Executive Orders


The Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department ORDERS the following amendment to the information contained in the department publication entitled “2024-25 Drawn Hunt Catalog” and published on the official website of the department at All Hunt Category Details — Texas Parks & Wildlife Department.

The Drawn Javelina hunt by Special Permit scheduled for December 3-5, 2024, at Sierra Diablo Wildlife Management Area shall take place on December 9-12, 2024.

The Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department further ORDERS the rules and regulations contained in the department publication entitled “2024-2025 Public Hunting Lands Map Booklet,” and published on the official website of the department at tpwd.texas.gov/publications/pwdpubs/media/pwd_bk_w7000_0112a.pdf  apply to the area known as Teacup Mountain Public Hunting Land (PHL) in Hardeman and Foard Counties in addition to any posted site-specific rules:

This order is issued pursuant to §81.402 of the Texas Parks and Wildlife code and is effective immediately.

Signed this the 15th day of November 2024.

The Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department ORDERS that in addition to the regulations contained in the Public Lands Proclamation (31 TAC Chapter 65, Subchapter H), hunting on public lands in this state shall be conducted as provided for in the department publication entitled “2024-25 Map Booklet for Public Hunting Lands” and in accordance with the provisions of the department document entitled “2024-25 Drawn Hunt Catalog,” which shall be published on the official websites of the department at All Hunt Category Details — Texas Parks & Wildlife Department and 2023-24 Public Hunting Lands Map Booklet (texas.gov), as may be amended by order of the Executive Director.

The Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department further ORDERS the following additions to the information contained in the department publication entitled “2024-2025 Public Hunting Lands Map Booklet,” and any supplements, as applicable.

Page 59: Ladonia Unit – Caddo National Grasslands WMA (Unit #901S): Hunting map was omitted.

Page 149: Mimosa Farms – Young (Unit 2558) and Mimosa Farms – Coleman (Unit 2418): End of hunting is Oct. 27, 2024.

Page 151: Mimosa Farms – Barrett (Unit 2557): End of hunting is Oct. 27, 2024.

This order is issued pursuant to §81.402 of the Texas Parks and Wildlife code and is effective immediately.

         Signed this 26th day of August, 2024.

In accordance with Parks and Wildlife Code §46.002(a)(5), the Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) hereby ORDERS the sponsorship of the “Free Fishing in State Parks,” an ongoing event to encourage participation in angling on state parks owned or leased by TPWD.

As part of the “Free Fishing in State Parks” event, a person is exempt from the requirements of Parks and Wildlife Code, §46.001, if the person has lawfully entered land owned or leased by TPWD as a state park and is on such land or a body of water completely enclosed by such land.

This Order is issued pursuant to §46.002(a)(5) of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Code, is effective September 1, 2023, and shall continue in effect until August 31, 2024.

Signed this 1st day of July, 2024.


Under the provisions of Parks and Wildlife Code, §12.027, if the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission (the Commission) or the Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (Executive Director) finds that there is an immediate danger to a species authorized to be regulated by the Department, the Commission or the Executive Director may adopt emergency rules as provided by Government Code, §2001.034. Under Parks and Wildlife Code, §64.024, the commission may adopt an emergency regulation governing the hunting or possession of migratory game birds if the commission finds that an emergency condition affecting the supply or condition of migratory game birds exists, and rulemaking authority with respect to migratory game birds is delegated to the executive director under §64.022 and 31 TAC §65.313.

All species of doves indigenous to Texas are game birds subject to regulation by the Commission under the provisions of various chapters of the Parks and Wildlife Code, including Chapters 61, 62, and 64.

On September 7, 2023, the Executive Director determined that the dates listed in 31 TAC §65.314(b)(3)(B), during which specific daily bag limits apply in the South Zone and Special White-winged Dove Area, created an emergency condition and an immediate danger to dove species authorized to be regulated by the department and had the potential to affect the supply or condition of migratory game birds, and that the adoption of rules on an emergency basis with fewer than 30 days’ notice was necessary to address the immediate danger and emergency condition.

The emergency rule (48 TexReg 5209) replaced the reference to last year’s dove seasons dates with the correct dates for this year’s remaining dove seasons in the South Zone and Special White-winged Dove Area, adjusted for calendar shift, which is necessary to preserve the season structure for opening and closing on specific days of the week. The period of effectiveness of the initial emergency rule expires January 4, 2024 and must be extended to January 21, 2024, which is the last day of the dove season in the South Zone.

Therefore, finding that the immediate danger to dove populations continues to exist, the Executive Director hereby ORDERS the adoption, on an emergency basis, an extension of the emergency adoption of an amendment to 31 TAC §65.314(b)(3)(B), concerning Doves (Mourning, White-Winged, White-Tipped, White-Fronted Doves).

This order is effective immediately upon filing and authorizes publication of a Notice of Emergency Adoption in the Texas Register.

This order is issued pursuant to §12.027 of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Code, §64.024 of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Code, and §2001.034 of the Texas Government Code and is effective immediately.

         Signed this the 28th day of December, 2023.

Date: November 20th, 2023

Under the provisions of Parks and Wildlife Code, §12.027, if the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission (the Commission) or the Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (Executive Director) finds that there is an immediate danger to a species authorized to be regulated by the Department, the Commission or the Executive Director may adopt emergency rules as provided by Government Code, §2001.034.

White-tailed deer and mule deer are game animals subject to regulation by the Commission under the provisions of various chapters of the Parks and Wildlife Code, including Chapters 43 (Subchapters E, L, R, and R-1), 61, 62, and 63.  Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) is a fatal neurodegenerative disorder that affects some cervid species, including white-tailed deer and mule deer.

On July 24, 2023, the Executive Director authorized the filing of emergency amendments to 31 TAC §65.95 and §65.911 (48 TexReg 4338) in response to the discovery of CWD in free-ranging white-tailed deer in deer breeding facilities regulated under Parks and Wildlife Code, Chapter 43, Subchapter L, and regulations adopted pursuant to that subchapter (31 TAC Chapter 65, Subchapters B and T). On November 20, 2023, those rules will have been in effect for 120 days. On November 2, 2023, the Commission adopted an amendment to §65.95. The Notice of Adoption will be filed by the Department at some point in the future; however, the Executive Director has determined that the emergency action with respect to §65.95 must remain in effect due to the continuing immediate danger posed to native and captive deer populations by the transfer of breeder deer between breeding facilities. Therefore, this emergency action will have a maximum effectiveness of 60 days to preserve the statutory limitation of a total of 180 days for any emergency rule.

The emergency rule requires breeder deer to be ante-mortem tested prior to transfer to another breeding facility.

Therefore, finding that the immediate danger to both captive and free-ranging white-tailed and mule deer populations continues to exist, the Executive Director hereby ORDERS a 60-day extension of the emergency action affecting 31 TAC §65.95. This order is effective immediately upon filing, and authorizes publication of a Notice of Emergency Adoption in the Texas Register.

This order is issued pursuant to §12.027 of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Code and §2001.034 of the Texas Government Code and is effective immediately.

Signed this the 20th day of November, 2023.

Date: September 29th, 2023

Under the provisions of Parks and Wildlife Code, §12.027, if the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission (the Commission) or the Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (Executive Director) finds that there is an immediate danger to a species authorized to be regulated by the Department, the Commission or the Executive Director may adopt emergency rules as provided by Government Code, §2001.034.

White-tailed deer and mule deer are game animals subject to regulation by the Commission under the provisions of various chapters of the Parks and Wildlife Code, including Chapters 43 (Subchapters E, L, R, and R-1), 61, 62, and 63.  Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) is a transmissible, fatal neurodegenerative disorder that affects some cervid species, including white-tailed deer and mule deer.

The Executive Director finds that the recent discovery of CWD in a white-tailed deer within a deer breeding facility regulated under Parks and Wildlife Code, Chapter 43, Subchapter L, and rules adopted pursuant to authority delegated to the Commission and the Department under that subchapter (31 TAC Chapter 65, Subchapters B and T) constitute an immediate danger to the white-tailed deer and mule deer resources of Texas and that the adoption of rules on an emergency basis with fewer than 30 days’ notice is necessary to address that immediate danger.

On September 7, 2023, the department received confirmation that a six-year-old female deer in a deer breeding facility located in Kimble County had been confirmed positive for CWD.

The emergency rule establishes a CWD surveillance zone consisting of all properties wholly or partially within a two-mile radius of the index facility, within which special provisions apply to the movement and transport of white-tailed deer and their carcasses and parts, and requires hunters that harvest a white-tailed deer or other CWD susceptible species within the SZ to bring the harvested animal to a TPWD check station for collection of a sample for CWD testing.

