Species of Greatest Conservation Need

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Species of Greatest Conservation Need (Updated: 01/31/2024)
Common Name Scientifc Name Taxonomic Group Federal Status State Status Global Rank State Rank Endemic General Habitat Type(s)
No Accepted Common Name Tartarocreagris grubbsi Invertebrates Not Listed Not Listed G1G2 S1 True Caves/Karst
No Accepted Common Name Tartarocreagris hoodensis Invertebrates Not Listed Not Listed G1G2 S1 True Caves/Karst
No Accepted Common Name Tartarocreagris infernalis Invertebrates Not Listed Not Listed G2G3 S2? True Caves/Karst
No Accepted Common Name Tartarocreagris intermedia Invertebrates Not Listed Not Listed G1G2 S1 True Caves/Karst
No Accepted Common Name Tartarocreagris proserpina Invertebrates Not Listed Not Listed G1G2 S1 True Caves/Karst
No Accepted Common Name Tartarocreagris reyesi Invertebrates Not Listed Not Listed GNR S1 True Caves/Karst
Tooth Cave pseudoscorpion Tartarocreagris texana Invertebrates LE Not Listed G1G2 S1 True Small, cave-adapted pseudoscorpion known from small limestone caves of the Edwards Plateau
Kretschmarr Cave mold beetle Texamaurops reddelli Invertebrates LE Not Listed G1G2 S1 True Small, cave-adapted beetle found under rocks buried in silt; small, Edwards Limestone caves in of the Jollyville Plateau, a division of the Edwards Plateau
No Accepted Common Name Texanobathynella bowmani Invertebrates Not Listed Not Listed GNR S2S4 True Caves/Karst
No Accepted Common Name Texaponium triplehorni Invertebrates Not Listed Not Listed GNR SNR False Forest, Savanna/Open Woodland
striated hydrobe Texapyrgus longleyi Invertebrates Not Listed Not Listed G1 S1 True Freshwater Wetland
No Accepted Common Name Texella brevidenta Invertebrates Not Listed Not Listed G1G2 S1 True Caves/Karst
No Accepted Common Name Texella brevistyla Invertebrates Not Listed Not Listed G1G2 S1 True Caves/Karst
Cokendolpher Cave harvestman Texella cokendolpheri Invertebrates LE Not Listed G1 S1 True Small, eyeless harvestman; karst features in north and northwest Bexar County
No Accepted Common Name Texella diplospina Invertebrates Not Listed Not Listed G1G2 S1 True Caves/Karst
No Accepted Common Name Texella grubbsi Invertebrates Not Listed Not Listed G1G2 S1 True Caves/Karst
No Accepted Common Name Texella hardeni Invertebrates Not Listed Not Listed G1G2 S1 True Caves/Karst
No Accepted Common Name Texella mulaiki Invertebrates Not Listed Not Listed G2G3 S2 True Caves/Karst
Reddell harvestman Texella reddelli Invertebrates LE Not Listed G2G3 S2 True Small, blind, cave-adapted harvestman endemic to a few caves in Travis and Williamson counties
No Accepted Common Name Texella renkesae Invertebrates Not Listed Not Listed G1G2 S1 True Caves/Karst
Bone Cave harvestman Texella reyesi Invertebrates LE Not Listed G2G3 S2 True Small, blind, cave-adapted harvestman endemic to several caves in Travis and Williamson counties; weakly differentiated from Texella reddelli
No Accepted Common Name Texella spinoperca Invertebrates Not Listed Not Listed GNR SNR False Caves/Karst
No Accepted Common Name Texiweckelia texensis Invertebrates Not Listed Not Listed G2G3 S2 True Caves/Karst
No Accepted Common Name Thambospasta howdeni Invertebrates Not Listed Not Listed GNR S1 True Grassland, Shrubland, Woodland
No Accepted Common Name Thermosphaeroma subequalum Invertebrates Not Listed Not Listed GNR SNR True Spring obligate. Known only from thermal springs in Big Bend National Park. Fine scale habitat requirements unknown.