Further Reading on Bird Migration
This is in no way an inclusive list.
- Able, K.P. and S.A. Gauthreaux, Jr. 1975. Quantification of nocturnal passerine migration with a portable ceilometer. Condor 77:77-96.
- Ehrlich, P. R., D. S. Dobkin and D. Wheye. 1988. The birder’s handbook. Fireside books, New York, NY. 785 pp.
- Finch, D. M. and P. W. Stangel. 1992. Status and management of Neotropical migratory birds. USDA Forest Service, General Technical Report RM-229. 422 pp.
- Fisher, A. C. 1979. Mysteries of bird migration. National Geographic Magazine, August, pp. 154-193.
- Gauthreaux, Jr., S.A. 1996. Historical perspectives in bird migration: methodologies and major research trajectories (1945-1995). Condor 98:442-453.
- Gauthreaux, Jr., S.A. 1979. Priorities in bird migration studies. Auk 96:813-815.
- Gauthreaux, Jr., S.A. 1972. Behavioral responses of migrating birds to daylight and darkness: a radar and direct visual study. Wilson Bulletin 84:136-148.
- Gill, F. B. 1990. Ornithology. W.H. Freeman, New York, NY. 660 pp.
- Hagan, J. M. and D. W. Johnston. 1992. Ecology and conservation of Neotropical migrant landbirds. Smithsonian Press, Washington, DC. 609 pp.
- Hamel, P. 1992. Land Manager’s Guide to the birds of the south. The Nature Conservancy, Chapel Hill, NC and The U. S. Forest Service, Southern Region, Atlanta, GA. 367 pp.
- Kerlinger, P. 1995. How birds migrate. Stackpole Press. 228 pp.
- Kerlinger, P. and S.A. Gauthreaux, Jr. 1985. Seasonal timing, geographic distribution, and flight behavior of Broad-winged Hawks during spring migration in south Texas: a radar and visual study. Auk 102:735-743.
- Lincoln, F. C. 1979. Migration of birds (revised edition) USFWS Circ. No. 16, Washington, D.C. 120 pp.
- Pettingill, O. S. 1970. Ornithology in Laboratory and Field. Burgess Publ. Co., Minneapolis, MN. 524 pp.
- Rappole, J. H. 1995. The ecology of migrant birds: A Neotropical perspective. Smithsonian Press. 269 pp.
- Stokes, D. and L. Stokes. 1989. A guide to bird behavior. Vol. III. Little, Brown and Co., Boston, MA. 397 pp.
- Terres, John K. 1980. Audubon Society Encyclopedia of North American birds. Alfred A. Knopf Publishing, New York, NY. 1,110 pp.
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Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
Wildlife Diversity
4200 Smith School Road
Austin, Texas 78744