Management Data Series
Coastal Fisheries
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Series 1 (MDS No. 001 - MDS No. 155)
- MDS No. 001 - Fish Tagging in Texas Bays During November 1975 - September 1976
- MDS No. 002 - The Use of a Fish Trawl to Sample Large Fish
- MDS No. 003 - An Investigation of the Spanish Mackerel Along the Texas Coast
- MDS No. 004 - Special Contract Fishing by Pace Fish Company, 9 May 1976-10 May 1977
- MDS No. 005 - Shell Management Annual Report, September 1977-August 1978
- MDS No. 007 - Recreational and Commercial Finfish Catch Statistics for Texas Bay Systems, September 1977-August 1978
- MDS No. 008 - Evaluation of Natural, Leaf, Vegetable, Worm and Cork Baits Used on Trotlines in Upper and Lower Laguna Madre Texas, September 1977- August 1978
- MDS No. 009 - Recreational and Commercial Finfish Catch Statistics for Texas Bay Systems, September 1978-August 1979
- MDS No. 010 - Headboat and Charterboat Finfish Catch Statistics for the Bays and Gulf Waters of Texas, September 1978-August 1979
- MDS No. 011 - Gulf Pier and Jetty Finfish Catch Statistics for the Gulf Waters of Texas, September 1978-August 1979
- MDS No. 012 - Texas Commercial Harvest Statistics, 1978-79
- MDS No. 013 - Studies of Shrimp Populations in Selected Coastal Bays of Texas
- MDS No. 014 - Mark-Recapture Studies of Penaeid Shrimp in Texas, 1978-1979
- MDS No. 015 - Survival of Hook-Caught Spotted Seatrout Held in Cages
- MDS No. 016 - Assessment of Bottom Line Fishing off the Central Texas Coast,1980
- MDS No. 017 - Monitoring of Coastal Finfish Resources for Sport Fish Management, October 1978-September 1979-1980
- MDS No. 018 - The Texas Shrimp Fleet A Description, 1981
- MDS No. 019 - Shell Management Report
- MDS No. 020 - Comparison Between Reported and Estimated Commercial Finfish Landings From the Central Texas Coast
- MDS No. 021 - Rehabilitation of Public Oyster Reefs Damaged or Destroyed by a Natural Disaster
- MDS No. 022 - Assessment of Bottom Longline Fishing off the Central Texas Coast a Completion Report
- MDS No. 024 - Survey of Finfish Harvest by Sport Fishermen in Selected Texas Bays, Sept-Aug 1974-76 & 1979-80
- MDS No. 025 - Recreational Finfish Catch Statistics for Texas Bay Systems, September 1979-August 1980
- MDS No. 026 - Texas Commercial Harvest Statistics, 1979-80
- MDS No. 028 - Monitoring of Coastal Finfish Resources for Sport Fish Management, October 1979-September 1980
- MDS No. 029 - Texas Commercial Harvest Statistics, 1977-1980
- MDS No. 030 - A Comparison of Two Trammel Net Setting Methods
- MDS No. 031 - By-Catch of Southern Flounder and Gulf Flounder by Commercial Shrimp Trawlers in Texas Bays
- MDS No. 032 - Artificial Reef Construction and Natural Reef Marking in Texas Bays
- MDS No. 033 - Monitoring of Coastal Finfish Resources for Sport Fish Management, October 1980-September 1981
- MDS No. 034 - Evaluation of 732 M Trammel Net for Estimating Finfish Abundance in Texas Bays
- MDS No. 035 - Weekend Sport Boat Fishermen Finfish Catch Statistics for Texas Bay Systems, May 1974-May 1981
- MDS No. 037 - Shallow Water Surface Areas and Shoreline Distances on the Texas Coast
- MDS No. 038 - Population Trends and Commercial Harvest of the Blue Crab in Texas Bays, September 1978-August 1979
