Wildlife Rehabilitators for Harris County

NOTE: Small mammals do not include deer or deer fawns unless otherwise stated. Small raptors include smaller birds of prey such as screech owls & kestrels, etc.

Wildlife Rehabilitators for Harris County.
Name City Specialization Contact Information
Ayres , RebeccaDeer ParkSquirrels (832) 594-0429 (text only); 7am to 7pm
Blaies, JulieHoustonSmall mammals713-591-0084 (daytime)
Cook, DianeHoustonSmall Mammals (excluding fawns) [specializes in raccoons and squirrels]713-562-4507 (8a-8p)
Dennis, StanleyHoustonSmall mammalsRefer through TWRC: 713-468-8972
Fairlie, JaeNorth HoustonBirds (including raptors), Small Mammals (specializing in squirrels, raccoons, skunks, foxes & bats), Reptiles and Amphibians281-445-8138 (10a-9p) or 281-445-8738 (9a-6p) or byrrde@peoplepc.com
Gibson, LisaStagecoachSmall mammals (including transport and stabilization of fawns)281-259-8724 or 281-467-6936 (reasonable hrs) winterhawk@att.net
Gullick, CarlTomballSmall mammals (specializes in squirrels, raccoons, and opossums)281-351-2998 (9a-7p) or 713-557-4474 (9a-7p) or carl.n.gullick@uth.tmc.edu
Head, NancyCentral HoustonSmall mammals (excl. skunks and raccoons)713-722-0508 (weekdays: 7pm - 9pm or 9am - 9pm weekends), or TWRC
Houston Humane Society Wildlife CenterW HoustonMammals, birds, reptiles(713) 468-8972 (9a to 5p); wildlifeinfo@houstonhumane.org. For more information, see www.houstonhumanewildlife.org
Johnson, MicheleFriendswoodBirds (incl. raptors), small mammals281-992-8080 (reasonable hours)
Lumpkin, LukeHoustonSmall mammals (specializes in raccoons)(832) 229-0492 (8AM to 9PM) / rescue@rescuetexaswildlife.com
Murgatroyd, RhondaEl LagoBirds (songbirds, wading and water birds, raptors), small mammals, reptiles, and white-tailed deer fawns (713) 705-5897 (9am - 5pm)
Wildlife Center of TexasHoustonMammals, birds, reptiles and oiled wildlife response713-861-WILD
Yeater, MaryW Harris CountySmall mammals (specializes in squirrels)832-755-3731 (7a-7p)

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