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Christmas Campfire Story and S'mores

7:00p to 8:30p
Sat, December 07, 2024
Lisa Cole
(210) 688-9055, x2010

Bring a blanket and settle in for a festive story read by a ranger, then make s'mores over our campfire.

UPDATED 12/7: Unless the forecast this evening changes for the worse, this event is ON. However, the location has changed; we will meet in the Picnic Pavilion, near the Visitor Center. Park in Lot A or B.

Our story will be a Texas Night Before Christmas, and we're hoping for a great audience to bring it to life with sound effects. After the story, stick around for hot cocoa and s'mores at the campfire. Campfires sometimes lead to caroling, too...

Who Is Invited:

All ages are welcome. Minors must be accompanied by their parent or legal guardian. No pets please. 

How to Prepare:

Registration is NOT required. Though the activity is free, entrance fees to the Natural Area do apply. While the campfire doesn't require registration, you'll help our staff out a bunch if you make a day pass reservation online before you arrive. We do not have staff in the Fee Booth that night and you'll have to use the self-pay station upon arrival...much easier to do if you pre-purchase and print out a day pass. Day passes can always be reserved beginning one month before the date of your visit. 

Dress for time spent outdoors. We recommend comfortable shoes and layers that can be added or removed as weather conditions change. Bring at least 1 liter of water per person.

Seating is on picnic benches. A blanket or stadium seat is suggested to make sitting more comfortable.

If ADA assistance is required, please request modifications using this form, or email at least 2 weeks in advance.


This program is weather-dependent and subject to cancellation. Check conditions by calling GCSNA's main office at 210-688-9055, or go to the GCSNA webpage, Instagram, or Facebook.