Commission Agenda Item No. 7
Presenter: Trey Vick
Acquisition of Land – Somervell County
Approximately 106 Acres at Dinosaur Valley State Park
May 27, 2021
I. Executive Summary: The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) staff recommends the purchase of approximately 106 acres of land adjacent to Dinosaur Valley State Park (SP).
II. Discussion: Dinosaur Valley SP opened in 1972 and is composed of 1,587 acres in Somervell County southwest of the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex near the city of Glen Rose. The SP sits along the banks of the Paluxy River and is well known for the well-preserved visible dinosaur tracts found in the limestone riverbed of the Paluxy. Dinosaur Valley SP has been designated a National Natural Landmark by the Secretary of the Interior.
TPWD staff is interested in negotiating the acquisition of an approximately 106-acre tract from a willing seller, contingent upon authorization from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission. The subject tract is located adjacent to the SP and currently prevents contiguous access to the park’s 88-acre Kerr Unit. The property has recently hit the open market, is vacant, and is currently leased to local hunters. Acquisition of this tract would allow future public-use planning for the Kerr Unit, and adding 106 acres to the park would provide recreational opportunities along the banks of the Paluxy River.
III. Recommendation: The staff recommends the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission adopt the following motion:
“The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission authorizes the Executive Director to take all necessary steps to acquire approximately 106 acres in Somervell County for addition to Dinosaur Valley State Park.”
Attachments – 3
Commission Agenda Item No. 7
Exhibit A
Location Map for Dinosaur Valley State Park in Somervell County
Commission Agenda Item No. 7
Exhibit B
Vicinity Map for Dinosaur Valley State Park (SP) in Glen Rose
Commission Agenda Item No. 7
Exhibit C
Site Map for Dinosaur Valley State Park Showing Location of Subject Tract
Subject Tract in Yellow
State Park in Red