Report on the San Marcos River Task Force

V. The Third Task Force Meeting

TPWD Law Enforcement Videos

TPWD helicopter video footage of the study segment was shown at the August 1, 2016 SMRTF meeting (Tab 45, 2015 Helicopter Link, Tab 46, 2016 Helicopter Link), as well as a clip from the Lone Star Law show (Tab 23, Lone Star Law Clip), which depicted Texas game wardens interacting with underage tubers in possession of alcohol within the study segment. TPWD game wardens reported that they have and will continue to participate in law enforcement saturation patrols in conjunction with the Sheriff’s Departments from each of the three counties.

Baseline Fish Sampling

At the third SMRTF meeting on August 1, 2016, TPWD staff presented results from a recent baseline fish community assessment (Tab 47, Fish Assemblage Presentation), which showed that the fish community had high species richness and was well-functioning. Four of the fish species collected in the study reach (Guadalupe Bass, Mimic Shiner, Texas Logperch, and Guadalupe Darter) are species classified as “intolerant”, meaning they are sensitive to changes in water quality. Analysis of the baseline fish data using the Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI), a multimetric index developed to assess fish assemblage degradation, resulted in an aquatic life use score of “High” within the study segment.  Possible IBI scores include: Exceptional, High, Intermediate, and Limited.

Water Quality Report

A study completed by TSU’s Texas Stream Team in August 2014 (Tab 48, Float Fest Water Quality Report) sampled water quality parameters before, during and after a popular tubing event (Float Fest). Study results indicated no appreciable differences in pH, conductivity, E. coli, ammonia, or total suspended solids. When the Stream Team was asked to provide an update on water quality measurements for TPWD staff to report to SMRTF for the third task force meeting, the Stream Team reported to TPWD that sampling had been stopped due to a lack of differences being demonstrated in the study segment.