Aquatic Resources Permitting and Consultation

The Aquatic Resources Permitting and Consultation Program is an interdisciplinary team whose primary goal is the conservation of the natural functions and biodiversity of aquatic ecosystems and associated riparian lands of Texas. Program staff contribute to implementing the Department’s mission to manage and conserve the natural resources of Texas through review of project proposals in federal and state regulatory and planning processes, fish kill and pollution response, permitting, and outreach. Staff also provides technical and policy expertise to the agency and external stakeholders in the development of policies, standards, and rules associated with aquatic resource assessment, conservation, management and permitting.

Program staff serve on federal Interagency Review Teams (IRTs) and Ecosystem Restoration Project teams, TPWD Kills and Spills Team and Water Quality Team, and various professional committees. Staff also provide technical guidance on aquatic ecosystem processes, conservation and restoration, and regulatory requirements and compliance. Team outreach activities inform the public, communities, and decision makers of the importance, and some of the means, to protect aquatic ecosystems so that present and future generations can enjoy the natural heritage of Texas.


Program staff administer departmental permitting responsibilities to protect freshwater and coastal aquatic systems. For information, email us at For informaiton on Sand and Gravel Permitting, email us at

Permit to Disturb or Take Sand, Gravel, Marl, Shell, or Mudshell in Streams and Coastal Waters

Permit to Introduce Fish, Shellfish or Aquatic Plants into Public Fresh Water

Permit to Possess or Sell Nongame Fish Taken from Public Fresh Water

Permit to Possess, Raise or Transport Aquatic Fish, Shellfish or Plants Classified as Harmful or Potentially Harmful

Permit for Removal of Exotic Aquatic Vegetation

Permit for Collection of Broodfish

Related Documents & Permit Information

Aquatic Resources Relocation Plan Guidance Document

Exotic Species Permit Applications and Reporting Documents

Texas River Guide

Program Staff

Beth Bendik, Program Leader, (512) 389-8521

K. Bregan Brown, KAST Regional Coordinator, (903) 566-2518

Jennifer Bronson-Warren, Conservation Ecologist, (254) 301-8730

Sue Reilly, Conservation Ecologist, (512) 389-8622

Lauren Reynolds, Permits Coordinator, (512) 389-4742

M. Travis Tidwell, KAST Regional Coordinator, (512) 389-8612