Artifacts from Parks

Texas Parks & Wildlife Department over­sees and protects more than 627,000 acres of public land, with its bounty of natural and cultural resources.

Humans left behind treasures from their time in these spaces. We collect and preserve these treasures whenever possible.

Park Stories

These artifacts help tell the stories of our parks and of Texas, and you can read some of those stories here. We add an artifact feature each month, so check back for more stories.

From Dinoland to Dino Valley

Dinosaur Valley State Park

Sculpted dinosaur headDid you know two dinosaurs live at a Texas state park? Dinosaur sculptures, that is. Read more about these dinosaur sculptures.


Caddo Lake State Park

Balopticon_1200p.jpgThe rangers at Caddo Lake State Park found a strange projector in the back of a storage room. Read more about the balopticon.

Dozier's Medal of Honor

Fort Richardson State Park & Historic Site

photo of medal of honorJames Dozier (or Dosher) worked with the United States Army out of Fort Richardson as a civilian scout in the 1870s. Read about his medal of honor.


Monahans Sandhills State Park

FulguriteThe ran­gers at Monahans Sandhills State Park found strange lumps rising up out of the sand. Read more about fulgurite.

Rustic Table

Palo Duro Canyon State Park

Three CCC men working on a tableCCC artisans created this table from native cedar driftwood from Palo Duro Canyon in Jan­uary 1935. Read more about this rustic table.


Seminole Canyon State Park & Historic Site

Broken pieces of an old wokArche­ol­o­gists found broken pieces of woks in a railroad crew camp in West Texas. How did the pieces get there? Read more about woks at Seminole Canyon State Historic Site.

Herbarium Specimen

Barton Warnock Visitors Center

dried and pressed plant samplesBarton Warnock and his students at Sul Ross University roamed the Big Bend region for three decades studying and collecting plants. Read more about the herbarium at Barton Warnock Visitors Center.


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