- 30 lbs. Venison
- 15 lbs. Boston Butts
- 12 oz. Salt
- 1 cup Black Pepper
- 2 tablespoons Red Pepper
- 3 tablespoons Sugar
- 1-½ teaspoons Garlic Powder
- 1 oz. Salt Peter
- 2 oz. Mustard Seed
Grind the meat and mix in the seasoning. Stuff into sausage casings.
Smoke 150º for 3 hours in a smokehouse.
Remove heat and smoke for 24 to 36 hours or until sausage starts to wrinkle.
Hang in a dry area for about 1 month.
By Harold Farley, Bastrop Texas
© Country Secrets - Wild Game Cookbook, 1992
By Texas Game Warden Association