- MDS No. 039 - Shell Management Annual Report, September 1979-August 1980
- MDS No. 040 - Mesh Size Selectivity Study of Penaeid Shrimp Trawled from Galveston Bay Texas, May 1981
- MDS No. 041 - Studies of Shrimp Populations in Selected Coastal Bays of Texas
- MDS No. 042 - The Fall Red Drum Gulf of Mexico Pier Fishery off Galveston Bay Texas
- MDS No. 044 - Shell Management Annual Report September 1980-August 1981
- MDS No. 045 - Texas Commercial Harvest Statistics, 1977-1981
- MDS No. 046 - The Daytime Fall Southern Flounder Recreational Fishery in Three Texas Passes
- MDS No. 047 - Selectivity of Gill Nets in Three Texas Bays
- MDS No. 048 - Harvest Estimates for Texas Marine Charter Boats, September 1980-August 1981
- MDS No. 049 - Monitoring of Coastal Finfish Resources for Sport Fish Management, October 1981-September 1982
- MDS No. 050 - Weekend Sport Boat Fishermen Finfish Catch Statistics for Texas Bay Systems, May 1974-May 1982
- MDS No. 051 - Oyster Population Trends in Galveston Bay, 1973-1978
- MDS No. 052 - Abundance of Brown Shrimp as Related to the 1982 Closure of the Texas Territorial Sea to Shrimping
- MDS No. 053 - Monitoring of Texas Coastal Blue Crab Resources, September 1979-August 1981
- MDS No. 054 - Texas Commercial Harvest Statistics, 1977-1982
- MDS No. 055 - Monitoring of Coastal Shellfish Resources, January-December 1982
- MDS No. 056 - Evaluation of an Initial Striped Bass Stocking Program in Texas Bays
- MDS No. 057 - Preliminary Evaluation of the Scale Method for Describing Age and Growth of Spotted Seatrout in the Matagorda Bay System Texas
- MDS No. 058 - Harvest by Texas Headboat Fishermen During September 1982-May 1983
- MDS No. 059 - Weekend Sport-Boat Fishermen Finfish Catch Statistics for Texas Bay Systems, May 1974-May 1983
- MDS No. 060 - A Summary of 7 Years of Stocking Texas Bays With Red Drum
- MDS No. 061 - Survival of Handled and Tagged Spotted Seatrout Held in Wood and Wire Cages
- MDS No. 062 - Weight-Total Length and Length-Length Relationships for Four Saltwater Fishes
- MDS No. 063 - Returns of Tagged Red Drum Stocked Into Matagorda Bay Texas
- MDS No. 064 - Texas Commercial Harvest Statistics, 1977-1983
- MDS No. 065 - Sample Size Requirements for Estimating the Mean Length of Penaeid Shrimp Within a Trawl Sample
- MDS No. 066 - A Summary of Fish Tagging in Texas Bays, 1975-1982
- MDS No. 067 - Sample Sizes in Texas Headboat Surveys
- MDS No. 068 - Comparison of Trawl Catches in Two Passes
- MDS No. 069 - Shell Management Annual Report, September 1981-August 1982
- MDS No. 070 - Shell Management Annual Report, September 1982-April 1983
- MDS No. 071 - Penaeid Shrimp Monitoring off the Central Texas Coast, 1977-1981
- MDS No. 072 - Distribution and Gonadal Development of Black Drum in Texas Gulf Waters
- MDS No. 073 - Comparison of Red Drum Weight-Length Relationships Among Texas Bays
- MDS No. 074 - Potential Catch in Sport Beach Seines on the Upper Texas Coast
- MDS No. 075 -Stocking as a Management Tool for a Red Drum Fishery a Preliminary Evaluation
- MDS No. 076 - Effects of Two Fertilizers on Red Drum Survival in Ponds
- MDS No. 077 - Charterboat Fishermen Finfish Catch Statistics for Texas Marine Waters, May 1983-May 1984
