Presenter: Kevin Good
Commission Agenda Item No. 6
Implementation of H.B. 1581
State Park Fee Policy
November 1999
I. Discussion: House Bill 1581, passed by the Seventy-sixth Legislature amends Section 11.028 of the Parks and Wildlife Code by adding Subsection (e), which directs the Commission to "authorize the administrator of a state park to provide passes to the state park to members of nonprofit youth groups who volunteer to help carry out the duties and responsibilities of the department at the park."
Park managers currently have the authority to grant fee waivers under Section 11.028, Subsection (c), which authorizes the director to waive entrance and facility use fees for volunteers. This authority has been delegated to the park manager level under our existing fee policy. In fact, the park system benefited from more than 17,000 hours of youth service in FY99.
Nevertheless, in order to comply with the directive of the legislature, the following recommendation is made.
II. Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission adopt the following motion:
" In accordance with Section 11.028 (e) of the Parks and Wildlife code, State Park managers are authorized to waive park entrance fees and facility use fees for nonprofit youth groups that perform volunteer service. (Exhibit A)."
Attachments - 2
1. Exhibit
A - Proposed
2. Exhibit B - Fiscal Note
(Available upon request)
Agenda Item No. 6
Exhibit A
State Park Fee Policy
In accordance with Section 11.028 (e) of the Parks and Wildlife code, State Park managers are authorized to waive park entrance fees and facility use fees for nonprofit youth groups that perform volunteer service.