Aquatic Invasive Species Research Grants

Fiscal Years 2024–2025 Request for Proposals

Deadline for TPWD receipt of proposals: May 31, 2023

Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) announces a Request for Proposals (RFP) for state fiscal years 2024–2025 for aquatic invasive species research. Research grants that span one or two years may be awarded. Awards will begin no earlier than September 1, 2023 with all grants terminating no later than the end of fiscal year 2025 (August 31, 2025). It is recommended that proposal budgets not exceed approximately $50,000 per year; cost-effectiveness will be considered in proposal review to ensure best use of available funding. A 25% match is required, and indirect cost rates may be voluntarily reduced to use unrecovered indirect costs as match. Approximately $120,000 in funding per year total is expected to be available for this grant program, although funding may be augmented from other sources if available. Funds for this grant are administered by TPWD under Statewide Aquatic Vegetation and Invasive Species Management (state funds). Prior to proposal submittal, investigators should contact the TPWD Senior Scientist for Aquatic Invasive Species ( or other TPWD biologist(s) with expertise in the study area to discuss and refine potential proposals. Announcements of project selection for funding are anticipated by the beginning of August 2023.

Click here for details of this FY24-25 AIS Request for Proposals. (PDF)

Project Statement Guidelines (PDF)

Budget Spreadsheet (Excel)