- MDS No. 078 - Trends in Finfish Catches by Private Sport-Boat Fishermen in Texas Marine Waters through May 1984
- MDS No. 079 - Trends in Relative Abundance of Selected Finfishes Along the Texas Coast, November 1975-June 1984
- MDS No. 080 - Monitoring of Coastal Shellfish Resources, January - December 1983
- MDS No. 081 - Effect of Setting Method on Gill Net Catches
- MDS No. 082 - Closure Dates for 1984 Texas Gulf Shrimping Season
- MDS No. 083 - Lengths of 24 Saltwater Fishes Caught in Trammel Nets in Texas Bays
- MDS No. 084 - Trends in Texas Commercial Fisheries Landings, 1977-1984
- MDS No. 085 - Red Drum Sex Ratio and Size at Sexual Maturity
- MDS No. 086 - A Comparison of Trotline Catches On Two Hook Types in the Laguna Madre
- MDS No. 087 - Comparison of Trawl Catches Using Two Different Towing Lines
- MDS No. 088 - Monitoring of Coastal Shellfish Resources, January-December 1984
- MDS No. 089 - Comparison of Two Sampling Methods for Estimating Zooplankton Densities In Fish Culture Ponds
- MDS No. 090 - Trends in Finfish Landings by Sport Boat Fishermen in Texas Marine Waters, May 1974-May 1985
- MDS No. 091 - Trends in Relative Abundance and Size of Selected Finfish in Texas Bays, November 1975-June 1985
- MDS No. 092 - Distribution of Crab Traps in Texas Bays
- MDS No. 093 - Evaluation of the Commercial Trotline Fishery in the Laguna Madre during Fall 1984
- MDS No. 094 - An Evaluation of Sport-Boat Fishing on Winter Holiday-Related Days
- MDS No. 095 - Estimated Number of Dredge Tows Required to Detect Changes in Oyster Abundance in Galveston Bay
- MDS No. 096 - Occurrence of Select Juvenile Fishes During Post Spawning Periods in Texas Bay-Gulf Passes
- MDS No. 097 - An Inventory of Texas Saltwater Fishing Tournaments Spatial Temporal and Participation Patterns in 1983
- MDS No. 098 - A Summary of Artificial Reef Construction on The Texas Coast
- MDS No. 100 - Young Tarpon in a Roadside Ditch Near Matagorda Bay in Calhoun County Texas
- MDS No. 101 - A Description of the Texas Shrimp Fleet, 1979-1983
- MDS No. 102 - Number and Size of Brown Shrimp Caught in the Gulf of Mexico During the Texas Closure
- MDS No. 103 - Plankton Toxicity as a Possible Cause of a Red Drum Kill in Grow-Out Ponds
- MDS No. 104 - A Summary of 10 Years of Stocking Fishes Into Texas Bays
- MDS No. 105 - Microplankton in Red Drum Mariculture Ponds
- MDS No. 106 - Initial Survival of Red Drum Fingerlings Stocked in Texas Bays During 1984-1985
- MDS No. 107 - Trends in Texas Commercial Fishery Landings, 1977-1985
- MDS No. 108 - Trends in Relative Abundance of Selected Shellfishes Along the Texas Coast, January 1977-March 1986
- MDS No. 109 - Penaeid Shrimp Sampling off The Central Texas Coast, 1981
- MDS No. 110 - Inventory of Boat Access Sites on the Texas Coast
- MDS No. 111 - Survival of Three Fishes Caught on Trotlines
- MDS No. 112 - Observations of Red Drum Mortality in the Gulf of Mexico
- MDS No. 113 - Accuracy of Estimated Number of Red Drum Fry Stocked into Rearing Ponds
- MDS No. 114 - Trends in Relative Abundance and Size of Selected Finfish in Texas Bays, November 1975-December 1985
- MDS No. 115 - Comparison of 5.1-cm Stretched Mesh Gill Net Catches in Two Texas Bays
