Scat and Tracks Hike
11:00a to 12:15p
Sat, June 29, 2024
Sat, June 29, 2024
Investigate what animals leave behind!
Hike with a ranger as we try to find and identify tracks and scat critters leave behind!
**ASL Interpreter in training will be attending on 06/29/2024**
Difficulty: Easy
Distance: 1 mile (round trip)
Meet: Dinosaur Models
Bring: Water, close-toed shoes
Cost: Free with park admission. Park admission is free with a Texas Parks Pass.
Want to speed up your entry process? Reserve online in advance.
You do not need to reserve a spot specifically for this program, it is included in a camping or day use permit. We do ask you make camping or day-use reservations online in advance.