Lake Findley 2021 Survey Report (PDF 750.4 KB)
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Lake Findley - 2021 Survey Report
Prepared by Greg Binion and Dusty McDonald
Inland Fisheries Division
District 1-E,
Mathis, Texas
This is the authors' summary from a 29-page report. For a copy of the complete report, use the download link in the sidebar.
Fish populations in Lake Findley were surveyed in 2021 using spring and fall electrofishing, spring gill netting, fall trap netting and in 2022 using spring gill netting. Historical data are presented with the 2021- 2022 data for comparison. This report summarizes the results of the surveys and contains a management plan for the reservoir based on those findings.
Reservoir Description
Lake Findley is a 247-acre impoundment located on Chiltipin Creek, in the San Fernando Creek Basin, located in Jim Wells County (Table 1). It receives water from Chiltipin Creek and from Corpus Christi Reservoir via pipeline. Primary uses included water supply and recreation. Shoreline access is adequate within the park area and the west side of the reservoir; however, boat access has always been inadequate. The unimproved boat ramp is located on the lower west side of the reservoir but can only accommodate small vessels when ample water is available (Table 2). There is a 15-horsepower outboard maximum limit on the reservoir. The reservoir is shallow with substrate comprised of small rock, clay, sand, and silt. Littoral habitat at the time of sampling consisted of native aquatic vegetation, fallen timber, and rip rap.
Management History
Important sport fish species include Largemouth Bass and Channel Catfish. Previously, Palmetto Bass were a focal point of this fishery, in which stockings occurred periodically from 1997 to 2015. In February of 2013, TPWD staff were no longer permitted on the waterbody due to the water controlling authorities enforcing a reservoir-wide horsepower restriction (City of Alice Code of Ordinances Section 62-147) and thus, fisheries management activities were suspended. In 2020, the local water controlling authority (City of Alice) reached out to TPWD staff to assist with the reservoir’s vegetation overgrowth. A new partnership was established, and city officials waived the outboard restriction for only TPWD-operated vessels. Several objective-based fisheries surveys have since been conducted including a vegetation survey that confirmed an overgrowth of coontail and water stargrass. Triploid Grass Carp were stocked 2021 and 2022 to help manage aquatic vegetation. Many retired adult Channel Catfish broodfish were also stocked from the A.E. Wood State Fish Hatchery.
Fish Community
- Prey species: Gizzard Shad and Bluegill were the primary forage species for sport fish populations. Gizzard Shad and Bluegill abundance increased substantially relative to 2012. Population size structure for Gizzard Shad and Bluegill were suitable to support sport fish populations.
- Catfishes: Blue Catfish were present in the reservoir in low abundance. Channel Catfish have historically been the predominant catfish species; however, none were collected in the 2021 or 2022 gill net surveys.
- Largemouth Bass: Largemouth Bass were abundant and had increased substantially since the 2012 report. Several legal-size (≥14 inches) fish were collected in both fall and spring electrofishing surveys, and size structure indices indicated a balanced population. Growth was very good; mean age at legal length was 2.0 years.
- Crappies: Both Black Crappie and White Crappie were present in the reservoir. Black Crappie were the predominant crappie species collected and most fish were sub-legal (≤ 10 inches).
Management Strategies
- Continue managing fish populations under current regulations.
- Continue electrofishing and gill netting to monitor population abundance of Largemouth Bass, forage species, and Channel Catfish.
- Continue to work with the city on nuisance vegetation control and monitor submerged vegetation every two years to monitor the effectiveness of Triploid Grass Carp stockings.

Performance Report as required by Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Act Texas Federal Aid Project F-221-M-3 Inland Fisheries Division Monitoring and Management Program