Therefore, finding that the immediate danger to both captive and free-ranging white-tailed and mule deer populations exists, the Executive Director hereby ORDERS the adoption, on an emergency basis, of an amendment to 31 TAC §65.82, concerning Surveillance Zones; Restrictions, in response to the most recent detection of chronic wasting disease (CWD) in a deer breeding facility.  

This order is effective immediately upon filing and authorizes publication of a Notice of Extension of Emergency Adoption in the Texas Register.

This order is issued pursuant to §12.027 of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Code and §2001.034 of the Texas Government Code and is effective immediately.

Date: September 7th, 2023

Under the provisions of Parks and Wildlife Code, §12.027, if the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission (the Commission) or the Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (Executive Director) finds that there is an immediate danger to a species authorized to be regulated by the Department, the Commission or the Executive Director may adopt emergency rules as provided by Government Code, §2001.034. Under Parks and Wildlife Code, §64.024, the commission may adopt an emergency regulation governing the hunting or possession of migratory game birds if the commission finds that an emergency condition affecting the supply or condition of migratory game birds exists, and rulemaking authority with respect to migratory game birds is delegated to the executive director under §64.022 and 31 TAC §65.313.

Date: August 25, 2023

The Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department ORDERS that in addition to the regulations contained in the Public Lands Proclamation (31 TAC Chapter 65, Subchapter H), hunting on public lands in this state shall be conducted as provided for in the department publication entitled “2023-2024 Map Booklet for Public Hunting Lands” and in accordance with the provisions of the department document entitled “2023-24 Drawn Hunt Catalog,” which shall be published on the official websites of the department at: https://tpwd.texas.gov/huntwild/hunt/public/public_hunt_drawing/pdf.php and https://tpwd.texas.gov/publications/pwdpubs/media/pwd_bk_w7000_0112a.pdf , as may be amended by order of the Executive Director.

The Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department further ORDERS the following addition to the information contained in the department publication entitled “2023-2024 Public Hunting Lands Map Booklet,” and any supplements, as applicable:

Page xvi: Balcones Canyonland NWR: Archery Deer Hunts by E-Postcard Selection shall be Sept. 30-Oct. 29, 2023.

This order is issued pursuant to §81.402 of the Texas Parks and Wildlife code and is effective immediately.

Signed this the 25th day of August, 2023.

Date: July 24, 2023

Under the provisions of Parks and Wildlife Code, §12.027, if the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission (the Commission) or the Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (Executive Director) finds that there is an immediate danger to a species authorized to be regulated by the Department, the Commission or the Executive Director may adopt emergency rules as provided by Government Code, §2001.034.

White-tailed deer and mule deer are game animals subject to regulation by the Commission under the provisions of various chapters of the Parks and Wildlife Code, including Chapters 43 (Subchapters E, L, R, and R-1), 61, 62, and 63.  Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) is a fatal neurodegenerative disorder that affects some cervid species, including white-tailed deer and mule deer.

The Executive Director finds that additional discoveries of CWD in free-ranging white-tailed deer within deer breeding facilities regulated under Parks and Wildlife Code, Chapter 43, Subchapter L and regulations adopted pursuant to that subchapter (31 TAC Chapter 65, Subchapters B and T) constitute an immediate danger to the white-tailed deer and mule deer resources of Texas and that the adoption of rules on an emergency basis with fewer than 30 days’ notice is necessary to address an immediate danger.

The emergency rules require all breeder deer to be tested for CWD (with a test result of “Not Detected”) by means of an approved ante-mortem (live-animal) test as a condition of transfer to another deer breeding facility and expressly prohibit the removal of an identification tag prescribed by Parks and Wildlife Code, §43.3561, from a breeder deer except to immediately replace it with an identification tag meeting the requirements of Parks and Wildlife Code, §43.3561(c) or (h).

Therefore, finding that the immediate danger to both captive and free-ranging white-tailed and mule deer populations exists, the Executive Director hereby ORDERS the adoption, on an emergency basis, of an amendment to 31 TAC §65.95, concerning Movement of Breeder Deer, and §65.611 (relating to Prohibited Acts), in response to the ongoing and most recent detections of chronic wasting disease (CWD) in additional deer breeding facilities.  

This order is effective immediately upon filing, and authorizes publication of a Notice of Extension of Emergency Adoption in the Texas Register.

This order is issued pursuant to §12.027 of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Code and §2001.034 of the Texas Government Code and is effective immediately.

Signed this 24th day of July, 2023.

Date: July 1, 2023

In accordance with Parks and Wildlife Code §46.002(a)(5), the Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) hereby ORDERS the sponsorship of the “Free Fishing in State Parks,” an ongoing event to encourage participation in angling on state parks owned or leased by TPWD.

As part of the “Free Fishing in State Parks” event, a person is exempt from the requirements of Parks and Wildlife Code, §46.001, if the person has lawfully entered land owned or leased by TPWD as a state park and is on such land or a body of water completely enclosed by such land.

This Order is issued pursuant to §46.002(a)(5) of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Code, is effective September 1, 2023, and shall continue in effect until August 31, 2024.

Signed this 1st day of July, 2023.

Date: May 26, 2023

Under the provisions of Parks and Wildlife Code, §12.027, if the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission (the Commission) or the Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (Executive Director) finds that there is an immediate danger to a species authorized to be regulated by the Department, the Commission or the Executive Director may adopt emergency rules as provided by Government Code, §2001.034.

White-tailed deer and mule deer are game animals subject to regulation by the Commission under the provisions of various chapters of the Parks and Wildlife Code, including Chapters 43 (Subchapters E, L, R, and R-1), 61, 62, and 63. Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) is a fatal neurodegenerative disorder that affects some cervid species, including white-tailed deer and mule deer.

The Executive Director finds that the discovery of CWD in free-ranging white-tailed deer at release sites associated with deer breeding facilities regulated under Parks and Wildlife Code, Chapter 43, Subchapter L and regulations adopted pursuant to that subchapter (31 TAC Chapter 65, Subchapters B and T) constitutes an immediate danger to the white-tailed deer and mule deer resources of Texas and that the adoption of rules on an emergency basis with fewer than 30 days’ notice was necessary to address an immediate danger.

The emergency rule establishes a Containment Zone (CZ) subject to the provisions of 31 TAC Chapter 65, Subchapter B, in Hunt and Kaufman counties in response to the detection of CWD in free-ranging white-tailed deer.

Therefore, finding that the immediate danger to both captive and free-ranging white-tailed and mule deer populations continues to exist, the Executive Director hereby ORDERS a 60-day extension of new 31 TAC §65.100. This order is effective immediately upon filing, and authorizes publication of a Notice of Extension of Emergency Adoption in the Texas Register.

This order is issued pursuant to §12.027 of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Code and §2001.034 of the Texas Government Code and is effective immediately.


Date: December 8, 2022

The Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department ORDERS following modification to the department publications entitled “2022-2023 Map Booklet for Public Hunting Lands” which shall be published on the official websites of the department.

Due to lake closure and inaccessibility to hunt areas, the following hunts by Annual Public Hunting Permit are cancelled:

This order is issued pursuant to §81.402 of the Texas Parks and Wildlife code and is effective immediately.

Signed this the 8th day of December 2022.

Date: November 4, 2022

Under the provisions of Parks and Wildlife Code, §12.027, if the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission (the Commission) or the Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (Executive Director) finds that there is an immediate danger to a species authorized to be regulated by the Department, the Commission or the Executive Director may adopt emergency rules as provided by Government Code, §2001.034.

White-tailed deer and mule deer are game animals subject to regulation by the Commission under the provisions of various chapters of the Parks and Wildlife Code, including Chapters 43 (Subchapters E, L, R, and R-1), 61, 62, and 63.  Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) is a fatal neurodegenerative disorder that affects some cervid species, including white-tailed deer and mule deer. The Executive Director finds that the confirmation of CWD in deer breeding facilities in Gillespie and Limestone counties, given the nature of CWD and its recent detection in two breeding facilities there is an immediate danger to a public resource of Texas, namely, white-tailed deer and mule deer, and that the adoption of this rule on an emergency basis with fewer than 30 days’ notice is necessary to address this immediate danger.

The Executive Director hereby ORDERS the adoption, on an emergency basis, of an amendment to 31 TAC §65.82 to establish additional surveillance zones for the containment of CWD where it has been confirmed to be present. This order is effective immediately upon filing, and authorizes publication of a Notice of Emergency Adoption in the Texas Register.

This order is issued pursuant to §12.027 of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Code and is effective immediately.

Signed this the 4th day of November, 2022.

Date: October 27, 2022

The Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department ORDERS the following modifications to the department publications entitled “2022-2023 Map Booklet for Public Hunting Lands” which shall be published on the official websites of the department at https://tpwd.texas.gov/publications/pwdpubs/media/pwd_bk_w7000_0112a.pdf .

This order is issued pursuant to §81.402 of the Texas Parks and Wildlife code and is effective immediately.

