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Contact Information
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
Wildlife Division
Wildlife Habitat Assessment Program
4200 Smith School Road
Austin, TX 78744
Wildlife Habitat Assessment Program: TPWD Permit Requirements
The TPWD Wildlife Habitat Assessment (WHAB) Program does not issue permits for project development. However, a TPWD permit from other programs may be required for certain project activities. The two most often required permits are:
- Marl, Sand, Gravel, Shell, or Mudshell Permit: If a project would disturb the bed of a perennial (flows most of the time) stream, or if the stream bed is more than 30 feet wide between the banks (even if it is dry most of the time), the State claims the bed and the sand and gravel in it as State-owned. A permit from TPWD is required to "disturb or take" streambed materials from a streambed claimed by the State. For more information please contact the Wetlands Conservation Program at 512/389-4583 or visit Marl, Sand, Gravel, Shell or Mudshell Permits.
- Scientific collecting permit: Section 68.015 of the Parks and Wildlife Code regulates state-listed species, and there is no provision for take (incidental or otherwise) of state-listed species. More information on the regulations that protect state-listed species can be found at State of Texas Threatened and Endangered Species Regulations. State-listed species may only be handled by persons with a scientific collecting permit obtained through TPWD. For more information on this permit, please contact the Wildlife Permits Office at (512) 389-4647or visit Scientific Collecting Permits.
A complete list of permits issued by TPWD can be found at Permits.