Hunting Licenses
All hunting licenses are valid from date of purchase until August 31 unless otherwise noted. Licenses go on sale August 15.
Requirements and Exceptions
In addition to a hunting license, additional endorsements may be required.
For specific information on Lifetime, Disabled Veteran, Texas resident active duty military, and Combination licenses, view combination hunting and fishing licenses packages.
Information about public hunting opportunities is available, including an interactive map of over 1 million acres of accessible lands.
All laws and regulations governing hunter education requirements still apply.
A hunting license is required of any person (resident or nonresident), of any age, to hunt any animal, bird, frog or turtle in this state, except the following:
- coyotes, if the coyotes are attacking, about to attack, or have recently attacked livestock, domestic animals, or fowl.
- feral hogs on private property with landowner authorization.
- fur-bearing animals, if the hunter possesses a commercial trapper’s license.
- depredating fur-bearing animals, if a landowner (resident or non-resident) or landowner’s agent is taking fur-bearing animals causing depredation on the landowner’s land. No portion of the nuisance fur-bearer may be possessed, sold or retained for any purpose.
Resident Hunting Licenses
Valid to hunt any legal bird or animal (terrestrial vertebrates). Endorsement requirements apply. Required of any resident unless the resident possesses a valid:
- Senior Resident Hunting License;
- Youth Hunting License;
- Super Combo or Resident Combination Hunting and Fishing License Package;
- Lifetime Resident Hunting License;
- Disabled Veteran Super Combo Hunting and Fishing License Package;
- Lifetime Resident Combination Hunting and Fishing License; or
- Texas Resident Active Duty Military Hunting Package
- Texas Resident Active Duty Military Super Combo Hunting and Fishing License Package.
Senior resident hunting license is valid only for residents 65 years of age and older.
License | Eligibility | Item | Fee | Availability |
Resident Hunting License | Texas resident | 101 | $25 | Buy online or Find a retailer |
Senior Resident Hunting License | Texas resident 65 years and older | 102 | $7 | Buy online or Find a retailer |
Youth Hunting License
Valid for any person, resident or non-resident, under 17 years of age at the date of license purchase. Exempt from state hunting endorsement requirements, except for Reptile and Amphibian Endorsement. State endorsement exemptions remain valid for the entire license year. The Harvest Information Program (HIP) certification must be added when applicable.
License | Eligibility | Item | Fee | Availability |
Youth Hunting License / Digital Youth Hunting License | Texas resident or non-resident under 17 years at date of purchase | 169 | $7 | Buy online or Find a retailer |
Hunting Lease Licenses
Required of a landowner or landowner’s agent who leases hunting rights to another person on property they own or control for pay or other consideration. The license must be displayed on the property.
Three types of hunting lease licenses are available
- Small: 1 through 499 acres
- Medium: 500 through 999 acres
- Large: 1,000 acres or more
License | Eligibility | Item | Fee | Availability |
Hunting Lease (Small) License | Texas resident and non-resident | 132 | $79 | Buy online or Find a retailer |
Hunting Lease (Medium) License | Texas resident and non-resident | 133 | $147 | Buy online or Find a retailer |
Hunting Lease (Large) License | Texas resident and non-resident | 134 | $252 | Buy online or Find a retailer |
Leasing Your Land to TPWD
For information about leasing your land to TPWD, contact the Public Hunting Program:
- call (800) 792-1112, menu 5, selection 1 or (512) 389-4505
- e-mail TPWD
- contact your local wildlife biologist
Lifetime Hunting Licenses and Tags
Lifetime licenses and tags are available to Texas residents and are valid for the lifetime of the license holder.
Trapper's Licenses
Required for persons of any age to hunt, shoot, or take for sale fur-bearing animals including pelts and carcasses. (See Nongame and Other Species and Fur-Bearing Animal Regulations for more information.)
License | Eligibility | Item | Fee | Availability |
Resident Trapper's License | Texas resident | 106 | $19 | Find a retailer |
Non-resident Trapper's License | Non-resident | 115 | $315 | Find a retailer |
Non-resident Licenses
Non-resident General Hunting License
Valid to hunt any legal bird or animal (including deer). Endorsement requirements apply. If hunting white-tailed deer or mule deer including MLDP tags, pronghorn or bighorn sheep, this is the only valid license available to participate in those activities for non-residents.
License | Eligibility | Item | Fee | Availability |
Non-resident General Hunting License | Non-resident | 105 | $315 | Buy online or Find a retailer |
Non-resident Spring Turkey License
Available after Feb 1. Valid to hunt turkey only during the open spring turkey season. Non-residents purchasing this license are required to purchase a $7 Upland Endorsement. It is unlawful to possess both this license and a valid Non-resident General Hunting License.
License | Eligibility | Item | Fee | Availability |
Non-resident Spring Turkey License | Non-resident | 118 | $126 | Buy online or Find a retailer |
Non-resident Special Hunting License
Valid to hunt exotic animals, all legal game birds (except turkey), all non-game animals, fur-bearing animals, squirrel, javelina and alligator (not valid for white-tailed or mule deer including MLDP tags, pronghorn or bighorn sheep). Endorsement requirements apply.
License | Eligibility | Item | Fee | Availability |
Nonresident Special Small Game/Exotic Hunting | Non-resident | 107 | $132 | Buy online or Find a retailer |
Non-resident 5-Day Special Hunting License
Legal for any period of five consecutive days (valid hunting dates will be printed on the license when issued). Valid to hunt exotic animals, all legal game birds (except turkey), all non-game animals, fur-bearing animals, squirrel, javelina and alligator (not valid for white-tailed or mule deer including MLDP tags, pronghorn or bighorn sheep). Endorsement requirements apply.
License | Eligibility | Item | Fee | Availability |
Nonresident 5Day Special Small Game/Exotic Hunting | Non-resident | 157 | $48 | Buy online or Find a retailer |
Non-resident Banded Bird Hunting License
Valid only to hunt banded bobwhite quail, partridge, pheasant, and mallard ducks on private bird hunting areas. Upland and Migratory Game Bird endorsement requirements apply.
License | Eligibility | Item | Fee | Availability |
Non-resident Banded Bird Hunting License | Non-resident | 120 | $27 | Buy online or Find a retailer |