Signed this the 27th day of October, 2022.

Date: August 23, 2022

The Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department ORDERS that in addition to the regulations contained in the Public Lands Proclamation (31 TAC Chapter 65, Subchapter H), hunting on public lands in this state shall be conducted as provided for in the department publication entitled “2022-2023 Map Booklet for Public Hunting Lands” and in accordance with the provisions of the department document entitled “2022-23 Drawn Hunt Catalog,” which shall be published on the official websites of the department at:  https://tpwd.texas.gov/huntwild/hunt/public/public_hunt_drawing/pdf.php and https://tpwd.texas.gov/publications/pwdpubs/media/pwd_bk_w7000_0112a.pdf , as may be amended by order of the Executive Director.

This order is issued pursuant to §81.402 of the Texas Parks and Wildlife code and is effective immediately.

Signed this the 23rd day of August, 2022.

Date: June 7, 2022

In accordance with Parks and Wildlife Code §46.002(a)(5), the Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) hereby ORDERS the sponsorship of the “Free Fishing in State Parks,” an ongoing event to encourage participation in angling on state parks owned or leased by TPWD.

As part of the “Free Fishing in State Parks” event, a person is exempt from the requirements of Parks and Wildlife Code, §46.001, if the person has lawfully entered land owned or leased by TPWD as a state park and is on such land or a body of water completely enclosed by such land.

This Order is issued pursuant to §46.002(a)(5) of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Code, is effective September 1, 2022, and shall continue in effect until August 31, 2023.

Signed this 7th day of June, 2022.

Date: April 22, 2022

Under the provisions of Parks and Wildlife Code, §12.027, if the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission (the Commission) or the Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (Executive Director) finds that there is an immediate danger to a species authorized to be regulated by the Department, the Commission or the Executive Director may adopt emergency rules as provided by Government Code, §2001.034.

White-tailed deer and mule deer are game animals subject to regulation by the Commission under the provisions of various chapters of the Parks and Wildlife Code, including Chapters 43 (Subchapters E, L, R, and R-1), 61, 62, and 63.  Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) is a fatal neurodegenerative disorder that affects some cervid species, including white-tailed deer and mule deer. The Executive Director finds that extenuated testing times for tissue samples submitted by deer breeding facilities regulated under Parks and Wildlife Code, Chapter 43, Subchapter L and regulations adopted pursuant to that subchapter (31 TAC Chapter 65, Subchapters B and T) create an immediate danger to a public resource of Texas, namely, white-tailed deer and mule deer, and that the adoption of this rule on an emergency basis with fewer than 30 days’ notice is necessary to address this immediate danger.

The Executive Director hereby ORDERS the adoption, on an emergency basis, of new 31 TAC §65.101 to address testing requirements for deer breeding facilities. This order is effective immediately upon filing, and authorizes publication of a Notice of Emergency Adoption in the Texas Register.

This order is issued pursuant to §12.027 of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Code and is effective immediately.

Signed this the 22nd day of April, 2022.


Date: December 20, 2021

The Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department ORDERS following modification to the department publications entitled “2021-2022 Map Booklet for Public Hunting Lands” and in accordance with the provisions of the department document entitled “2021-22 Drawn Hunt Catalog,” which shall be published on the official websites of the department.

Due to the lack of rain in the Middle Trinity River Ecosystem, the following e-Postcard Waterfowl hunts by Annual Public Hunting Permit are cancelled:

This order is issued pursuant to §81.402 of the Texas Parks and Wildlife code and is effective immediately.

Signed this the 20th day of December, 2021.

Date: November 30, 2021

Under the provisions of Parks and Wildlife Code, §12.027, if the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission (the Commission) or the Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (Executive Director) finds that there is an immediate danger to a species authorized to be regulated by the Department, the Commission or the Executive Director may adopt emergency rules as provided by Government Code, §2001.034.

White-tailed deer and mule deer are game animals subject to regulation by the Commission under the provisions of various chapters of the Parks and Wildlife Code, including Chapters 43 (Subchapters E, L, R, and R-1), 61, 62, and 63.  Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) is a fatal neurodegenerative disorder that affects some cervid species, including white-tailed deer and mule deer. On June 22, 2021, the Executive Director found that the discovery of CWD in Texas deer breeding facilities regulated under Parks and Wildlife Code, Chapter 43, Subchapter L, and regulations adopted pursuant to that subchapter (31 TAC Chapter 65, Subchapters B and T) created an immediate danger to the white-tailed deer and mule deer resources of Texas and that the adoption of rules on an emergency basis with fewer than 30 days’ notice was necessary to address an immediate danger.

The emergency rule was filed on June 22, 2021 and subsequently was replaced by a modified emergency rule filed on July 19, 2021 and published in the August 6, 2021, issue of the Texas Register (46 TexReg 4759). The modified rule was filed with a designated expiration date of October 19, 2021 in order to preserve a total of 120 days of effectiveness, which is the statutory limit for the period of effectiveness of an initial emergency rule. Under the provisions of Government Code, §2001.034, a state agency may extend the effectiveness of an emergency rule for an additional 60 days, which was effected on October 22, 2021 (46 TexReg 7113).

The Executive Director finds that the impacts of a national shortage of the chemical reagent used in disease testing required by the rule presents the possibility of unforeseen threats to white-tailed and mule deer populations as a result of the regulated community being unable to comply with the emergency rule in effect.

Therefore, finding that the immediate danger to both captive and free-ranging white-tailed and mule deer populations continues to exist, the Executive Director hereby ORDERS this replacement emergency rule be published in the Texas Register and has specified an expiration date of December 18, 2021 in order to preserve the maximum 180-day period of effectiveness established by statute for emergency filings.

This order is issued pursuant to §12.027 of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Code and §2001.034 of the Texas Government Code and is effective immediately.

Signed this the 30th day of November, 2021.

Date: October 11, 2021

Under the provisions of Parks and Wildlife Code, §12.027, if the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission (the Commission) or the Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (Executive Director) finds that there is an immediate danger to a species authorized to be regulated by the Department, the Commission or the Executive Director may adopt emergency rules as provided by Government Code, §2001.034.

White-tailed deer and mule deer are game animals subject to regulation by the Commission under the provisions of various chapters of the Parks and Wildlife Code, including Chapters 43 (Subchapters E, L, R, and R-1), 61, 62, and 63.  Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) is a fatal neurodegenerative disorder that affects some cervid species, including white-tailed deer and mule deer. On June 22, 2021, the Executive Director found that the discovery of CWD in Texas deer breeding facilities regulated under Parks and Wildlife Code, Chapter 43, Subchapter L and regulations adopted pursuant to that subchapter (31 TAC Chapter 65, Subchapters B and T) created an immediate danger to the white-tailed deer and mule deer resources of Texas and that the adoption of rules on an emergency basis with fewer than 30 days’ notice was necessary to address an immediate danger.

The emergency rule was filed on June 22, 2021 and subsequently was replaced by a modified emergency rule filed on July 19, 2021 and published in the August 6, 2021, issue of the Texas Register (46 TexReg 4759). The modified rule was filed with a designated expiration date of October 19, 2021 in order to preserve a total of 120 days of effectiveness, which is the statutory limit for the period of effectiveness of an initial emergency rule. Under the provisions of Government Code, §2001.034, a state agency may extend the effectiveness of an emergency rule for an additional 60 days. The Executive Director finds that an extension of the emergency rules is necessary to continue their effectiveness in protecting both captive and free-ranging white-tailed and mule deer populations.

Therefore, finding that the immediate danger to both captive and free-ranging white-tailed and mule deer populations continues to exist, the Executive Director hereby ORDERS a 60-day extension of new 31 TAC §65.100. This order is effective immediately upon filing, and authorizes publication of a Notice of Extension of Emergency Adoption in the Texas Register.

This order is issued pursuant to §12.027 of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Code and §2001.034 of the Texas Government Code and is effective immediately.

Signed this the 11th day of October, 2021.

Date: August 23, 2021

The Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) ORDERS that in addition to the regulations contained in the Public Lands Proclamation (31 TAC Chapter 65, Subchapter H), hunting on public lands in this state shall be conducted as provided in the TPWD publications entitled “2021-2022 Map Booklet for Public Hunting Lands” and in accordance with the provisions of the TPWD document entitled “2021-22 Drawn Hunt Catalog,” which shall be published on the official TPWD websites at:

https://tpwd.texas.gov/huntwild/hunt/public/public_hunt_drawing/pdf.php, and https://tpwd.texas.gov/publications/pwdpubs/media/pwd_bk_w7000_0112a.pdf, as may be amended by order of the Executive Director.

The Executive Director of the TPWD further ORDERS the following additions to the information contained in the TPWD publication entitled “2021-2022 Public Hunting Lands Map Booklet,” and any supplements, as applicable.

