Texas Parks & Wildlife Foundation Seeks Title Sponsor for ShareLunker Program

Media Contact: Dick Davis, (214) 720-1478, icle__media__contact">Media Contact: Dick Davis, (214) 720-1478, ddavis@tpwf.org

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Note: This item is more than 15 years old. Please take the publication date into consideration for any date references.

DALLAS — The Texas Parks & Wildlife Foundation has issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for title sponsorship of the nationally known ShareLunker program.

Headquartered at the Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center in Athens, Texas, ShareLunker uses angler-donated largemouth bass weighing 13 pounds or more ("lunkers") in a selective breeding program that produces fingerlings (juvenile fish) for stocking into Texas public waters.

The ShareLunker program has been instrumental in increasing the size and occurrence of trophy largemouth bass in Texas. To date 471 fish have been entered into the program. Anglers who donate fish receive a fiberglass replica of their catch, ShareLunker clothing and recognition at an annual banquet. The Texas resident catching the largest bass also receives a lifetime fishing license.

The RFP is intended to result in a ShareLunker sponsor that will enable the program to achieve its strategic goals, including:

  • Enhancing the science of genetics and the selective breeding of largemouth bass, with the ultimate goal of producing the world record largemouth bass in Texas (Operation World Record);
  • Producing and stocking more fingerlings and increasing the number of "lunker" bass weighing 8 pounds or more in Texas;
  • Increasing the awareness of and educating Texans on the value of this program and the importance of donating lunkers; and
  • Increasing awareness of how to properly handle and care for big bass.

The sponsor will receive naming rights as well as recognition in press releases, signage and other promotional materials and venues.

"Usually, a Request for Proposals invites respondents to apply for funding," said TPWF Executive Director Dick Davis, "but because of ShareLunker’s tremendous popularity and visibility, we think asking potential sponsors to compete for the right to call it their own is worth exploring. If a potential sponsor is proactive enough to submit a proposal, especially during slow economic times, that would indicate they feel the program is a perfect match for them. Therefore, they would make an excellent partner."

The RFP issued June 8 sets up a competitive bidding process and requires a minimum commitment of $75,000 a year for three years. Potential sponsors must meet requirements detailed in the RFP.

Interested parties can download a copy of the RFP at http://www.tpwf.org/ and submit proposals until 5:00 P.M. August 3. The winning proposal is expected to be selected on August 17.

For more information, e-mail ddavis@tpwf.org.

ShareLunker is a program of the Inland Fisheries Division of Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD), an agency of the State of Texas. TPWD’s mission is "To manage and conserve the natural and cultural resources of Texas and to provide hunting, fishing and outdoor recreation opportunities for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations." For information on TPWD and its programs, visit http://tpwd.texas.gov/.

The Texas Parks & Wildlife Foundation serves as the official non-profit funding partner for the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. By bringing together companies, corporations, communities and individuals, the Foundation has successfully raised more than $60 million benefiting a wide variety of projects.

The Foundation preserves Texas treasures like Chinati Mountains and the Playa Lakes of the Panhandle. Facilities, such as the Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center, house programs important to wildlife preservation and study. The Foundation plays an essential role in conservation education, with scholarship opportunities, internships, and outdoor activities for children. In addition, our Texas Parks & Wildlife Endowment Fund continues to work to establish a secure fund for the future of our endeavors. For more information on the Foundation, visit http://www.tpwf.org/.