Red Snapper

Red Snapper Season in Federal Waters

Opens: June 1, 2024
Closes: September 6, 2024
Bag limit: 2 fish per person daily
Size limit: 16-in minimum
Applies to: Private recreational anglers in federal waters.

Red Snapper Season in State Waters

Open: Year-round
Bag limit: 4 fish per person daily
Size limit: 15-in minimum
Applies to: Private recreational anglers in state waters.

Limits and Restrictions

The possession limit is equal to double the bag limit unless otherwise noted.

Bag and length limits apply to listed saltwater species. There are no bag, possession, or length limits on game or nongame fish, except as listed in this guide. See definitions of daily bag and possession limits.

For freshwater finfish species caught in the public salt waters of this state, statewide freshwater limits apply.

Recreational anglers must possess a Texas fishing license with a saltwater endorsement to land fish in state or federal water.

TPWD has the authority to open and close the red snapper fishery in federal water. Anglers may not possess more than 4 red snapper while fishing in state waters. See Federal commercial and recreational fishing rules.

The limits and restrictions in this guide apply to aquatic life caught in the public waters of Texas out to 9 nautical mile in the Gulf of Mexico, and to aquatic life caught between 9 and 200 nautical miles in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and possessed in state waters or landed in this state. Federal law also regulates species between 9 and 200 nautical miles managed under a Federal Fishery Management Plan. See Importation of Wildlife Resources.

Fishing on state-sponsored offshore artificial reefs is subject to the same regulations as other offshore locations.

It is unlawful to possess aquatic life in Texas waters that was illegally taken in Federal waters.

Red Snapper Fishing in Federal Waters Agreement

Under an agreement between the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), TPWD can now establish the opening and closing of the red snapper fishery in federal waters off the Texas coast for private recreational anglers fishing from their own vessels.

The federally permitted for-hire sector, which allows recreational anglers to fish from charter boats or headboats, will remain in its current management structure set by the federal government.