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Who Visited My Campsite?

10:00a to 11:00a
Fri, December 22, 2023
Jessica Bergner
(830) 214-3635

Come learn how to identify campsite visitors based on the clues they leave behind.

Imagine that you are camping at Guadalupe River State Park and you hear noises throughout the night. When you wake up in the morning, there are animal tracks everywhere! Who could have visited your site? Join Ranger Jessica to learn about some of the critters that reside at the park and then use your detective skills to identify these visitors by taking a closer look at their footprints, scat, fur or feathers they may have left behind! These rambunctious party animals ended up raiding more than just one site, so there will be many to learn about and identify!

All ages are welcome!

Meet: Amphitheater behind the Discovery Center
Bring: Your family, drinking water, sun protection, and detective skills!
Cost: Free with park admission; Adults: $7, Children 12 & under: Free

If ADA assistance is required, please inform park headquarters (830) 438-2656 ahead of time.

**Park programs are subject to change/cancellation in the event of inclement weather**