Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission


Contract Number Vendor Name Type of Contract Reason for Change Original Term Date Revised Term Date (if applicable) Original Contract Amount Revised Contract Amount (if applicable) Division
23265 Stephen L. Frankum dba Frankum AC & Heating Purchase Order Internal repair to HVAC system at Sea Center Texas Visitor Center. Unknown issue caused HVAC to stop working. After equipment was disassembled and evaluated, it was determined that the 5-ton compressor, line dryer, drum, and a contact required replacement. 9/27/22 9/30/22 $99.00 $5,097.69 CF
22148 Warren Power & Machinery Purchase Order Internal repair to bulldozer (property # 209334) at the Gene Howe WMA. After bulldozer was assessed, it was determined that seals and hoses needed to be replaced. The bulldozer was hauled in by the vendor to be worked on in their shop, and hauling fees were charged as well. 10/14/22 N/A $500.00 $3,802.23 WL
23043 Phil the Plumber Purchase Order Internal repair to residence (property #596328) at Matador WMA. After water leak was assessed, it was determined there was a water leak inside the kitchen wall and the kitchen sink drain was stopped up. 9/22/22 N/A $500.00 $649.00 WL
23954 Elliot Motors LLP Purchase Order Internal repair to 2012 Ford F250 Ext Cab 4x4 (property #189854), at White Oak Creek WMA, due to check engine light with exhaust fluid system fault alert coming on. After equipment was disassembled and evaluated, the Exhaust gas temperature gauge (EGT) was replaced and the Powertrain Control Module (PCM) was reprogramed, The vendor also reset parameters and performed a drive cycle road test to clear the diesel exhaust fluid warning message from instrument cluster and reset pass. 10/17/22 10/18/22 $250 $1,230 WL
CA-0002019 Tony Puga Construction dba TCP Construction Contract for Service Award (CAPPS Contract) This contract is for new windows (including installation) for cabins at Bastrop SP. Manufacturer delivery delays of the windows extended the installation timeline again. (Note: the original term date was 1/31/2022, and Amendment 5 extended it through 10/31/2022 and was previously reported) 10/31/22 11/30/22 $338,676 $338,676 SP
23576 Vernor Material and Equipment Co. Purchase Order Emergency repairs to main saltwater 12" pipeline distribution line under the road between ponds 3 & 9 at Sea Center Texas. After excavation and diagnosis, it was determined that the distribution line required removal, repair, and replacement. 10/5/22 10/28/22 $1,200 $20,382 CF
23788 Khoury Chevrolet of Mineral Wells dba Autoworld Chevrolet Buick GMC Purchase Order Internal repair for 2012 Chevrolet truck (property #189890) at Lake Mineral Wells State Park. Unknown issue with the engine and Stabilitrack lights coming on and staying on as a warning. Actual repair costs exceeded initial estimate. After evaluation and diagnosis were completed, it was determined that the brake master cylinder, booster, power steering pump, spark plus, and wires needed replacement. The Stabilitrack system can be affected by all these things, so the vendor recommended replacement. Price for repairs included original diagnosis fee ($150) and a materials/labor charge ($1,825.24). Total invoiced amount was $1,975.24. Vendor has completed repairs, and the truck is now functioning properly. 10/31/22 11/10/22 $150 $1,975 SP
23361 Coufal-Prater Equipment dba United Ag & Turf Purchase Order Internal repair for John Deere Gator UTV (property #203814) at Lake Mineral Wells State Park. Unknown issue, potentially related to the transmission issue. Actual repair costs exceeded initial estimate. After evaluation and diagnosis were completed, it was determined that the secondary clutch had blown up inside its housing, causing the belt to lose tension and the drive clutch failing to operate correctly. Vendor needed to replace secondary clutch, drive belt, and housing. Price for repairs included original diagnosis fee ($230), and a materials/labor charge ($1,087.10). Total invoiced amount was $1,317.10. Vendor has completed repairs, and the UTV is now functioning properly. 11/2/22 11/2/22 $230 $1,317 SP
23325 Holt Texas dba Holt CAT Purchase Order Internal repair to Research Vessel Nueces (property # 168289) . Vessel has two engines, which were not synchronizing. After evaluation and diagnosis were completed, it was determined that the speed controller required replacement. Original amount of purchase order was $1,000. Price of needed parts was $2,872.02 and required labor was $1,156. Amount of invoice totaled $4,028.02. 9/28/22 9/30/22 $1,000 $4,028 CF
22923 Mustang Machinery Co. LLC dba Mustang Cat Purchase Order Internal repair to Caterpillar Dozer (property # 184370) at Nannie Stringfellow WMA to remove and repair fuel rail and boost the line, radiator, tube assembly. Original purchase order amount was $6,072. While performing repairs, it was determined that the  coolant lines were dry-rotted and needed to be replaced.  Additional labor and parts cost were required which increased  purchase order total $10,383 9/21/22 10/14/22 $6,072 $10,383 WL
23463 Knighten Machine & Service Inc. Purchase Order Internal repair for water plant pumps (property #895575), at Possum Kingdom State Park Unknown issue preventing the water plant pumps from working properly. Vendor drove to location, removed pumps, and went back to their location to diagnose. Actual repair costs exceeded initial estimate. After evaluation and diagnosis were completed, it was determined that the pump needed repair along with other additional parts. Price for repairs included original diagnosis fee ($1,830) and a materials/labor/freight charge ($5,726.96). Total invoiced amount was $7,553.96. Vendor has completed repairs, the pumps have been reinstalled and commissioned, and the water treatment plant is functioning properly. (Note: under Contract #CA-0003892, the project started in FY22 but was not completed until FY23) 7/6/22 10/7/22 $1,830 $7,554 SP
23788 Khoury Chevrolet of Mineral Wells dba Autoworld Chevrolet Buick GMC Purchase Order Internal repair for 2012 Chevrolet truck (property #189890) at Lake Mineral Wells State Park. Unknown issue with the ABS and brake warning lights coming on. Actual repair costs exceeded initial estimate. After evaluation and diagnosis were completed, it was determined that the master cylinder was leaking into the brake booster, causing low fluid in the master cylinder, which makes the warning light come on. Vendor replaced the brake booster, master cylinder, pressure power steering hose, and spark plugs and wires. All of these components work together on GM products, and if not replaced, the vehicle may no longer be assisted when a loss in lateral traction is detected. Price for repairs included original diagnosis fee ($150), and a materials/labor charge ($1,825.24). Total invoiced amount was $1,975.24. Vendor has completed repairs, and the truck and brake system are functioning properly. 10/31/22 11/10/22 $150 $1,975 SP
24943 Frank’s Repair Plumbing Inc Purchase Order Internal repair for plumbing at Gatehouse/HQ (property #895184) at Palo Duro Canyon State Park. Unknown issue and possible plumbing clog resulting in the toilets not flushing properly. Actual repair costs exceeded initial estimate. After evaluation and diagnosis were completed, it was determined that there was a blockage that couldn't be cleared using the camera. “Jetting” of the line was required, and replacement of a 90-degree closet flange was needed. Price for repairs included original diagnosis fee ($79), and a materials/labor charge ($1,291.00). Total invoiced amount was $1,370. Vendor has completed repairs, and the plumbing is functioning properly. 11/30/22 11/30/22 $79 $1,370 SP
24618 Ken Stoepel Ford Purchase Order Internal repair to 2014 F150 Regular Cab truck (property #205840) at Kerrville Regional Office. Unknown issue causing check engine light to come on. Upon diagnosis it was determined that cylinder head temperature sensor and hose assembly needed to be replaced. Initial estimate was only for labor to diagnose. 11/30/22 11/30/22 $155 $829 WL
24623 Coufal-Prater Equipment dba United Ag & Turf Purchase Order Internal repair for John Deere Gator UTV (property #187963) at Lake Mineral Wells State Park Unknown issue potentially related to the transmission. Actual repair costs exceeded initial estimate. After evaluation and diagnosis were completed, it was determined that the clutch assembly needed to be replaced. Price for repairs included original diagnosis fee ($480.70) and a materials/labor charge ($1,231.32). Total invoiced amount was $1712.02. Vendor has completed repairs, and the unit now shifts correctly and smoothly. 11/30/22 12/11/22 $481 $1,712 SP

