Help Texas State Parks

Donate. Visit. Volunteer.

Make a gift online.

Donate Online
  • Secure credit card or PayPal payment accepted
  • Option to set up a monthly gift or memorial gift

Mail in your gift.

Donate by Mail
  • Check or money order accepted
  • Specify a state park or park program as the recipient
Texas Park and Wildlife Foundation

Your 100% tax-deductible gift to Texas State Parks can be made through the Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation, TPWD's official nonprofit partner.

Every dollar counts. Your efforts to support us make a difference. Thank you.

Purchase a bluebonnet or camping license plate.

Over 70% of the price of the State Parks conservation license plate goes to support all Texas State Parks.

Purchase a bluebonnet or camping license plate to help fund state park operations in Texas.

Fees are in addition to annual registration fee.

Bluebonnet license plate Camping license plate

Visit Texas State Parks.

About 50% of state parks operating budget comes directly from state park visitor fees.

Find a Texas State Park.


Help conserve and protect our natural and cultural resources in Texas State Parks.

Find volunteer opportunities at state parks near you.

Donations made when renewing your motor vehicle registration, as well as revenue from park visitor fees, are both dedicated by legal statute to state parks and cannot be used for any other purpose. Your online donation dollars, minus a small processing and administrative fee to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation, will be dedicated to help keep Texas State Parks operating.