Mentored Hunting Workshops Registration

Select state parks and wildlife management areas will conduct mentored hunting workshops designed to introduce first time hunters to the hunting experience, educate them on the skills they will need to be successful in the field, and build a foundation for their hunting tradition. These workshops are followed by a mentored hunt on the area.

Mentored Hunting Permits (MHP) are offered to qualified first time hunters and are only valid for a specific public hunting unit and the corresponding workshop dates. A person may participate in a designated hunt under an MHP only after completing the mandatory mentored hunting workshop, has been authorized by the department to participate in hunting activities and is accompanied by a designated mentor. Cost: a $25 fee paid on-site is required for the Mentored Hunting Permit.

Use this form to apply for a mentored hunting workshop.
Hunters can apply for 3 workshops but can win only one. Hunters' workshop preference is ranked by their applications' submission dates. Hunters will be selected according to their level of experience and the order in which they submit their applications. Hunt managers will notify those selected for a workshop.

Mentored Hunting Workshop Applications will be taken until September 15, 2024.

Contact Info
Mentored Hunt Workshop Application
Have you ever bought a Texas Hunting license?  

Have you ever participated in a mentored hunt with TPWD or with one of our partners?  

Thank you for your interest in a mentored hunting workshop.
If you are selected for a workshop, you will be notified by the hunt manager.