Recreational Oyster Regulations
- Oysters taken for personal use (food) with recreational licenses may not be sold.
- Oysters may be taken by hand, with tongs, or by oyster dredge. Oyster dredges may not be more than 14 inches in width.
- A vessel used while engaged in fishing with tongs or a dredge requires the purchase of an additional “sport oyster boat” commercial fishing license (Resident: Item 328, $13; Non-resident: Item 428, $51).
- Oysters may be taken only from waters approved by the Texas Department of State Health Services Seafood and Aquatic Life Group.
- Oysters may only be taken from marked private leases with permission of the lessee.
- Monday–Saturday, Nov 1 – Apr 30, sunrise–3:30 p.m.
- Oysters may be taken by hand, with tongs or by oyster dredge.
- Oyster dredges may not be more than 14 inches in width.
Length and Possession Limits
- Oysters must be 3 inches or larger as measured by the greatest length of the shell.
- Oysters 3/4 inch to 3 inches and dead oyster shell > 3/4 inch (measured along any axis) must be culled and returned to the reef from which taken.
- Oysters 3/4 inch to 3 inches and dead oyster shell > 3/4 inch may not make up more than 5% by number of oysters in possession.
- No more than 2 sacks of legal oysters may be possessed per person. A sack is defined as 110 pounds of oysters including dead oyster shell and the sack.
Closed Areas
The following minor bays are CLOSED to oyster harvest
- Christmas Bay, Brazoria County
- Carancahua Bay, Calhoun and Matagorda counties
- Powderhorn Lake, Calhoun County
- Hynes Bay, Refugio County
- St, Charles Bay, Aransas County
- South Bay, Cameron County
- Areas along all shorelines with state health department approved or conditionally approved areas for shellfish harvest extending 300 feet from the water’s edge or exposed oysters inside of the 300-foot area.