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What's all the Buzz About?

Find out about pollinators and make your own beeswax candle to take home!

Join Ranger Katy on National Honey Bee Day for the ‘buzz’ on our pollinator friends. We will start by exploring the Habiscape for our star pollinators-BEES and their favorite native plants. After learning about the importance of these tiny insects, we will head over to the amphitheater where we will make a beeswax candle.

All ages are welcome!

Meet: Amphitheater behind the Discovery Center
Bring: Your family, drinking water, sun protection and creativity!
Cost: Free with park admission; Adults: $7, Children 12 & under: Free

If ADA assistance is required, please request modifications using this form, or email at least 2 weeks in advance.

**Park programs are subject to change/cancellation in the event of inclement weather**