Page 110: Sea Rim State Park (Unit #1055): Hunters should perform electronic On-Site Registration.

This order is issued pursuant to §81.402 of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Code and is effective immediately.

Signed this the __23th __ day of August, 2021.

Date: July 27, 2021

Under the provisions of Parks and Wildlife Code, §12.027, if the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission (the Commission) or the Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (Executive Director) finds that there is an immediate danger to a species authorized to be regulated by the Department, the Commission or the Executive Director may adopt emergency rules as provided by Government Code, §2001.034.

Spotted Seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus) is a fish species indigenous to Texas and subject to regulation by the Commission under the provisions of Parks and Wildlife Code, Chapters 47 and 66.

On March 25, 2021, the Executive Director and the Commission found that a severe winter storm event in February of 2021 had created an immediate danger to spotted seatrout populations, making it necessary to promulgate rules on an emergency basis to protect spotted seatrout populations. New 31 TAC §57.983 implemented harvest regulations affecting the waters of the upper and lower Laguna Madre from the John F. Kennedy Causeway in Nueces County southward to the Brownsville Ship Channel and South Bay in Cameron County, and the waters of the Gulf of Mexico associated with the beachfront from the Packery Channel South Jetty to the Rio Grande in Cameron County. The rule imposed a slot limit of 17-23 inches and a daily bag limit of three spotted seatrout, which was intended to reduce the harvest of mature female fish and thus preserve reproductive potential while maintaining some opportunity for harvest.

The emergency rule was filed on April 1, 2021 for an initial period of effectiveness of 120 days and was published in the April 16, 2021, issue of the Texas Register (46 TexReg 2528). Under the provisions of Government Code, §2001.034, a state agency may extend the effectiveness of an emergency rule for an additional 60 days. The Executive Director finds that an extension of the emergency rules is necessary to continue their effectiveness in protecting spotted seatrout populations.

Therefore, finding that the immediate danger to spotted seatrout populations continues to exist, the Executive Director hereby ORDERS a 60-day extension of new 31 TAC §57.983. This order is effective immediately upon filing, and authorizes publication of a Notice of Extension of Emergency Adoption in the Texas Register.

This order is issued pursuant to §12.027 of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Code and §2001.034 of the Texas Government Code and is effective immediately.

Signed this the __27th __ day of July, 2021.

Date: July 19, 2021

Under the provisions of Parks and Wildlife Code, §12.027, if the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission (the Commission) or the Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (Executive Director) finds that there is an immediate danger to a species authorized to be regulated by the Department, the Commission or the Executive Director may adopt emergency rules as provided by Government Code, §2001.034.

White-tailed deer and mule deer are game animals subject to regulation by the Commission under the provisions of various chapters of the Parks and Wildlife Code, including Chapters 43 (Subchapters E, L, R, and R-1), 61, 62, and 63.  Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) is a fatal neurodegenerative disorder that affects some cervid species, including white-tailed deer and mule deer. On June 22, 2021, the Executive Director found that the discovery of CWD in Texas deer breeding facilities regulated under Parks and Wildlife Code, Chapter 43, Subchapter L and regulations adopted pursuant to that subchapter (31 TAC Chapter 65, Subchapters B and T) created an immediate danger to the white-tailed deer and mule deer resources of Texas and that the adoption of rules on an emergency basis with fewer than 30 days’ notice was necessary to address an immediate danger.

The Executive Director has subsequently found that the original emergency rule requires additional technical adjustments to address the department’s response to the disease emergency as well as to provide options to the regulated community as a consequence of continued communications with the regulated community since the filing of the original emergency rule.

Therefore, the Executive Director hereby ORDERS the adoption, on an emergency basis, of new 31 TAC §65.100 to replace the original emergency rule implementing additional disease testing requirements for deer breeding facilities. This order is effective immediately upon filing, authorizes publication of a Notice of Emergency Adoption in the Texas Register, and is to remain in effect until October 19, 2021, which is the expiration date of the original emergency rule as filed.

This order is issued pursuant to §12.027 of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Code and is effective immediately.

Signed this the __19th __ day of July, 2021.

Date: June 22, 2021

Under the provisions of Parks and Wildlife Code, §12.027, if the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission (the Commission) or the Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (Executive Director) finds that there is an immediate danger to a species authorized to be regulated by the Department, the Commission or the Executive Director may adopt emergency rules as provided by Government Code, §2001.034.

White-tailed deer and mule deer are game animals subject to regulation by the Commission under the provisions of various chapters of the Parks and Wildlife Code, including Chapters 43 (Subchapters E, L, R, and R-1), 61, 62, and 63.  Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) is a fatal neurodegenerative disorder that affects some cervid species, including white-tailed deer and mule deer. The Executive Director finds that the recent discovery of CWD in Texas deer breeding facilities regulated under Parks and Wildlife Code, Chapter 43, Subchapter L and regulations adopted pursuant to that subchapter (31 TAC Chapter 65, Subchapters B and T) creates an immediate danger to the white-tailed deer and mule deer resources of Texas and that the adoption of these rules on an emergency basis with fewer than 30 days’ notice is necessary to address this immediate danger.

The Executive Director hereby ORDERS the adoption, on an emergency basis, of new 31 TAC §65.100 to implement additional disease testing requirements for deer breeding facilities. This order is effective immediately upon filing and authorizes publication of a Notice of Emergency Adoption in the Texas Register.

This order is issued pursuant to §12.027 of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Code and is effective immediately.

In accordance with Parks and Wildlife Code §46.002(a)(5), the  Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) hereby ORDERS the sponsorship of the “Free Fishing in State Parks,” an ongoing event to encourage participation in angling on state parks owned or leased by TPWD.

As part of the “Free Fishing in State Parks” event, a person is exempt from the requirements of Parks and Wildlife Code, §46.001, if the person has lawfully entered land owned or leased by TPWD as a state park and is on such land or a body of water completely enclosed by such land.

This Order is issued pursuant to §46.002(a)(5) of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Code, is effective September 1, 2021, and shall continue in effect until August 31, 2022.

       Signed this 3rd   day of June, 2021.

Under the provisions of Parks and Wildlife Code, §12.027, if the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission (the Commission) or the Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (Executive Director) finds that there is an immediate danger to a species authorized to be regulated by the Department, the Commission or the Executive Director may adopt emergency rules as provided by Government Code, §2001.034.

Date: April 1, 2021

Spotted Seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus) is a fish species indigenous to Texas and subject to regulation by the Commission under the provisions of Parks and Wildlife Code, Chapters 47 and 66. The Executive Director and the Commission find that a severe winter storm event in February of 2021 has resulted in an immediate danger to spotted seatrout populations, making it necessary to promulgate rules on an emergency basis to protect spotted seatrout populations. The new harvest regulations would affect the waters of the upper and lower Laguna Madre from the John F. Kennedy Causeway in Nueces County southward to the Brownsville Ship Channel and South Bay in Cameron County, and the waters of the Gulf of Mexico associated with the beachfront from the Packery Channel South Jetty to the Rio Grande in Cameron County. The rule imposes a slot limit of 17-23 inches and a daily bag limit of three fish for spotted seatrout, which is intended to reduce the harvest of mature female fish and thus preserve reproductive potential while maintaining some opportunity for the harvest of spotted seatrout.

This order is issued pursuant to §12.027 of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Code and is effective immediately.


The Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department ORDERS that in addition to the regulations contained in the Public Lands Proclamation (31 TAC Chapter 65, Subchapter H), hunting on public lands in this state shall be conducted as provided for in the department publication entitled “2020-2021 Map Booklet for Public Hunting Lands” and in accordance with the provisions of the department document entitled “2020-21 Drawn Hunt Catalog,” which shall be published on the official websites of the department at https://tpwd.texas.gov/huntwild/hunt/public/public_hunt_drawing/pdf.php and https://tpwd.texas.gov/publications/pwdpubs/media/pwd_bk_w7000_0112a.pdf, as may be amended by order of the Executive Director.

Date: August 25, 2020

The Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department further ORDERS the following additions to the information contained in the department publication entitled “2020-2021 Public Hunting Lands Map Booklet,” and any supplements, as applicable.

Page 24: Red Bluff Reservoir (Unit #2262): The Youth Only Waterfowl hunts dates are as provided for the High Plains Mallard Management Unit. The hunt date was incorrect in the Legal Game box on the area map.

This order is issued pursuant to §81.402 of the Texas Parks and Wildlife code and is effective immediately.

Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) hereby ORDERS the sponsorship of the "Free Fishing in State Parks," an ongoing event to encourage participation in angling on state parks owned or leased by TPWD.

Date: June 11, 2020

In accordance with Parks and Wildlife Code §46.002(a)(5), the  Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) hereby ORDERS the sponsorship of the “Free Fishing in State Parks,” an ongoing event to encourage participation in angling on state parks owned or leased by TPWD.

