Nannie M. Stringfellow WMA
Phone: (979) 798-8746
2200 7th Street, 3rd Floor
Bay City, TX 77414
Ernest Love
Dates Open:
Open for Special Hunts only.
Physical Address: 2317 C.R. 316 Brazoria, TX 77422
The Nannie M. Stringfellow Wildlife Management Area (WMA) has approximately 3,666 acres located in Brazoria County. The WMA consists of primarily a coastal bottomland hardwood forest which lies within the San Bernard River floodplain and is subject to frequent flooding. The land of the WMA was purchased in 1999 by Texas Department of Transportation from the heirs of Nannie Maddox Stringfellow, entrepreneur and ranch owner. She and her husband, Robert E. L. Stringfellow, a prominent cattleman in 1923, were well respected and very generous to all philanthropies in Brazoria County. They had no children. She was very active in the Brazoria County Beautification Association, which sponsored the construction of parks and planting of wildflowers throughout the county. The ownership of the WMA was transferred to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department in 2019.
The Coastal Bottomlands Mitigation Bank (CBMB) was set up to increase wetland functions by preserving, enhancing, restoring, creating and properly managing threatened, functioning, biologically diverse ecosystems of waters of the United States, including special aquatic sites, and associated uplands of high functional value. As part of a mitigation agreement with the Department of Transportation, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department has implemented management techniques to meet objectives set by a mitigation consortium for lands obtained in Brazoria County for wetland and bald eagle mitigation. The bottomland forest in this area has been shown to be of great value to songbirds. Neotropical migrant songbirds use the forest for seclusion and food on the flight to Mexico. Surveys in the area also indicate many birds over winter in the forests. The primary objective of the management plan is to improve and maintain the forest, grasslands, wetlands and the wildlife habitat. The second objective is to provide public-use opportunities which are compatible with protecting the ecosystem.
By purchasing this land and setting up a management plan, the Department of Transportation and Texas Parks and Wildlife has eliminated the potential destruction of the habitat by human development. At this time, there is limited access to the Area, but with planning and support the potential success for the Nannie Stringfellow WMA will offer the public many unique opportunities to observe some of the best wildlife experiences in Texas.
- Bring your own drinking water.
- Insect repellent is recommended for mosquitoes.
- The area is prone to flooding.
- Waterproof footwear is recommended.
- Camping and open fires are not allowed.