Ecological Mapping Systems of Texas
- PDF All System Descriptions Statewide
- Agricultural & Other Human-Related Mapped Types
- Apacherian-Chihuahuan Semi-Desert Grassland and Steppe
- Bastrop Lost Pines Forest and Woodland
- Central and South Texas Coastal Fringe Forest and Woodland
- Central Mixedgrass Prairie
- Central Texas Coast River Terrace Sandyland Grassland
- Central Texas Coastal Prairie Riparian
- Central Texas Coastal Prairie River Floodplain
- Chihuahuan Creosotebush Desert Scrub
- Chihuahuan Gypsophilous Grassland and Steppe
- Chihuahuan Loamy Plains Desert Grassland
- Chihuahuan Mixed Desert and Thornscrub
- Chihuahuan Mixed Salt Desert Scrub
- Chihuahuan Sandy Plains Semi-Desert Grassland
- Chihuahuan - Sonoran Desert Bottomland and Swale Grassland
- Chihuahuan Stabilized Coppice Dune and Sand Flat Scrub
- Chihuahuan Succulent Desert Scrub
- Columbia Bottomlands Forest and Woodland
- Crosstimbers Oak Forest and Woodland
- East-Central Texas Plains Post Oak Savanna and Woodland
- East-Central Texas Plains Xeric Sandyland
- Edwards Plateau Carbonate Glades and Barrens (Not Mapped)
- Edwards Plateau Cliff
- Edwards Plateau Dry-Mesic Slope Forest and Woodland
- Edwards Plateau Floodplain Terrace
- Edwards Plateau Limestone Savanna and Woodland
- Edwards Plateau Limestone Shrubland
- Edwards Plateau Mesic Canyon (Not Mapped)
- Edwards Plateau Riparian
- Edwards Plateau Upland Depression
- Gulf Coast Chenier Coastal Beach
- Gulf Coast Chenier Plain Fresh and Oligohaline Tidal Marsh
- Gulf Coast Chenier Plain Salt and Brackish Tidal Marsh
- Llano Estacado Caprock Escarpment and Breaks Shrubland and Steppe
- Llano Uplift Acidic Forest, Woodland, and Glade
- Madrean Encinal
- Madrean Juniper Savanna
- Madrean Lower Montane Pine - Oak Forest and Woodland
- Madrean Mesic and Canyon Forest and Woodland
- Madrean Oriental Chaparral
- Madrean Pinyon - Juniper Woodland
- Madrean Upper Montane Conifer - Oak Forest and Woodland
- Mainly Natural Azonal Mapped Types
- North American Arid West Emergent Marsh
- North American Warm Desert Active and Stabilized Dunes
- North American Warm Desert Badland
- North American Warm Desert Bedrock Cliff and Outcrop
- North American Warm Desert Cienega
- North American Warm Desert Lower Montane Riparian Woodland
- North American Warm Desert Pavement
- North American Warm Desert Playa
- North American Warm Desert Riparian Mesquite Bosque (Not Mapped)
- North American Warm Desert Riparian Woodland and Shrubland
- North American Warm Desert Volcanic Rockland
- North American Warm Desert Wash
- Red River Large Floodplain Forest
- Rio Grande Delta Thorn Woodland and Shrubland
- Rocky Mountain Aspen Forest and Woodland (Not Mapped)
- Rocky Mountain Gambel Oak - Mixed Montane Shrubland
- South-Central Saline Glade
- South Texas Salt and Brackish Tidal Flats
- Southeastern Coastal Plain Interdunal Wetland
- Southeastern Great Plains Cliff
- Southeastern Great Plains Floodplain Forest
- Southeastern Great Plains Riparian Forest
- Southeastern Great Plains Tallgrass Prairie
- Southern Rocky Mountain Montane-Subalpine Grassland (Not Mapped)
- Tamaulipan Calcareous Thornscrub
- Tamaulipan Caliche Grassland
- Tamaulipan Closed Depression Wetland
- Tamaulipan Floodplain
- Tamaulipan Lomas
- Tamaulipan Mixed Deciduous Thornscrub
- Tamaulipan Palm Grove Riparian Forest
- Tamaulipan Ramadero
- Tamaulipan Saline Lake
- Tamaulipan Saline Thornscrub
- Tamaulipan Savanna Grassland
- Texas Blackland Tallgrass Prairie
- Texas Coast Dune and Coastal Grassland
- Texas Coast Fresh and Oligohaline Tidal Marsh
- Texas Coast Salt and Brackish Tidal Marsh
- Texas Coastal Beach
- Texas-Louisiana Coastal Prairie
- Texas-Louisiana Coastal Prairie Pondshore
- Texas Saline Coastal Prairie
- Texas Saline Inland Prairie
- West Gulf Coastal Plain Catahoula Barrens
- West Gulf Coastal Plain Chenier and Upper Texas Coast Fringe Forest and Woodland
- West Gulf Coastal Plain Flatwoods Pond
- West Gulf Coastal Plain Herbaceous Seep and Bog
- West Gulf Coastal Plain Large River Floodplain Forest
- West Gulf Coastal Plain Mesic Hardwood Forest
- West Gulf Coastal Plain Near-Coast Large River Swamp
- West Gulf Coastal Plain Nonriverine Wet Hardwood Flatwoods
- West Gulf Coastal Plain Pine - Hardwood Flatwoods
- West Gulf Coastal Plain Pine-Hardwood Forest
- West Gulf Coastal Plain Sandhill Oak and Shortleaf Pine Forest and Woodland
- West Gulf Coastal Plain Seepage Swamp and Baygall
- West Gulf Coastal Plain Small Stream and River Forest
- West Gulf Coastal Plain Stream Terrace Sandyland Longleaf Pine Woodland (Not Mapped)
- West Gulf Coastal Plain Upland Longleaf Pine Forest and Woodland (Not Mapped)
- West Gulf Coastal Plain Weches Glade
- West Gulf Coastal Plain Wet Longleaf Pine Savanna and Flatwoods (not mapped)
- West Gulf Coastal Plains Southern Calcareous Prairie
- Western Great Plains Cliff and Outcrop
- Western Great Plains Closed Depression Wetland
- Western Great Plains Floodplain
- Western Great Plains Mesquite Woodland and Shrubland
- Western Great Plains Open Freshwater Depression Wetland
- Western Great Plains Riparian
- Western Great Plains Saline Depression Wetland
- Western Great Plains Sand Prairie
- Western Great Plains Sandhill Steppe
- Western Great Plains Shortgrass Prairie