North American Warm Desert Cienega

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Nature Serve ID: CES302.747


While the cienegas themselves often occur within Quaternary alluvium, the springs that feed the marshes and moist-soil habitats emanate from contacts often of Cretaceous limestone with less permeable formations.


Spring runs and draws fed by freshwater springs.


Often associated with Draw (Desert Grassland) Ecological Sites.

Parent Description

This predominately herbaceous system occurs on drainages fed by freshwater springs. Evaporative processes may create saline conditions leading to the presence and/or dominance of species such as Sporobolus airoides (alkali sacaton), Distichlis spicata (saltgrass), Sesuvium verrucosum (winged sea purslane), and Trianthema portulacastrum (desert horse purslane), and Limonium limbatum (bordered sea-lavender). Other moist-soil species include Schoenoplectus pungens var. longispicatus (American bulrush), Juncus spp. (rushes), and Eleocharis spp. (spikerushes). Composition of the occurrence is dependent on the depth and availability of water associated with the originating spring. At some sites, rare species such as Helianthus paradoxus (Pecos sunflower), Nesaea longipes (longstalk heimia), and Agalinis calycina (Leoncita false foxglove) may be found. The non-native grass Cynodon dactylon (Bermudagrass) is often encountered.

Ecological Mapping Systems

Trans-Pecos: Desert Cienega Shrubland

Mapping System ID: 11506

Though this system is typically herbaceous, some occurrences may become dominated by species such as Atriplex canescens (four-wing saltbush) or Prosopis glandulosa (honey mesquite).

Distribution Map

Trans-Pecos: Desert Cienega Shrubland


trans pecos-cienaga shrub desert-777.jpg

Public Land Occurrence

  • None.

Trans-Pecos: Desert Cienega Marsh

Mapping System ID: 11517

Occurrences dominated by herbaceous species as described for the system.

Distribution Map

Trans-Pecos: Desert Cienega Marsh


trans pecos-cienaga wetland desert-1013c.jpg

Public Land Occurrence

  • None.