Ad Hoc Infrastructure Committee
Wednesday, 9:00 a.m., August 26, 1998
Commission Hearing Room4200 Smith School Road
Austin, TX 78744
Item No. |
Subject | Public Hearing Agenda Item No. |
Approval of the Committee Minutes from the previous meeting. | ||
Summary of Minutes | ||
1. | Chairman's Charges (Oral Presentation) | Committee Only |
2. | FY98 Capital Program Status
Report Staff: Dan Patton |
Committee Only |
3. | Other Business |
of Minutes
Texas Parks and Wildlife
Ad Hoc Infrastructure Committee
June 3, 1998
BE IT REMEMBERED that heretofore on the 3rd day of June 1998, there came on to be heard matters under the regulatory authority of the Parks and Wildlife Commission of Texas, in the Commission Hearing Room of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Headquarters complex, Austin, Travis County, Texas beginning at 10:28 a.m., to wit:
Chair: John Avila, Jr.
Lee M. Bass
Nolan Ryan
Dick Heath
Ernest Angelo, Jr.
Carol E. Dinkins
Mickey Burleson
Susan Howard-Chrane
Ray Clymer (absent)
Andrew Sansom, Executive Director, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, read the opening statement into the record.
Mr. Patton, Director of the Infrastructure Division, briefed the Commission on the status of the Capital Program. He reminded them that the first quarter bond expenditure deadline is September 16, 1998 and went on to restate the terms used in the report. "Under Contract" refers to dollars encumbered (or signed contracts) and "Pending Contract" refers to contracts that will be underway within 30 days of the report. Of a total $42.9 million Capital Program, Mr. Patton explained that our expenditure goal is $16 million by September 1998 and that we are almost three quarters complete in reaching our goal. Mr. Patton referred to "Carry Over" (projects from previous years) totaling $22.8 million. He went on to explain that one of the challenges facing us with the Capital Program this year is that there are many smaller maintenance and repair projects. Mr. Patton showed that we successfully spent nearly $2 million in Carry Over from the last report. He showed the Commission that we have spent to-date $700,000 in the Non-Bond category and $130,000 in Bond projects. Mr. Patton explained that, as shown on the line graph, we are projecting to spend about $200,000 over the required $1.2 million by the end of the first quarter. As shown in the Bond Expenditure Strategy graph, our current expenditures are below our target of $200,000 for the June reporting period. Mr. Patton assured the Commission that we are going to get back on track by July. The last Capital Program slide referring to the Minor Repair category, showed an increase of $400,000 since the April Commission report, totally $500,000 spent to-date. Commissioner Heath asked Mr. Patton if he was confident that we would get back on schedule with bond expenditures and Mr. Patton replied that he was. Commissioner Heath asked if we will be on schedule by September 15 or by July 15, and Mr. Patton went on to explain that we are projected to be back on track with our expenditure strategy by July 15. Commissioner Heath requested that we provide an update on our status in July.
Mr. Patton moved on to the next item, Camp, Dresser and McKee's water/wastewater assessment report. Allen Woelke, from CDM's Austin office provided a brief overview of the assessment to date. Mr. Woelke restated the purpose of the project which is to inventory and assess water/watewater facilities throughout our system and determine any health and safety concerns, determine regulatory compliance issues that need addressing, and look at any equipment or facility deterioration. Mr. Woelke went on to inform the Commission that field investigations on 117 sites were conducted by a qualified registered engineer and in some cases, a certified water/wastewater facilities operator. CDM is currently in the evaluation report phase and will submit the final draft in July. Mr. Woelke informed them that a facility management system was the final aspect of the scope of work. He called the Commissioners attention to the fact that almost all sites have some sort of capital requirements which may vary from minor cleaning of septic tanks to complete replacement of a water treatment plant. Conclusions have not been made yet because CDM is still compiling data. Mr. Woelke explained that with each site, the final report will include repair options. Mr. Woelke shared an observation that it appears in some instances, the park water/wastewater operators are inadequately trained. Commissioner Howard-Chrane asked if there would be other less expensive options provided in situations where a complete system replacement is recommended. Mr. Woelke assured her that there would be. Commission Ryan asked if there were more problems discovered than anticipated. Mr. Patton responded that it was too early to tell because all inspection reports have not been compiled. Commissioner Ryan asked if this was budgeted and Mr. Patton explained that $76 million for water/wastewater needs was identified in the ITF Report. Commissioner Ryan requested to be informed of CDM's estimate and Mr. Patton agreed to provide the Commission with an advanced copy of the report. Chairman Bass reiterated that they would expect to receive a summary of the assessment.
There being no further business, Commissioner Avila adjourned the June 3, 1998 meeting at approximately 11:30 p.m. of the Ad Hoc Infrastructure Committee of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.
Agenda Item No. 1
Presenter: Andrew Sansom
Hoc Infrastructure
Chairman's Charges
August 1998
(This item will be an oral presentation.)
Committee Agenda Item No. 2
Presenter: Dan Patton
Ad Hoc Infrastructure Committee
FY98 Capital Program Status
August 1998
I. Discussion: Dan
Patton will brief the Committee
on the status of the FY98
Capital Program. The report
will reflect current status
of capital dollars expended,
under contract, pending
contract and projected expenditure
goals. The report will also
reflect the status of bond
expenditures in meeting
the September 1998 first
quarter deadline. Mr. Patton
will also brief the Committee
on the final Water/Wastewater
Assessment Report prepared
by Camp, Dresser, McKee.
The report will consist
of an executive summary
of CDM’s final assessment,
estimated capital need and
a prioritized recommendation
for appropriate repairs
or replacements for each
system. Members of the CDM
assessment team will be
on-hand to discuss significant
findings and answer questions
if necessary.
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