water Plan Update
Staff: Robert Cook - Sand and Gravel Program
Staff: Bob Sweeney - Land Sale – Briscoe County – Caprock Canyons Trailway (Proposed Sale of .60-Acre to Adjacent Landowner) (Action Item No. 15)
Staff: Corky Kuhlman - Acceptance of Land Donation – Bastrop County – Bastrop State Park (Acquisition of 265 Acres) (Action Item No. 16)
Staff: Corky Kuhlman - Nominations for Oil and Gas Lease (Action Item No. 17)
- Harrison County – Caddo Lake State Park
- Cameron County – Resaca de la Palma State Park
- Somervell County – Dinosaur Valley State Park
- Cottle County – Matador Wildlife Management Area
- Commission Policy – Delegation of Authority to Executive Director for Oil and Gas Lease Nominations with No Surface Occupancy Resolution(Action Item No. 18)
Staff: Ann Bright - Proposed Land Sale – Travis County – Austin Game Warden Academy Property (Permission to Begin Public Notice and Input Process) (Committee and Executive Session)
Staff: Ted Hollingsworth - Pending Litigation Involving Smith School Road (Executive Session)
Staff: Ann Bright, Ted Hollingsworth
Committee Agenda Item No. 1
Presenter: Robert L. Cook
Conservation Committee
Land and Water Plan Update
November 2006
I. Executive Summary: Executive Director Robert L. Cook will briefly update the Commission on the status of the agency's efforts to implement the Land and Water Resources Conservation and Recreation Plan (the Plan).
II. Discussion: In 2001, the 77th Texas Legislature directed that the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) develop a Land and Water Resources Conservation and Recreation Plan (Tex. Park & Wild. Code §11.104). In November 2002, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission (the Commission) adopted the first Plan. A revised Plan was adopted by the Commission in January 2005. The Plan is available on the TPWD web site. Executive Director Robert L. Cook will update the Conservation Committee on TPWD's recent progress in achieving the Plan's Goals and Objectives as they relate to the Conservation Committee.
The Plan consists of 8 Goals and a total of 56 Objectives. The Goals stated in the Plan are as follows:
- Goal 1: Improve access to the outdoors.
- Goal 2: Preserve, conserve, manage, operate, and promote agency sites for recreational opportunities, biodiversity, and the cultural heritage of Texas.
- Goal 3: Assist landowners in managing their lands for sustainable wildlife habitat consistent with their goals.
- Goal 4: Increase participation in hunting, fishing, boating and outdoor recreation.
- Goal 5: Enhance the quality of hunting, fishing, boating and outdoor recreation.
- Goal 6: Improve science, data collection and information dissemination to make informed management decisions.
- Goal 7: Maintain or improve water quality and quantity to support the needs of fish, wildlife and recreation.
- Goal 8: Continuously improve TPWD business management systems, business practices and work culture.
Committee Agenda Item No. 2
Presenter: Bob Sweeney
Conservation Committee
Sand and Gravel Program
November 2006
I. Executive Summary: This is a briefing on TPWD's program, under TPW Code Chapter 86, governing disturbance or removal of sedimentary materials within navigable waters.
II. Discussion: Since 1911, TPWD and its predecessor agencies have had jurisdiction over the removal or disturbance of sedimentary material from the beds of navigable waters in Texas. TPW Code Chapter 86 and the rules in 31 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 69 governs this program, which is jointly administered by the Legal Division and the Inland Fisheries Division. Persons wishing to disturb sedimentary materials within navigable waters may apply for permits, assuming they are not covered by an exemption. Persons who may be affected by a TPWD decision regarding a permit may request a contested case administrative hearing.
Through royalties and permitting fees, the program generates on average about $500,000 per year for TPWD, which is deposited in Fund 009. TPWD issues about 20 permits per year under this program, most of which are for disturbances of 1000 cubic yards of sedimentary material or less.
Committee Agenda Item No. 7
Presenter: Ted Hollingsworth
Conservation Committee
Proposed Land Sale – Travis County
Austin Game Warden Academy
November 2006
I. Executive Summary: Sale of the Austin Game Warden Academy to generate revenue for development of the PAL Ranch Game Warden Academy is authorized by the legislature and recommended by staff.
II. Discussion: : TPWD has been training its game wardens at the Austin Game Warden Academy on 50th street, adjacent to the University of Texas campus, since 1978. At only 4.26 acres, instruction at the Austin Academy is limited to classroom instruction and some physical training. With the donation of the 219-acre PAL Ranch in Hamilton County, TPWD will have the facilities to conduct essentially all Game Warden training functions in one location, and the potential to accommodate training needs of other law enforcement programs.
Once the transition to the PAL Ranch facility has been made, the Austin Academy will no longer be of value to TPWD. Staff recommends sale of the Austin Academy with sale proceeds dedicated to development of the PAL Ranch facility. The sale would include a lease option to TPWD for up to three years to accommodate transition to the new facility. The TPW Commission has standing authority for the sale under Texas Parks and Wildlife Code §13.009. Application of the sale proceeds to development of the new facility was authorized in the last session of the legislature by Senate Bill 1; Article 6; Department Rider 25, and is not to exceed $700,000. Staff anticipates requesting an increase in this cap.
Staff has begun negotiations with another public entity with an interest in the property. If these negotiations result in a contract with an appropriate lease option to TPWD, staff recommends public notification and solicitation of public input, for possible presentation to the TPW Commission at its January 2007 meeting.
Attachments - 1
- Exhibit A – Site Map
Committee Agenda Item No. 7
Exhibit A
Austin Game Warden Academy
Site Map
For help in interpreting this map, please contact Ted Hollingsworth.
Committee Agenda Item No. 8
Presenters: Ann Bright
Ted Hollingsworth
Conservation Committee
Pending Litigation Involving Smith School Road
November 2006
I. Executive Summary: The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) is the defendant in a lawsuit involving driveway access to Smith School Road at TPWD's headquarter complex. (Telecom Park, L.P. v. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Cause No. D-1-GN-06-001844, in the 201st District Court of Travis County, Texas) TPWD staff will brief the Commission in Executive Session regarding this lawsuit and the status of settlement discussions.
Attachments - 1
- Exhibit A – Location Map
Committee Agenda Item No. 8
Exhibit A
Smith School Road
Location Map
For help in interpreting this map, please contact Ted Hollingsworth.