As part of the “Free Fishing in State Parks” event, a person is exempt from the requirements of Parks and Wildlife Code, §46.001, if the person has lawfully entered land owned or leased by TPWD as a state park and is on such land or a body of water completely enclosed by such land.

This Order is issued pursuant to §46.002(a)(5) of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Code, is effective September 1, 2020, and shall continue in effect until August 31, 2021.

Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center (TFFC) Fees Reduced

Date: May 20, 2020

On March 13, 2020, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) temporarily closed the Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center (TFFC) in Athens, Texas to all public visitation due to the uncertain and evolving health situation related to the COVID-19 pandemic. TPWD intends to partially reopen TFFC on May 27, 2020, but without allowing public access to certain areas, including interior areas where exhibits are displayed. Accordingly, TPWD believes it is appropriate to temporarily reduce the daily entrance fees at TFFC.


Date: December 19, 2019

Under the provisions of Parks and Wildlife Code, §12.027, if the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission (the Commission) or the Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (the Department) finds that there is an immediate danger to a species authorized to be regulated by the Department, the Commission or the Executive Director may adopt emergency rules as provided by Chapter 2001, Government Code.

White-tailed deer and mule deer are game animals subject to regulation by the Commission under the provisions of various chapters of the Parks and Wildlife Code, including Chapters 43 (Subchapters E, L, R, and R-1), 61, 62, and 63.  Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) is a fatal neurodegenerative disorder that affects some cervid species, including white-tailed deer and mule deer. The Executive Director finds that the recent discovery of CWD in a free-ranging white-tailed deer in Val Verde County creates an immediate danger to the white-tailed deer and mule deer resources of Texas and that the adoption of these rules on an emergency basis with fewer than 30 days’ notice is necessary to address this immediate danger.

The Executive Director hereby ORDERS the adoption, on an emergency basis, of amendments to 31 TAC §§65.81 and 65.82 to create a Containment Zone and a Surveillance Zone in portions of Val Verde County. This order is effective immediately upon filing, and authorizes publication of a Notice of Emergency Adoption in the Texas Register.

This order is issued pursuant to §12.027 of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Code and is effective immediately.

Executive Order No. 19-014 media download(PDF 58.7 KB)
Emergency CWD Disease Dectection and Response Rules media download(PDF 224.9 KB)

Date: November 1, 2019

The Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department ORDERS the following modification to the Public Hunt Draw System:

Due to an anthrax outbreak affecting local white-tailed deer populations, the following public hunting activities scheduled for Kickapoo Cavern State Park are cancelled:

Executive Order No. 19-013 media download(PDF 33.6 KB)

The Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department ORDERS following modification to the department publications entitled “Public Hunting Lands 2019-2020 Map Booklet” which shall be published on the official websites of the department.

Due to the continuing weather impacts from Tropical Storm Imelda, the following public hunting activities are cancelled.

Executive Order No. 19-012 media download(PDF 38.4 KB)

The Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department ORDERS following modification to the department publications entitled "Public Hunting Lands 2019-20 Map Booklet" and in accordance with the provisions of the department document entitled “2019-20 Drawn Hunt Catalog,” which shall be published on the official websites of the department.

Due to the weather impacts from Tropical Depression Imelda, the following public hunting activities are cancelled or amended:

The Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department further ORDERS the following corrections to the information contained in the department publication entitled "Public Hunting Lands 2019-20 Map Booklet," and any supplements, as applicable.

Executive Order No. 19-011 media download(PDF 38.8 KB)

The Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department ORDERS that in addition to the regulations contained in the Public Lands Proclamation (31 TAC Chapter 65, Subchapter H), hunting on public lands in this state shall be conducted as provided for in the department publication entitled “2019-2020 Map Booklet for Public Hunting Lands” and in accordance with the provisions of the department document entitled “2019-20 Drawn Hunt Catalog,” which shall be published on the official websites of the department at: https://tpwd.texas.gov/huntwild/hunt/public/public_hunt_drawing/brochures/2019-2020-drawn-hunt-catalog.pdf and https://tpwd.texas.gov/huntwild/hunt/public/annual_public_hunting/, as may be amended by order of the Executive Director.

(Executive Order No. 19-010)

In accordance with Parks and Wildlife Code §46.002(a)(5), the Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) hereby ORDERS the sponsorship of the “Free Fishing in State Parks,” an ongoing event to encourage participation in angling on state parks owned or leased by TPWD.

(Executive Order No. 19-009)

Under the provisions of Parks and Wildlife Code, §12.027, if the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission (the Commission) or the Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (Executive Director) finds that there is an immediate danger to a species authorized to be regulated by the Department, the Commission or the Executive Director may adopt emergency rules as provided by Government Code, §2001.034.

Alligator gar are a nongame fish subject to regulation by the Commission under the provisions of Parks and Wildlife Code, Chapter 67. Under the provisions of agency rules at 31 TAC §57.977, the Executive Director of the department may temporarily prohibit the take of alligator gar in places where they are spawning or are about to spawn. On May 6, 2019, the Executive Director found that heavy rainfall in the upper Trinity River watershed created environmental conditions conducive for alligator gar spawning, and that the vulnerability of alligator gar to harvest during spawning events, coupled with the infrequent occurrence of suitable spawning conditions, created an immediate danger to alligator gar resources in the river extent from the U.S. Highway 287 bridge in Anderson and Freestone counties downstream to the State Highway 7 bridge in Leon and Houston counties. The Executive Director therefore authorized the emergency adoption of an amendment to 31 TAC §57.977 to protect alligator gar during spawning activity.

(Executive Order No. 19-008)

Under the provisions of Parks and Wildlife Code, §12.027, if the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission (the Commission) or the Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (Executive Director) finds that there is an immediate danger to a species authorized to be regulated by the Department, the Commission or the Executive Director may adopt emergency rules as provided by Government Code, §2001.034.

Alligator gar are a nongame fish subject to regulation by the Commission under the provisions of Parks and Wildlife Code, Chapter 67.  Under the provisions of agency rules at 31 TAC §57.977, the Executive Director of the department may temporarily prohibit the take of alligator gar in places where they are spawning or are about to spawn. The Executive Director finds that recent heavy rainfall in the upper Trinity River watershed has created environmental conditions conducive for alligator gar spawning, and that the vulnerability of alligator gar to harvest during spawning events, coupled with the infrequent occurrence of suitable spawning conditions, creates an immediate danger to alligator gar resources in the river extent from the U.S. Highway 287 bridge in Anderson and Freestone counties downstream to the State Highway 7 bridge in Leon and Houston counties.

(Executive Order No. 19-007)


  • Executive Order No. 18-006 media download(PDF 38.2 KB)
    Date: November 1, 2018

    The Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department ORDERS the following modification to the Public Hunt Draw System:

    Due to regional flooding, the following public hunting activities are cancelled until further notice:

    • Special permit GDE hunt on Richland Creek WMA scheduled for Nov. 5-9, 2018
    • Special permit GDE hunt on Old Sabine Bottom WMA scheduled for Nov. 3-5, 2018
    (Executive Order No. 18-006)

  • Executive Order No. 18-005 media download(PDF 38.5 KB)
    Date: October 23, 2018

    The Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department ORDERS the following modification to the Public Hunt Draw System:

    Due to regional flooding, the following public hunting activities are cancelled until further notice:

    • Special Permit Youth Deer Either Sex (YDE) hunt scheduled for Richland Creek Wildlife Management Area on October 27-28, 2018;
    • Special Permit Youth Deer Either Sex (YDE) hunt scheduled for Old Sabine Bottom Wildlife Management Area on October 27-27, 2018
    (Executive Order No. 18-005)

  • Executive Order No. 18-004 media download(PDF 72.1 KB)
    Date: October 18, 2018

    The Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department ORDERS the following modification to the Public Hunt Draw System: Due to regional flooding, the following public hunting activities are cancelled until further notice:

    Special Permit Archery Deer Either Sex (ADE) hunt scheduled for Richland Creek Wildlife Management Area on October 22-26, 2018. (Executive Order No. 18-004)

  • Executive Order No. 18-003 media download(PDF 41.6 KB)
    Date: September 14, 2018

    The Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department ORDERS that in addition to the regulations contained in the Public Lands Proclamation (31 TAC Chapter 65, Subchapter H), hunting on public lands in this state shall be conducted as provided for in the deprutment publication entitled "2018-2019 Map Booklet for Public Hunting Lands" as may be amended by order of the Executive Director. (Executive Order No. 18-003)

  • Executive Order No. 18-002 media download(PDF 169.7 KB)
    Date: August 21, 2018

    In accordance with Parks and Wildlife Code §46.002(a)(5), the Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) hereby ORDERS the sponsorship of the “Free Fishing in State Parks,” an ongoing event to encourage participation in angling on state parks owned or leased by TPWD: (Executive Order No. 18-002)

  • Executive Order No. 18-001 media download(PDF 246.6 KB)
    Date: August 17, 2018

    The Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department ORDERS that in addition to the regulations contained in the Public Lands Proclamation (31 TAC Chapter 65, Subchapter H), hunting on public lands in this state shall be conducted as provided for in the department publication entitled "2018-2019 Map Booklet for Public Hunting Lands" and in accordance with the provisions of the department document entitled "2018-19 Drawn Hunt Catalog, which shall be published on the official websites of the department: (Executive Order No. 18-001)


  • Executive Order No. 17-008 media download(PDF 40.2 KB)
    Date: September 11, 2017

    The Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department ORDERS following modification to the department publications entitled "2017-2018 Map Booklet for Public Hunting Lands" and in accordance with the provisions of the department document entitled "2017-18 Drawn Hunt Catalog," which shall be published on the official websites of the department.

