TTT - Trap, Transport & Transplant Permit Program
TTP - Trap, Transport & Process Permit Program
The TTT for White-tailed deer has been suspended and the Department will not be accepting applications until further notice.
TTT: This permit authorizes certain game animals to be trapped from properties with excess population numbers and relocated to properties with sufficient habitat to support the additional animals.
TTP: This permit provides a mechanism to help reduce deer population densities in areas where white-tailed deer are overpopulated. This permit is available to municipalities, political subdivisions, and certain qualified individuals.
The TTT Program requires an approved Wildlife Management Plan (WMP) for each participating property. If a WMP does not exist, be sure to complete the form and provide it to your TPWD biologist. If not already done, you must also create a user account and register your property with the Land Management Assistance (LMA) online system prior to submitting a TTT application. Once your property is registered with the LMA system, log in to TWIMS to complete a TTT application. Your TWIMS and LMA account log in credentials are the same.
TTP permits are available to municipalities, political subdivisions, and certain qualified individuals.
Additional Program Info
- White-tailed Deer TTT
- White-tailed Deer TTP
- Mule Deer TTT
- Pronghorn TTT
- Javelina TTT
- Rio Grande Wild Turkey TTT
- Northern Bobwhite and Scaled Quail TTT
Rules & Regulations
- Texas Administrative Code - Trapping, Transporting and Transplanting Game Animals/Game Birds Proclamations – Sections 65.101-65.119
- Texas Administrative Code - Chronic Wasting Disease - Triple T Permit Provisions - Section 65.95
- Texas Parks and Wildlife Code – Chapter 43, Special Licenses, Section 43.061 - Trapping, Transporting and Transplanting Game Animals and Game Birds Permit Required