- MDS No. 116 - Red Drum Stocked Into Two Texas Bays
- MDS No. 117 - Comparison of Random and Nonrandom Bag Seine Station Selection Methods
- MDS No. 119 - Trends in Finfish Landings by Sport-Boat Fishermen in Texas Marine Waters, May 1974-May 1986
- MDS No. 120 - Comparison of Shrimp Catches off Aransas Pass and Mansfield Pass Texas, May-August 1980-1981
- MDS No. 121 - Trends in Composition of the Texas Commercial Shrimp Fleet
- MDS No. 122 - Comparison of Offshore and Onshore Gill Net Catches in Corpus Christi Bay
- MDS No. 123 - A Proposed Approach for Monitoring Texas Commercial Saltwater Fisheries
- MDS No. 124 - Comparison of Trotline Catches on Four Bait Types In the Laguna Madre During June-August 1985
- MDS No. 125 - Trends in the Galveston Bay Oyster Fishery, 1979-1984
- MDS No. 126 - Length-Weight and Length-Length Relationships for 12 Saltwater Fishes
- MDS No. 127 - Closure Dates For The 1985 Texas Gulf Shrimping Season
- MDS No. 128 - Movement of Emigrating Penaeid Shrimp From Aransas Pass
- MDS No. 129 - Abundance and Size of Brown Shrimp Within the Shallow (-7.3 m) Waters off Galveston Texas
- MDS No. 130 - Geographic Origins of Recreational Anglers Using Texas Bays
- MDS No. 131 - Trends in Texas Commercial Fishery Landings, 1977-1986
- MDS No. 132 - Catches of Five Finfishes in Bag Seines, May 1961-May 1976
- MDS No. 133 - Trends in Relative Abundance of Selected Shellfishes and Finfishes Along the Texas Coast, January 1977-December 1986
- MDS No. 134 - Fish Stocking in Texas Bays, 1975-1986
- MDS No. 135 - Evaluation of Minimum Stone Crab Claw Length Regulations In Texas
- MDS No. 137- A Preliminary Electrophoretic Assessment of The Population Structure of Spotted Seatrout Inhabiting the Texas Gulf Coast
- MDS No. 139 - Trends in Relative Abundance and Size of Selected Finfishes in Texas Bays, November 1975-December 1986
- MDS No. 140 - Effect of LHRHa and Testosterone Implants on the Maturation of Snook
- MDS No. 141 - A Comparison of Snook and Fat Snook Muscle Protein byIsoelectric Focusing
- MDS No. 142 - Snook Fingerling Production in Saltwater Culture Ponds During 1986
- MDS No. 143 - An Evaluation of Temperature and Photoperiod Induced Maturation of Snook
- MDS No. 144 - An Evaluation of the Collection of Preovulatory Females and Hormone Induced Tank-Spawning of Spotted Trout
- MDS No. 145 - Bag Seining for Striped Bass (Morone saxatilis) Stocked in Trinity Bay Texas
- MDS No. 146 - Comparison of Striped Bass Fingerling Production in Freshwater and Saltwater Culture Ponds
- MDS No. 147 - Fish Stocking in Texas Bays, 1975-1987
- MDS No. 148 - A Preliminary Analysis of the Effects of Temperature and Salinity on Hatching of Spotted Seatrout
- MDS No. 149 - Trends in Texas Commercial Fishery Landings, 1977-1987
- MDS No. 150 - Trends in Finfish Landings by Sport-Boat Fishermen In Texas Marine Waters, May 1974-May 1987
- MDS No. 151 - Characteristics Attitudes and Preferences of Shore-Based Spring Black Drum Anglers in Galveston Bay Texas
- MDS No. 152 - Survival of Red Drum Fry Stocked Into Christmas Bay Texas
- MDS No. 153 - Trends in Relative Abundance of Selected Shellfishes and Finfishes Along the Texas Gulf Coast, January 1977-December 1987