  • Executive Order No. 17-007 media download(PDF 61.5 KB)
    Date: September 1, 2017

    Under the provisions of Parks and Wildlife Code, §§12.027, 43.045, 43.0722, 44.003, 45.002; 47.031, 65.0071, 66.017, 71.010, 76.1031, 77.0361, 78.108, and 81.301, the Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department ORDERS the adoption, on an emergency basis with less than 30 days’ notice, of new 31 TAC §57.979, to extend the period of validity of specific licenses issued by the department, beginning September 1, 2017 and continuing until September 30, 2017.

  • Executive Order No. 17-006 media download(PDF 63.3 KB)
    Date: August 28, 2017

    The Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department ORDERS that in addition to the regulations contained in the Public Lands Proclamation (31 TAC Chapter 65, Subchapter H), hunting on public lands in this state shall be conducted as provided for in the department publication entitled “2017-2018 Map Booklet for Public Hunting Lands” and in accordance with the provisions of the department document entitled “2017-18 Drawn Hunt Catalog,” which shall be published on the official websites of the department and may be amended by order of the Executive Director.

  • Executive Order No. 17-005 media download(PDF 50.8 KB)
    Date: June 20, 2017
    Subject: Free Fishing in State Parks — In accordance with Parks and Wildlife Code §46.002(a)(5), the  Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) hereby ORDERS the sponsorship of the “Free Fishing in State Parks,” an ongoing event to encourage participation in angling on state parks owned or leased by TPWD.
  • Executive Order No. 17-004 media download(PDF 58.9 KB)
    Date: June 15, 2017
    Subject: Recreational Harvest of Red Snapper — Under the provisions of Parks and Wildlife Code, §79.002 and 31 TAC §57.801, the Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, after notifying the Chairman of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission, ORDERS the adoption, on an emergency basis with less than 30 days’ notice, of new 31 TAC §57.983, to prohibit the take of red snapper in state waters from Monday through Thursday of each week for the period beginning June 16, 2017 until September 4, 2017, with exceptions for July 3-4, 2017 and September 4, 2017 (Labor Day).
  • Executive Order No. 17-003 media download(PDF 81.5 KB)
    Date: June 20, 2017
    Subject: Migratory Game Bird Proclomation — Under the provisions of Parks and Wildlife Code, §64.022 and 31 TAC §65.313(f), the Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, after notifying the Chairman of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission, is authorized to adopt regulations establishing seasons, bag limits, means, methods, and devices for harvesting migratory game birds within U.S Fish and Wildlife Service frameworks.  Therefore, the Executive Director hereby adopts amendments to 31 TAC §§65.314, 65.315, and 65.318-65.321, concerning the Migratory Game Bird Proclamation, with changes to the proposed text as published in the February17, 2017, issue of the Texas Register (42 TexReg 668). The Executive Director also hereby authorizes publication of the Notice of Adoption in the Texas Register.
  • Executive Order No. 17-002 media download(PDF 172.3 KB)
    Date: May 22, 2017
    Subject: Chronic Wasting Disease — Pursuant to Parks and Wildlife Code, §12.027, and Government Code, §2001.034, the executive director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (the department) adopts, on an emergency basis, a 60-day extension of the effectiveness of amendments to §65.81 and §65.82, concerning Disease Detection and Response, adopted on an emergency basis on January 26, 2017 and published in the February 10, 2017 issue of the Texas Register (42 TexReg 531).
  • Executive Order No. 17-001 media download(PDF 599.9 KB)
    Date: January 25, 2017
    Subject: Chronic Wasting Disease — The Executive Director hereby ORDERS the adoption, on an emergency basis, of amendments to 31 TAC §§65.81 and 65.82 to eliminate current Surveillance Zone 3 in Medina County and replace it with an identical geographical area designated as Containment Zone 3. This order is effective immediately upon filing, and authorizes publication of a Notice of Emergency Adoption in the Texas Register.


  • Executive Order No. 16-005 media download(PDF 27.5 KB)
    Date: October 25, 2016
    Subject: Due to logging operations at Atlanta State Park, some public hunting activities are cancelled.
  • Executive Order No. 16-004 media download(PDF 85.6 KB)
    Date: August 24, 2016
    Subject: The Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department ORDERS that in addition to the regulations contained in the Public Lands Proclamation (31 TAC Chapter 65, Subchapter H), hunting on public lands in this state shall be conducted as provided for in the department publication entitled “2016-2017 Map Booklet for Public Hunting Lands” and in accordance with the provisions of the department document entitled “2016-17 Drawn Hunt Catalog.”
  • Executive Order No. 16-003 media download(PDF 55.3 KB)
    Date: July 22, 2016
    Subject: In accordance with Parks and Wildlife Code §46.002(a)(5), the Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) hereby ORDERS the sponsorship of the “Free Fishing in State Parks,” an ongoing event to encourage participation in angling on state parks owned or leased by TPWD.
  • Executive Order No. 16-002 media download(PDF 88 KB)Chronic Wasting Disease Emergency Extensions — Deer Management Permit media download(PDF 202.6 KB) Triple T Permit media download(PDF 206.3 KB)
    Date: January 28, 2016
    Subject: Therefore, finding that the immediate danger of CWD to native deer continues to exist, the Executive Director hereby ORDERS a 60-day extension of 31 TAC §§65.94 and 65.95. This order is effective immediately upon filing, and authorizes publication of a Notice of Extension of Emergency Adoption in the Texas Register.
  • Executive Order No. 16-001 media download(PDF 80.2 KB)
    Date: January 14, 2016
    Subject: In accordance with Parks and Wildlife Code §46.002(a)(5), the Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) hereby ORDERS the sponsorship of the “Free Fishing in State Parks and Wildlife Management Areas,” an ongoing event to encourage participation in angling on state parks and wildlife management areas owned or leased by TPWD.


