Commission Agenda Item No. 7
Presenter: Michael Warriner

Appointment of Members of the Citizens Advisory Committee and the Biological Advisory Team of the CPS Energy Habitat Conservation Plan
November 5, 2014

I. Executive Summary: This item would appoint Chris Holm, Park Superintendent, Government Canyon State Natural Area, as the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) representative and member of the Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) of the CPS Energy Habitat Conservation Plan (CPSHCP) and appoint Meredith Longoria, Conservation Initiatives Specialist—Wildlife Diversity Program, as a member of the Biological Advisory Team (BAT) of the CPSHCP.  These appointments are required by Texas Parks and Wildlife Code Chapter 83.

II. Discussion: CPS Energy is a municipally owned energy and gas company whose service area covers the City of San Antonio in Bexar County and portions of adjacent counties in south central Texas.  CPS Energy has initiated the development of a programmatic Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) for its current and future system-wide operations.  The HCP is intended to cover eleven federally listed threatened or endangered species and eleven non-listed species of concern.  Covered species include birds, karst invertebrates, reptiles, and mussels.

Pursuant to Section 83.016, Texas Parks and Wildlife Code, CPS Energy must appoint a Citizens Advisory Committee to assist in preparing the HCP, and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission must appoint a representative to the CAC.  The TPWD representative shall be a voting member of the CAC.

Pursuant to Section 83.015, Texas Parks and Wildlife Code, CPS Energy, together with landowner members of the CAC and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission, must appoint a Biological Advisory Team to assist in the calculation of harm to endangered species and the sizing and configuring of necessary habitat preserves.  At least one member of the BAT must be appointed by the commission, and the member appointed by the commission serves as the presiding officer of the BAT.

III. Recommendation: The staff recommends the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission adopt the following motion:

"The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission adopts by resolution (Exhibit A) the appointment of Chris Holm as the TPWD representative for the Citizens Advisory Committee of the CPS Energy Habitat Conservation Plan and the appointment of Meredith Longoria as a member of the Biological Advisory Team of the CPS Energy Habitat Conservation Plan.”

Attachments – 1

  1. Exhibit A – Resolution

Commission Agenda Item No. 7
Exhibit A

A Resolution by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission Regarding Appointment of Members of the Citizens Advisory Committee and the Biological Advisory Team of the CPS Energy Habitat Conservation Plan


Whereas, CPS Energy, a municipally owned energy and gas company whose service area covers the City of San Antonio in Bexar County and portions of adjacent counties in south central Texas, has initiated the development of a programmatic Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) to be consistent with the provisions of Texas Parks and Wildlife Code Chapter 83, Subchapter B, Habitat Protection by Political Subdivisions;

Whereas, pursuant to Texas Parks and Wildlife Code Chapter 83, a Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) and Biological Advisory Team (BAT) must be formed in connection with the development of the HCP;

Whereas, Section 83.016 of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Code requires the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission to appoint a representative as one member of the CAC;

Whereas, Section 83.015 of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Code requires the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission to appoint a member of the BAT and that such member shall serve as the presiding officer of the BAT;

Now therefore be it resolved by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission that Chris Holm of the State Parks Division is appointed as a member of the Citizens Advisory Committee of the CPS Energy Habitat Conservation Plan and that Meredith Longoria of the Wildlife Division is appointed as a member of the Biological Advisory Team of the CPS Energy Habitat Conservation Plan.

Adopted and approved this 6th day of November, 2014.

Dan Allen Hughes, Jr., Chairman

Ralph H. Duggins, Vice-Chairman

T. Dan Friedkin, Member, Chairman-Emeritus

Roberto De Hoyos, Member

Bill Jones, Member

James H. Lee, Member

Margaret Martin, Member

S. Reed Morian, Member

Dick Scott, Member