Species of Greatest Conservation Need

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Species of Greatest Conservation Need (Updated: 01/31/2024)
Common Name Scientifc Name Taxonomic Group Federal Status State Status Global Rank State Rank Endemic General Habitat Type(s)
bonita diving beetle Stictotarsus neomexicanus Invertebrates Not Listed Not Listed G2G4 S1 False Predatory, feeding on other water insects and insect larvae; spend majority of life underwater, surfacing only to create an air bubble held under the wing covers for breathing
crenatethumb fairy shrimp Streptocephalus mattoxi Invertebrates Not Listed Not Listed G1 S1 True Occurs in turbid, warm water temporary playas.
Balcones Cave amphipod Stygobromus balconis Invertebrates Not Listed Not Listed G2G3 S2 True Subaquatic, subterranean obligate amphipod
Cascade Cave amphipod Stygobromus dejectus Invertebrates Not Listed Not Listed G1G2 S1 True Subaquatic crustacean; subterranean obligate; in pools
Ezell's Cave amphipod Stygobromus flagellatus Invertebrates Not Listed Not Listed G2G3 S3 True Known only from artesian wells
Devil's Sinkhole amphipod Stygobromus hadenoecus Invertebrates Not Listed Not Listed G1G2 S2 True Subaquatic; subterranean obligate crustacean; in cave pools (enriched by bat guano?)
Border Cave amphipod Stygobromus limbus Invertebrates Not Listed Not Listed G1G2 S2S4 True Caves/Karst
Neel's Cave amphipod Stygobromus n. sp. Invertebrates Not Listed Not Listed G1 S1 False Riverine, Riparian
Devils River Cave amphipod Stygobromus n. sp. Invertebrates Not Listed Not Listed G1G2 S1 False Caves/Karst
Independence Cave amphipod Stygobromus n. sp. Invertebrates Not Listed Not Listed G1G2 S1 False Caves/Karst
Lost Maples Cave amphipod Stygobromus n. sp. Invertebrates Not Listed Not Listed G1G2 S1 False Caves/Karst
Fessenden Cave amphipod Stygobromus n. sp. Invertebrates Not Listed Not Listed G2G3 S1 False Caves/Karst
San Gabriel Cave amphipod Stygobromus n. sp. Invertebrates Not Listed Not Listed G2G3 S1 False Caves/Karst
Big Bend Cave amphipod Stygobromus n. sp. Invertebrates Not Listed Not Listed G2G3 S1 False Caves/Karst
Peck's Cave amphipod Stygobromus pecki Invertebrates LE E G1G2 S1 True Small, aquatic crustacean; lives underground in the Edwards Aquifer; collected at Comal Springs and Hueco Springs
Reddell's Cave amphipod Stygobromus reddelli Invertebrates Not Listed Not Listed G1G2 S1 True Subterranean obligate; small cave streams
Comal Springs dryopid beetle Stygoparnus comalensis Invertebrates LE E G1G2 S1 True Dryopids usually cling to objects in a stream; dryopids are sometimes found crawling on stream bottoms or along shores; adults may leave the stream and fly about, especially at night; most dryopid larvae are vermiform and live in soil or decaying wood
No Accepted Common Name Stygopyrgus bartonensis Invertebrates Not Listed Not Listed G1 S1 True Caves/Karst
No Accepted Common Name Susperatus tonkawa Invertebrates Not Listed Not Listed G1 SNR False It is only known from the type locality in Texas (Sun and McCafferty, 2008).
Texas willowfly Taeniopteryx starki Invertebrates Not Listed Not Listed G1 S1 True Habitat not described in detail, but apparently breeds in rivers; several members of this genus are known to use warm lotic environments, while others use cold lotic environments
No Accepted Common Name Talanus mecoscelis Invertebrates Not Listed Not Listed GNR SNR False Forest, Woodland
No Accepted Common Name Tartarocreagris altimana Invertebrates Not Listed Not Listed G1G2 S1 True Caves/Karst
No Accepted Common Name Tartarocreagris amblyopa Invertebrates Not Listed Not Listed G1G2 S1 True Caves/Karst
No Accepted Common Name Tartarocreagris attenuata Invertebrates Not Listed Not Listed G1G2 S1 True Caves/Karst
No Accepted Common Name Tartarocreagris domina Invertebrates Not Listed Not Listed G1G2 S1 True Caves/Karst