- MDS No. 154 - Temperature and Photoperiod Induced Maturation of Southern Flounder
- MDS No. 155 - Trends in Relative Abundance and Size of Selected Finfishes in Texas Bays, November 1975-December 1987
Series 2 (MDS No. 001 - MDS No. 263)
- MDS No. 001 - Summary of Fish Tagging in Texas Bays, 1975-1988
- MDS No. 002 - Attempted Maturation of Snook in Ponds and Cages
- MDS No. 003 - Preliminary Evaluation of the Use of Calcified Structures for Separating Spotted Seatrout Stocks
- MDS No. 004 - Comparison of Oyster Dredge Tow Times to Monitor Oyster Abundance
- MDS No. 005 - Long Term Growth of South Carolina and Texas Red Drum
- MDS No. 006 - Survival of Laboratory Held Texas and South Carolina Red Drum Fingerlings Exposed to Extreme Texas Winter Temperatures
- MDS No. 007 - Trends in Texas Commercial Fishery Landings, 1977-1988
- MDS No. 008 - Trends in Finfish Landings by Sport-Boat Fishermen in Texas Marine Waters, May 1974-May 1988
- MDS No. 010 - Fish Stocking in Texas Bays, 1975-1988
- MDS No. 014 - Comparison of Post Larval and Juvenile Brown Shrimp Catches in Two Gear Types
- MDS No. 015 - Shrinkage of Spotted Seatrout Held on Ice
- MDS No. 016 - Movement of Blue Crabs in Trinity Bay
- MDS No. 018 - Demographics Participation Attitudes Expenditures and Management Preferences of Texas Saltwater Anglers, 1986
- MDS No. 019 - Long Term Growth of Hatchery Stocks of Texas and South Carolina Red Drum, 1986-1989
- MDS No. 020 - Trends in Relative Abundance and Size of Selected Finfishes and Shellfishes Along the Texas Coast, Nov 1975-Dec 1988
- MDS No. 021 - Seine and Trotline Tag Purchases by Licensed Commercial Saltwater Finfish Fishermen During September 1984-August 1987
- MDS No. 022 - Culture of Red Drum Fingerlings
- MDS No. 023 - Closure Dates for the 1987 Texas Gulf Shrimping Season
- MDS No. 024 - Partially Annotated Bibliography of Purse Seines and Their Effect on Targeted Fishery Stocks
- MDS No. 025 - Closure Dates for the 1986 Texas Gulf Shrimping Season
- MDS No. 026 - Closure Dates for the 1988 Texas Gulf Shrimping Season
- MDS No. 028 -Timelines of Reporting Data in the Self-Reporting Commercial Landings System in Texas
- MDS No. 030 - Pond Overwintering of Texas and South Carolina Red Drum Juveniles
- MDS No. 031 - Closure Dates for the 1989 Texas Gulf Shrimping Season
- MDS No. 032 - Rehabilitation of Public Oyster Reefs Damaged by a Natural Disaster in San Antonio Bay
- MDS No. 033 - Characteristics of Texas Commercial Net Fishermen
- MDS No. 034 - Weight Total Length Relationships for 57 Saltwater
- MDS No. 037 - Trends in Texas Commercial Fishery Landings, 1972-1989
- MDS No. 038 - A Review of Spotted Seatrout Culture at the Perry R. Bass Marine Fisheries Research Station, 1983-1985
- MDS No. 039 - Spawning Eastern Oysters Out of Season Using Continuous Flow
- MDS No. 040 - Induced Spawning of Eastern Oysters
- MDS No. 041 - Occurrence of Goldfish in Texas Salt Water
- MDS No. 042 - Trends in Abundance and Size of Adult White Shrimp in Texas Gulf Waters, May-July 1970-82
- MDS No. 043 - Fish Sampling With a 6.1-m Trawl in Selected Texas Bays
- MDS No. 045 - Closure Dates for the 1990 Texas Gulf Shrimping Season
- MDS No. 047 - Characteristics of Indochinese Seafood Dealers and Commercial Fishermen in Texas
