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iNaturalist Nature Walk

Collect scientific observations to document biodiversity for the 2025 City Nature Challenge. Help San Antonio-area naturalists defend our title!

After a short overview on identifying and documenting species using the iNaturalist app, we'll head into the Backcountry to photograph and identify as many species as possible. Our hike will be about 2 miles roundtrip, with many stops along the way to marvel at the insects, plants, and other life we find.

The City Nature Challenge is an international competition to see which city can document the most species of living things from April 25-28. The San Antonio effort includes the Texas Master Naturalists, San Antonio Natural Areas, Phil Hardberger Park Conservancy, TPWD and many others. It's easy to participate by joining an event or making observations on your own using iNaturalist! To find out more about CNC 2025 and how to download iNaturalist visit: The San Antonio Metro Area has a title to defend, having placed first in the nation last year! Every observation counts toward protecting and celebrating our region’s biodiversity.

Who Is Invited:

This activity is open to all ages. Minors must be accompanied by their parent or legal guardian. No pets please. Please download the free iNaturalist app prior to arrival.

Where to Meet:

Park in Lot A or B and meet at the Gallery, next to the Visitor Center. We'll be hiking the Joe Johnston Route and part of Wildcat Canyon. The topography is rough and rocky with some slight changes in elevation. 

How to Prepare:

Registration is NOT required for this activity. Though the event is free, entrance fees to the Natural Area do apply. We often fill to capacity. To ensure entrance and save time at the Fee Booth, please pre-purchase and print out a day pass. There is often a line at the fee booth; arrive early to get to your activity on time. Day passes can be reserved beginning one month before the date of your visit. 

Dress for hiking outdoors. Bring your phone or camera for taking photos. Please download the free iNaturalist app prior to arrival. Comfortable shoes, sunscreen and bug spray are recommended. Bring at least 1 liter of water per person.

If ADA assistance is required, please request modifications using this form, or email at least 2 weeks in advance.


This program is weather-dependent and subject to cancellation. Check trail conditions by calling GCSNA's main office at 210-688-9055, or go to the GCSNA webpage, Instagram, or Facebook.