Guadalupe Delta WMA: Fishing
Phone: (361) 552-6637
13815 S. Hwy. 35
Port Lavaca, TX 77979
Kevin Kriegel
Dates Open:
Portions are open daily for fishing and nonconsumptive use. Contact the Area Manager for hunting or tour dates.
For general information on fishing requirements and restrictions, see the Outdoor Annual Fishing Regulations. For information on fishing licenses, stamps, and tags see Outdoor Annual Fishing Licenses.
Fishing from the bank is permitted during daylight hours at sites on the bayous and rivers accessible by boat. Bank fishermen, 17 years and older are required to possess a valid Annual Public Hunting (APH) Permit and current fishing license.
Commercial freshwater fishing and crabbing are economically important in the Guadalupe Delta region. The estuary at the upper end of San Antonio Bay provides valuable spawning and nursery habitat for red drum, Atlantic croaker, spotted seatrout, brown shrimp, white shrimp, blue crab and other marine species.