- MDS No. 048 - Growth and Survival of Cage Held Eastern Oysters in Corpus Christi Bay
- MDS No. 049 - Fish Stocking in Texas Bays, 1975-1989
- MDS No. 050 - Non-Reef Oyster Sampling in the Laguna Madre Texas
- MDS No. 054 -Fish Stocking in Texas Bays, 1975-1990
- MDS No. 056 - Trends in Finfish Landings and Social and Economic Characteristics of Sport Boat Fishermen in Texas Marine Waters, 1974-1989
- MDS No. 061 - Oyster Dredge Tow Time Comparison
- MDS No. 063 - Summary of Fish Tagging in Texas Bays, 1975-1989
- MDS No. 064 - Chemical Marking of Fingerling Striped Bass Otoliths
- MDS No. 071 - Commercial Trotline Fishery in Upper Laguna Madre and Nueces Bay, June-August 1990
- MDS No. 072 - Wingspan of 3 Stingray Species, 1991
- MDS No. 073 - Summary of Fish Tagging in Texas Bays, 1975-1990
- MDS No. 074 - Trends in Relative Abundance and Size of Selected Finfishes and Shellfishes Along the Texas Coast, Nov 1975-Dec 1990
- MDS No. 076 - Status of Penaeus vannamei and Exotic Penaeids in Culture in Texas
- MDS No. 077 - Culture of Spotted Seatrout Fingerlings, 1991
- MDS No. 079 - Trends in Demographics Participation Attitudes Expenditures and Management Preferences of Texas Anglers, 1986-1987
- MDS No. 080 - Abundance and Size of Adult Red Drum off the Central Texas Coast during Dec-April 1977-80 and 1989-90
- MDS No. 081 - Demographics of Texas Non-Resident Anglers, 1987
- MDS No. 082 - Trends in Commercial Fishery Landings, 1972-1990
- MDS No. 084 - Rehabilitation of Damaged Public Oyster Reefs
- MDS No. 085 - Trends in Finfish Landings of Sport-Boat Anglers in Texas Marine Waters May, 1974-1991
- MDS No. 086 - Trends in Commercial Fishery Landings, 1972-1991
- MDS No. 103 - Trends in Relative Abundance and Size of Selected Finfishes and Shellfishes along the Texas Coast, Nov 1975-Dec 1991
- MDS No. 104 - Closure Dates for the 1991 and 1992 Texas Gulf Shrimping Season
- MDS No. 106 - Trends in Commercial Fishery Landings, 1972-1992
- MDS No. 109 - Trends in Finfish Landings of Sport-Boat Anglers in Texas Marine Waters, May 1974-1992
- MDS No. 111 - Trends in Texas Commercial Fishery Landings, 1972-1993
- MDS No. 112 - Trends in Relative Abundance and Size of Selected Finfishes and Shellfishes Along the Texas Coast, Nov 1975-Dec 1992
- MDS No. 115 - Trends in Relative Abundance and Size of Selected Finfishes and Shellfishes Along the Texas Coast, Nov 1975-Dec 1993
- MDS No. 117 - Trends in Texas Commercial Fishery Landings, 1972-1994
- MDS No. 118 - Historical Annotated Review of Winter Kills of Marine Organisms in Texas Bays
- MDS No. 124 - Trends in Relative Abundance and Size of Selected Finfishes and Shellfishes Along the Texas Coast, Nov 1975-Dec 1994
- MDS No. 126 - Summary of Fish Tagging on the Texas Coast, Nov 1975-Dec 1993
- MDS No. 127 - Trends in Commercial Fishery Landings, 1972-1995
- MDS No. 128 - Observations on Length and Gonadal Maturation of Young-of-the-Year Spotted Seatrout
- MDS No. 133 - Spawning Frequency of Matagorda Bay Female Spotted Seatrout
- MDS No. 134 - Fishery Survey of Chocolate Bay Calhoun County Texas
- MDS No. 137 - Trends in Relative Abundance and Size of Selected Finfishes and Shellfishes Along the Texas Coast Nov 1975-Dec 1995