  • Executive Order No. 15-010 media download(PDF 31.1 KB)
    Date: December 14, 2015
    Subject: Due to the recent flooding on the Old Sabine Bottom Wildlife Management Area, the following public hunting activities are cancelled until further notice: Special Permit Gun Deer Either Sex (GDE) hunt scheduled for December 14-16, 2015. Loyalty Points will be restored for all accepted hunt positions.
  • Executive Order No. 15-009 media download(PDF 88.1 KB)Emergency Rule Extension media download(PDF 234.8 KB)
    Date: December 14, 2015
    Subject: Finding that the immediate danger of CWD to native deer continues to exist, the Executive Director hereby ORDERS a 60-day extension of 31 TAC §§65.90-65.93. This order is effective immediately upon filing, and authorizes publication of a Notice of Extension of Emergency Adoption in the Texas Register.
  • Executive Order No. 15-008 media download(PDF 28.9 KB)
    Date: November 18, 2015
    Subject: The Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department ORDERS the following modification to the Public Hunt Draw System: Due to flooding at Lake Somerville State Park, the following public hunting activities are cancelled: Special permit YDE hunt on the Nails Creek Unit of Lake Somerville State Park scheduled for Dec. 5-6, 2015.
  • Executive Order No. 15-007 media download(PDF 99.1 KB)
    Date: October 29, 2015
    Subject: The Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department ORDERS the following modification to the department publications entitled “2015-2016 Map Booklet for Public Hunting Lands” and the Public Hunt Draw System: Due to the recent flooding on the Middle Trinity River Ecosystem project Wildlife Management Areas, the following public hunting activities are cancelled until further notice.
  • Executive Order No. 15-006 media download(PDF 86.8 KB)Chronic Wasting Disease Emergency Rules — Deer Management Permit Provisions media download(PDF 198.4 KB)Triple T Permit Provisions media download(PDF 202.1 KB)
    Date: October 5, 2015
    Subject: The Executive Director hereby ORDERS the adoption, on an emergency basis, of new 31 TAC §65.94 and §65.95 to implement additional disease testing requirements and movement restrictions for deer that are moved, commingled with free-ranging deer, or released under the authority of a permit issued by the department. This order is effective immediately upon filing, and authorizes publication of a Notice of Emergency Adoption in the Texas Register.
  • Executive Order No. 15-005 media download(PDF 81.1 KB)
    Date: October 1, 2015
    Subject: The Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department ORDERS the following modification to the department publications entitled “2015-2016 Map Booklet for Public Hunting Lands”: Page 84 — Public Hunting Unit #2487 “CR 140” part of the Milam County Complex will be withdrawn from the program as of October 2, 2015. There will be no hunting or public access.
  • Executive Order No. 15-004 media download(PDF 85.3 KB)
    Date: August 31, 2015
    Subject: The Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department ORDERS that in addition to the regulations contained in the Public Lands Proclamation (31 TAC Chapter 65, Subchapter H), hunting on public lands in this state shall be conducted as provided for in the department publication entitled “2015-2016 Map Booklet for Public Hunting Lands” and in accordance with the provisions of the department document entitled “2015-16 Drawn Hunt Catalog,” which shall be published on the official website of the department at https://www2.tpwd.state.tx.us/huntwild/hunt/public/public_hunt_drawing/brochures/2015-2016-drawn-hunt-catalog.pdf, as may be amended by order of the Executive Director.
  • Executive Order No. 15-003 media download(PDF 85.2 KB)Emergency Rule media download(PDF 199.5 KB)
    Date: August 18, 2015
    Subject: White-tailed deer and mule deer are game animals subject to regulation by the Commission under the provisions of various chapters of the Parks and Wildlife Code, including Chapters 43 (Subchapters E, L, R, and R-1), 61, 62, and 63. Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) is a fatal neurodegenerative disorder that affects some cervid species, including white-tailed deer and mule deer. The Executive Director finds that the recent discovery of CWD in a Texas deer breeder’s facility regulated under Parks and Wildlife Code, Chapter 43, Subchapter L and regulations adopted pursuant to that subchapter (31 TAC Chapter 65, Subchapter T) creates an immediate danger to the white-tailed deer and mule deer resources of Texas and that the adoption of these rules on an emergency basis with fewer than 30 days’ notice is necessary to address this immediate danger.
  • Executive Order No. 15-002 media download(PDF 16.6 KB)
    Date: July 28, 2015
    Subject: The Executive Director hereby adopts amendments to 31 TAC §§65.315, and 65.319, concerning the provisions of the Migratory Game Bird Proclamation applicable to early-season species, without changes to the proposed text as published in the May 22, 2015, issue of the Texas Register (40 TexReg 2736).
  • Executive Order No. 15-001 media download(PDF 84.1 KB)
    Date: May 12, 2015
    Subject: Alligator gar are a nongame fish subject to regulation by the Commission under the provisions of Parks and Wildlife Code, Chapter 67. Under the provisions of agency rules at 31 TAC §57.977, the Executive Director of the department may temporarily prohibit the take of alligator gar in places where they are spawning or are about to spawn.


  • Executive Order No. 14-007 media download(PDF 83.9 KB)
    Date: November 4, 2014
    Subject: Under the provisions of Parks & Wildlife Code, §13.004, the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department (the Department) may receive grants for the operation, maintenance and improvement of state parks. Parks & Wildlife Code, §11.0171 allows the Executive Director to negotiate, contract or enter into an agreement with the United States, any of its agencies, and a political subdivision of this state for the purpose of carrying out the powers, duties, and responsibilities of the Department. The Department was awarded federal funding through the Transportation Enhancement Program to fund exhibits and visitor center improvements at four state parks to interpret the El Camino Real de los Tejas National Historic Trail.
  • Executive Order No. 14-006 media download(PDF 83.3 KB)
    Date: October 13, 2014
    Subject: Modification to the department publication entitled “2014-2015 Map Booklet for Public Hunting Lands”: Youth/Adult Dove and Quail Hunts
  • Executive Order No. 14-005 media download(PDF 85.2 KB)
    Date: September 9, 2014
    Subject: As provided in this Executive Order, the use of permanent hunting blinds at Caddo Lake Wildlife Management Area (the WMA) is being terminated in order to promote the fair and equitable distribution of public hunting opportunity, eliminate the potential for user conflict over permanent hunting blinds, enhance public access, facilitate management of the WMA, and provide greater regulatory consistency by eliminating an exception that was applicable only to the WMA.
  • Executive Order No. 14-004 media download(PDF 124.4 KB)
    Date: September 2, 2014
    Subject: The Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department ORDERS that in addition to the regulations contained in the Public Lands Proclamation (31 TAC Chapter 65, Subchapter H), hunting on public lands in this state shall be conducted as provided for in the department publication entitled “2014-2015 Map Booklet for Public Hunting Lands” and in accordance with the provisions of the department document entitled “2014-15 Drawn Hunt Catalog,” which shall be published on the official website of the department and may be amended by order of the Executive Director.
  • Executive Order No. 14-003 media download(PDF 113.3 KB)
    Date: August 5, 2014
    Subject: Under the provisions of Parks and Wildlife Code, §64.022 and 31 TAC §65.313(f), the Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, after notifying the Chairman of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission, is authorized to adopt regulations establishing seasons, bag limits, means, methods, and devices for harvesting migratory game birds within U.S Fish and Wildlife Service frameworks.
  • Executive Order No. 14-002 media download(PDF 28.7 KB)
    Date: January 21, 2014
    Subject: The Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department ORDERS the following modification to the department publication entitled “2013-2014 Map Booklet for Public Hunting Lands”: Page 53 — Due to planned Eastern Turkey research efforts on Gus Engeling Wildlife Management Area (Unit #754), the Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department ORDERS the Feral Hog and Squirrel, Rabbits and Hares hunts by Annual Public Hunting Permit scheduled for the March 1-April 30 and May 1-31, 2014 cancelled.
  • Executive Order No. 14-001 media download(PDF 22 KB)
    Date: January 13, 2014
    Subject: The Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department ORDERS the following modification to the department publications entitled “2013-2014 Applications for Drawings on Public Hunting Lands”: Due to the recent flooding on the Nails Creek Unit of Lake Somerville State Park, The following public hunting activities are cancelled until further notice: The drawn feral hog hunt (GFH) by Special Permit scheduled for January 14-16, 2014; This order is issued pursuant to §81.402 of the Texas Parks and Wildlife code and is effective immediately.


  • Executive Order No. 13-008 media download(PDF 24.6 KB)
    Date: December 10, 2013
    Subject: On June 17, 2013, zebra mussel veligers were confirmed in Lake Bridgeport, an impoundment of the West Fork of the Trinity River in Jack and Wise counties....
  • Executive Order No. 13-007 media download(PDF 57.4 KB)
    Date: September 27, 2013
    Subject: The Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department ORDERS the following modification to the department publications entitled “2013-2014 Map Booklet for Public Hunting Lands”: (Page 102) Public Hunting Unit #2456 “Fairview Road” in Chambers County will be withdrawn from the program as of October 5, 2013. There will be no hunting or public access.
  • Executive Order No. 13-006 media download(PDF 90 KB)
    Date: September 25, 2013
    Subject: Under the provisions of Parks and Wildlife Code, §12.027, if the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission or the Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department finds that there is an immediate danger to a species authorized to be regulated by the Department, the Commission or the Executive Director may adopt emergency rules as provided by Government Code, §2001.034.
  • Executive Order No. 13-005 media download(PDF 406.2 KB)
    Date: August 27, 2013
    Subject: The Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department ORDERS that in addition to the regulations contained in the Public Lands Proclamation (31 TAC Chapter 65, Subchapter H), hunting on public lands in this state shall be conducted as provided for in the department publications entitled “2013- 2014 Applications for Drawings on Public Lands,” and “2013-2014 Map Booklet for Public Hunting Lands” and any supplements.
  • Executive Order No. 13-004 media download(PDF 57.9 KB)
    Date: August 9, 2013
    Subject: Free Fishing in State Parks and Wildlife Management Areas — In accordance with Parks and Wildlife Code §46.002(a)(5), the Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) hereby ORDERS the sponsorship of the “Free Fishing in State Parks and Wildlife Management Areas,” an ongoing event to encourage participation in angling on state parks and wildlife management areas owned or leased by TPWD.
  • Executive Order No. 13-003 media download(PDF 51.6 KB)
    Date: June 27, 2013
    Subject: Zebra Mussels — The Executive Director hereby adopts an amendment to 31 TAC §57.972 to extend the applicability of the provisions of 31 TAC §57.972(k) to include all impounded and tributary waters of the West Fork of the Trinity River above Lake Worth dam, including lakes Worth, Eagle Mountain, and Bridgeport, to be effective immediately upon filing, and authorizes publication of a Notice of Emergency Adoption in the Texas Register.
  • Executive Order No. 13-002 media download(PDF 102.6 KB)
    Date: July 1, 2013
    Under the provisions of Parks and Wildlife Code, §64.022 and 31 TAC §65.313(f), the Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, after notifying the Chairman of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission, is authorized to adopt regulations establishing seasons, bag limits, means, methods, and devices for harvesting migratory game birds within U.S Fish and Wildlife Service frameworks. Therefore, the Executive Director hereby adopts amendments to 31 TAC §65.314, 65.315, and 65.319, concerning the Migratory Game Bird Proclamation, with changes to the proposed text as published in the May 24, 2013, issue of the Texas Register (38 TexReg 3290). The Executive Director also hereby authorizes publication of the Notice of Adoption in the Texas Register.
  • Executive Order No. 13-001 media download(PDF 102.6 KB)
    Date: January 11, 2013
    Subject: Due to the recent flooding on the on the Nails Creek Unit of Lake Somerville State Park, the following public hunting activities are cancelled until further notice: The drawn feral hog hunt (GFH) by Special Permit scheduled for January 15-17, 2013.


