
Lavon Reservoir 2022 Survey Report

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Lavon Reservoir - 2022 Survey Report

Prepared by Greg Cummings and Dan Bennett
Inland Fisheries Division - Denison District

This is the authors' summary from a 32-page report. For a copy of the complete report, use the download link in the sidebar.

Fish populations in Lavon Reservoir were surveyed in 2022 using electrofishing and trap netting and in 2023 using gill netting and jug lining. Historical data are presented with the 2022-2023 data for comparison. This report summarizes the results of the surveys and contains a management plan for the reservoir based on those findings.

Reservoir Description

Lavon Reservoir is a 21,400-acre impoundment located on the East Fork Trinity River approximately 8 miles east of McKinney. Water level has fluctuated widely in the last decade yet has remained above or near the conservation elevation (492 feet above mean sea level) since 2015. Lavon Reservoir has high productivity. Habitat features consisted mainly of riprap along the dam and railroad bridges, dead trees and stumps, and rocky shoreline. Standing dead timber is prevalent in the upper reservoir. Aquatic vegetation is limited due to extreme water-level fluctuations.

Management History

Important sport fishes include White Bass, Largemouth Bass, crappie, and catfish. All species except Channel and Blue Catfish are managed with statewide regulations. Regulations meant to restrict harvest of large Channel and Blue Catfish were implemented in 2021. Florida Largemouth Bass have been stocked periodically to improve Largemouth Bass genetics. District staff served on a committee to develop a Watershed Protection Plan for Lavon Reservoir. Public education and monitoring for zebra mussels have focused on Lavon Reservoir to help prevent introduction and colonization.

Fish Community

Management Strategies

Sport Fish Restoration Logo

Performance Report as required by Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Act Texas Federal Aid Project F-221-M-5 Inland Fisheries Division Monitoring and Management Program

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