- MDS No. 139 - Assessment of Relative Abundance of Juvenile Shrimp and Blue Crab in Texas Coastal Waters, 1977-86
- MDS No. 140 - Description of Salt-Box Use by the Texas Bay Shrimp Fishery
- MDS No. 141 - Trends in Texas Commercial Fishery Landings, 1972-1996
- MDS No. 158 - Trends in Texas Commercial Fishery Landings, 1972-1997
- MDS No. 159 - Trends in Relative Abundance and Size of Selected Finfishes and Shellfishes Along the Texas Coast, Nov 1975-Dec 1996
- MDS No. 165 - Use of Greater Than 12 Hour Fishing Trip Interview Data to Improve Texas Marine Sport-Boat Harvest Estimates
- MDS No. 167 - Characterization Study of Texas Bait Shrimp Dealers, 1996
- MDS No. 171 - Review of Life History and Abundance of the Atlantic Rangia with Implications for Management in Galveston Bay Texas
- MDS No. 172 - Carbon and Nitrogen Sources Supporting Food Webs of Spotted Seatrout in Galveston Bay and the Laguna Madre
- MDS No. 173 - Trends in Texas Commercial Fishery Landings, 1972-1998
- MDS No. 176 - Trends in Relative Abundance and Size of Selected Finfishes and Shellfishes, November 1975-December 1997
- MDS No. 177 - Species Composition of the 1994 Commercial Bay-Shrimp Winter Open Season in Texas
- MDS No. 178 - Texas Closure Dates for the 1993-2000 Texas Gulf Shrimping Seasons
- MDS No. 179 - Trends in Composition of the Texas Commercial Shrimp Fleet, 1986-1999
- MDS No. 180 - Characterization of Commercial Shrimp Trawl Bycatch, 1993-1995
- MDS No. 196 - Texas Artificial Reef Program
- MDS No. 206 - Trends in Texas Commercial Fishery Landings, 1972-2000
- MDS No. 217 - Abandoned Crab Trap Removal Program
- MDS No. 219 - Summary of Fish Tagging on the Texas Coast, Nov 1975-Dec1999
- MDS No. 224 - Trends in Commercial Fishery Landings, 1981-2001
- MDS No. 225 - Shrimp Farm Inspection Report, 2000 & 2001
- MDS No. 227 - Length-Weight Relationships for Twenty Marine Fishes of Texas
- MDS No. 228 - Shrimp Farm Inspection Report, 2002
- MDS No. 229 - Evaluation of Stocking Success in Marine Waters-Gene Marking of Red Drum and Spotted Seatrout Fingerlings
- MDS No. 232 - Trends in Relative Abundance and Size of Selected Finfishes and Shellfishes, November 1975-December 2003
- MDS No. 234 - Trends in Finfish Landings of Sport-Boat Anglers in Texas Marine Waters, May 1974 - May 2003
- MDS No. 242 - Species composition and annual seasonal and spatial variability of vertebrate and invertebrate assemblages in the Texas surf zone
- MDS No. 244 - Guidelines for the Culture of Blue and Channel Catfish
- MDS No. 246 - Nuisance Aquatic Vegetation Control in 2005
- MDS No. 249 - Stock Assessment of blue crabs, 2007
- MDS No. 250 - Baitfish Types Used by Sport-Boat Anglers in Texas Marine Waters, May 1995-May 1996
- MDS No. 252 - Survey of Redfish Bay and Nine-Mile Hole Anglers to Assess Attitudes and Opinions Towards Boating Restrictions Intended to Conserve Seagrass Beds
- MDS No. 257 - Trends in finfish landings of sport boat anglers in Texas marine waters, May 1974-May 2008
- MDS No. 258 - Viral infection surveillance of bait shrimp
- MDS No. 259 - Winterkill simulation on three size classes of spotted seatrout
- MDS No. 262 - Shrimp Farm Inspection Report
- MDS No. 263 - Survey of Redfish Bay anglers