Wildlife Rehabilitators for Williamson County

NOTE: Small mammals do not include deer or deer fawns unless otherwise stated. Small raptors include smaller birds of prey such as screech owls & kestrels, etc.

Wildlife Rehabilitators for Williamson County.
Name City Specialization Contact Information
A New Start Wildlife Rescue & Rehab.AustinSmall mammals and reptiles/ amphibians. NO deer (including fawns); NO birds. 512-387-0927 (7am - 7pm) (This is a voicemail box, a volunteer will return your call ASAP)
All Things Wild RehabilitationGeorgetownSmall mammals, fawn, songbirds, raptors, and reptiles/amphibians512-897-0806 (9 am - 5 pm) or allthingswildrehab.org
Austin Wildlife Rescue, Inc.AustinMammals (incl. deer), birds, reptiles, amphibians512-472-9453 (anytime), intake hrs: 9am-4pm (intake center: 5401 E. MLK Blvd.)
Moonshine Wildlife RehabilitationCedar Parkporcupine, opossums, raccoons, skunk, armadillo, rabbits, squirrels beavers, bobcats, bats, raptors, reptiles, amphibians, ringtail catsinfo@moonshinewildliferehab.org; 512-626-1632 (call or text anytime)
Parker, LisaElginsquirrel, opossum, rabbits, and ringtail(512) 229-3363 (8am to 6pm), squirrelgirl.lisa@gmail.com
Raridon, LynnAustinSpecializes in small mammals: raccoons, foxes, and skunks512-461-2355 (8am - 11pm)
Sones, EdwardCedar ParkBirds (incl. raptors, swallows, shorebirds only)512-259-5689 (reasonable hours)

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