  • Executive Order No. 12-007 media download(PDF 72.4 KB)
    Date: December 20, 2012
    Subject: Due to continuing negative impacts resulting from the current drought on Matagorda Island Wildlife Management Area (Unit #722), the Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department ORDERS the waterfowl hunts by Annual Public Hunting Permit scheduled for the Jan. 5-6, 12-13, 19-20 and 26-27, 2013 cancelled.
  • Executive Order No. 12-006 media download(PDF 113.7 KB)
    Date: November 30, 2012
    Subject: The Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department ORDERS the following modification to the department publications entitled “2012-2013 Map Booklet for Public Hunting Lands”: Due to continuing negative impacts resulting from the current drought on Matagorda Island Wildlife Management Area (Unit #722), the Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department ORDERS the waterfowl hunts by Annual Public Hunting Permit scheduled for the Dec. 8-9, 2012 cancelled.
  • Executive Order No. 12-005 media download(PDF 67.3 KB)
    Date: August 29, 2012
    Subject: The Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department ORDERS that in addition to the regulations contained in the Public Lands Proclamation (31 TAC Chapter 65, Subchapter H), hunting on public lands in this state shall be conducted as provided for in the department publications entitled “2012-2013 Applications for Drawings on Public Lands,” and “2012-2013 Map Booklet for Public Hunting Lands” and any supplements.
  • Executive Order No. 12-004 media download(PDF 73.7 KB)
    Date: August 9, 2012
    Subject: In accordance with Parks and Wildlife Code §46.002(a)(5), the Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) hereby ORDERS the sponsorship of the “Free Fishing in State Parks and Wildlife Management Areas,” an ongoing event to encourage participation in angling on state parks and wildlife management areas owned or leased by TPWD.
  • Executive Order No. 12-003 media download(PDF 76.8 KB)
    Date: July 30, 2012
    Subject: The Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department finds that zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) present an immediate danger to aquatic species regulated by the department and hereby ORDERS the adoption of emergency rules to contain zebra mussels in all impounded and tributary waters of the Elm Fork of the Trinity River upstream from the Lewisville dam. The Executive Director authorizes the immediate submission of Notice of Emergency Rulemaking in the Texas Register.
    Notice of Emergency Rulemaking media download(PDF 90.1 KB)
  • Executive Order No. 12-002 media download(PDF 86.7 KB)
    Date: June 29, 2012
    Subject: Under the provisions of 31 TAC §65.313(f), the Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, after notifying the Chairman of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission, adopts amendments to 31 TAC §§65.315 and 65.319, concerning the Migratory Game Bird Proclamation, with changes to the proposed text as published in the May 18, 2012 issue of the Texas Register (37 TexReg 3673). The Executive Director hereby authorizes publication of the Notice of Adoption in the Texas Register.
  • Executive Order No. 12-001 media download(PDF 86.7 KB)
    Date: January 30, 2012
    Subject: Pursuant to the requirements of Parks and Wildlife Code, §13.001 and the provisions of 31 Tex. Admin. Code §59.62, the Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department hereby orders that the tracts of land enumerated herein be designated a state park and entered into the inventory of Texas Parks and Wildlife Department lands classified as state parks.


  • Executive Order No. 008 media download(PDF 85.3 KB)
    Date: December 29, 2011
    Subject: Due to the continuing impacts of the exceptional drought on freshwater ponds on the Matagorda Island Wildlife Management Area (Unit #722), the Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department ORDERS the cancellation of waterfowl hunts by Annual Public Hunting permit scheduled for January 7-8, 14-15, 21-22, 2012. Waterfowl hunting in the Bayshore Marsh Area is unaffected.
  • Executive Order No. 007 media download(PDF 75.5 KB)
    Date: December 20, 2011
    Subject: Under the provisions of 31 Texas Administrative Code, §53.50, an agent appointed by the department to provide boater education instruction may charge and keep a per-student service fee in an amount established in a fee schedule approved by the director, which shall not exceed $25.
  • Executive Order No. 006 media download(PDF 75.5 KB)
    Date: November 22, 2011
    Subject: Cancellation of waterfowl hunts at the Matagorda Island Wildlife Management Area (Unit #722) by Annual Public Hunting permit scheduled for December 10-11, 2011. Waterfowl hunting in the Bayshore Marsh Area is unaffected.
  • Executive Order No. 005 media download(PDF 69.5 KB)
    Date: August 1, 2011
    Subject: The number of drawn special permit general alligator hunt positions scheduled for the J. D. Murphree Wildlife Management Area is reduced from 180 positions to 98 positions.
  • Executive Order No. 003 media download(PDF 77.4 KB)
    Date: July 22, 2011
    Subject: Sponsorship of the "Free Fishing in State Parks and Wildlife Management Areas," an ongoing event to encourage participation in angling on state parks and wildlife management areas owned or leased by TPWD
  • Executive Order No. 002 media download(PDF 259.7 KB)
    Date: May 4, 2011
    Subject: Public hunting and recreational access to North Unit of Richland Creek Wildlife Management Area (Unit 703) cancelled until August 31, 2011.
  • Executive Order No. 001 media download(PDF 28.6 KB)
    Date: February 17, 2011
    Subject: Cancellation of hunts at Cooper WMA and the Big Hill Unit of the J.D. Murphree WMA



  • Executive Order No. 014 media download(PDF 28.1 KB)
    Date: December 28, 2009
    Subject: Mission Lake Unit Reinstitute Hunts
  • Executive Order No. 013 media download(PDF 29.4 KB)
    Date: December 17, 2009
    Subject: Chaparral Hunt, January 8-10.
  • Executive Order No. 012 media download(PDF 29.5 KB)
    Date: December 1, 2009
    Subject: Hunt Cancellation at White Oak Creek WMA.
  • Executive Order No. 011 media download(PDF 27.1 KB)
    Date: November 24, 2009
    Subject: Hunt Cancellation at Mission Lake Unit of the Guadalupe Delta WMA.
  • Executive Order No. 010 media download(PDF 29 KB)
    Date: November 13, 2009
    Subject: Hunt Reinstatement at Mission Lake Unit of the Guadalupe Delta WMA.
  • Executive Order No. 009 media download(PDF 35.9 KB)
    Date: November 3, 2009
    Subject: Hunt Cancellations at various units due to flooding.
  • Executive Order No. 008media download(PDF 22.6 KB)
    Date: October 30, 2009
    Subject: Hunt Cancellations at Mission Lake Unit of Guadalupe Delta Wildlife Management Area.
  • Executive Order No. 007media download(PDF 35.9 KB)
    Date: October 26, 2009
    Subject: Hunt Cancellations at Old Sabine Bottom, Richland Creek, and White Oak Creek wildlife management areas.
  • Executive Order No. 006 media download(PDF 21.8 KB)
    Date: October 19, 2009
    Subject: Public Hunt Cancellation on Richland Creek Wildlife Management Area due to flooding.
  • Executive Order No. 005 media download(PDF 22.9 KB)
    Date: August 19, 2009
    Subject: Public Hunting Map Booklet and Drawings

  • Date: July 3, 2009
    Subject: Free Fishing in State Parks and Wildlife Management Areas
  • Executive Order No. 003 media download(PDF 22.9 KB)
    Date: July 2, 2009
    Subject: Migratory Game Bird Proclamation
  • Executive Order No. 002 media download(PDF 22.5 KB)
    Date: March 20, 2009
    Subject: Reopening Candy Abshier Wildlife Management Area
  • Executive Order No. 001 media download(PDF 27.7 KB)
    Date: January 7, 2009
    Subject: Matagorda Island Hunt Cancellations



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