Internal Repair Purchases

An internal repair is a repair to state-owned equipment that cannot be reasonably defined prior to the actual repair and the extent of the repair needed cannot be determined until the equipment is disassembled. Internal repairs are usually the result of an unexpected, basic service outage. For example, the unexpected failure of a building’s air conditioner may result in unanticipated repair to electrical circuitry, which would constitute an internal repair. Internal repairs must include labor and may include parts.

Competitive award is not required for an internal repair.  However, internal repairs are reported on the Electronic State Business Daily (ESBD), LBB, and other transparency reports as required by state purchasing policies and procedures.

Internal Repair Procedures:

To limit agency liability, the following statement is added to the Purchase Order as a note to the supplier:
“Not to exceed {insert reasonable dollar limit} for repair services unless prior authorization is provided by the agency.”
After the equipment is taken apart and the issue identified, the vendor provides a quote to TPWD for review and approval.  If approved, the purchaser issues a contract amendment to formally approve the additional services and cost.

Emergency Purchases

Emergencies occur as the result of unforeseeable circumstances and may require an immediate response to avert an actual or potential public threat. If a situation arises in which compliance with normal procurement practices is impractical or contrary to the public interest, an emergency purchase may be warranted to prevent a hazard to life, health, safety, welfare, property or to avoid undue additional cost to the state.

Emergency Contract Awards are reported on the Electronic State Business Daily (ESBD), LBB, and other transparency reports as required by state purchasing policies and procedures.

In official recognition of the adoption of this resolution in a lawfully called public meeting of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission, we hereby affix our signatures this 26th day of January, 2023.

Arch “Beaver” Aplin, III, Chairman

Dick Scott, Vice-Chairman

James E. Abell, Member

Oliver J. Bell, Member

Paul L. Foster, Member

Anna B. Galo, Member

Jeffery D. Hildebrand, Member

Robert L. “Bobby” Patton, Jr., Member

Travis B. “Blake” Rowling, Member