Texas R3 Program Maps

Stages of the Outdoor Recreation Adoption Model

The nationally recognized Outdoor Recreation Adoption Model (ORAM) shows the steps a person goes through from being completely unaware of an activity, all the way to becoming a lifelong participant. To achieve the goal of creating lifelong participants in outdoor activities, TPWD and its partners need programs and connections to facilitate movement of participants through every stage of the process.

The Outdoor Recreation Adoption Model also identifies a social support network of family, friends, community and peers. This social support network influences the adoption of outdoor recreational behaviors and is critical in an individual’s progression during the recruitment, retention and reactivation process.

Outdoor Recreation Adoption Model. From left to right: Recruitment, Retention, and Reactivation stages all under social support. Circling arrows surround the Retention and Reactivation stages.

Recruitment Stages

  • Awareness
  • Interest
  • Trial

Retention Stages

  • Decision to Continue
  • Continuation with Support
  • Continuation without Support

Reactivation Stages

  • Lapse
  • Reactivate

Program Maps

The following charts map the existing R3-related programs against the Outdoor Recreation Adoption Model, identifying which stage(s) of the model each program addresses.