Outreach and Education Committee
Wednesday, 9:00 a.m., April 2, 2003
Commission Hearing Room4200 Smith School Road
Austin, TX 78744
Item No. |
Subject | Public Hearing Agenda Item No. |
Approve previous Committee Meeting minutes | ||
Summary of Minutes | ||
1. | Chairman's Charges (Oral Presentation) | Committee Only |
2. | Status of the Education,
Interpreation and Outreach
Strategic Plan Staff: Lydia Saldaña |
Committee Only |
3. | Other Business |
Summary of Minutes
Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission
Outreach and Education Committee
January 22, 2003
BE IT REMEMBERED that heretofore on the 22nd day of January 2003, there came on to be heard matters under the regulatory authority of the Parks and Wildlife Commission of Texas, in the Commission Hearing Room of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Headquarters complex, Austin, Travis County, Texas, beginning at 3:05 p.m. to wit:
Katharine Armstrong, Commission
Alvin Henry, Committee Chair
Ernest Angelo, Jr.
John Avila, Jr.
Joseph Fitzsimons
Phil Montgomery
Donato Ramos
Kelly Rising
Mark Watson, Jr.
Minutes approved.
Motion: Commissioner Watson
Second: Commissioner Ramos
1. BRIEFING – Chairman’s Charges
Mr. Cook introduced Lydia Saldana and Steve Hall to present a briefing on the status of the implementation of the department’s outreach and education plan. He also noted that the Education Outreach Advisory Committee would be conducting its first meeting the following day (January 23rd), chaired by Mr. Dick Bartlett. Mr. Bartlett was acknowledged and asked to stand.
2. BRIEFING – TPWD Education and Outreach Plan
Lydia Saldana, Director of Communications, introduced herself and Steve Hall, Director of the Education and Outreach Branch.
Saldana noted that she and Drew Thigpen, Deputy Director of Administration, has recently inherited the oversight responsibility for education and outreach and the branch responsible for many of the formal education programs. She reported progress on mandates laid out in the Sunset Bill and on TPWD’s education and outreach efforts. She turned it over to Hall.
Hall made a presentation on the status of education, interpretation and outreach efforts – a snapshot since the last Commission meeting. He said that the Commission has already been briefed on the Sunset Response and that the internal education, interpretation and outreach task force has embarked on a strategic planning effort that will have the involvement and input from the Advisory Committee (external constituency).
Strategic planning would
be better coordinated within
the department and measured
against best practices such
as the initiative undertaken
by the Recreational Boating
and Fishing Foundation to
which Hall is a member.
The task force, that has
met no less than eight times,
has implemented a project
plan (business-like approach)
including policies and procedures
and roles and responsibilities
of every entity working
with education and outreach.
The project plan contains
three main components:
Program Charter – document
approving a particular education,
interpretation and/or outreach
program designed to meet
the mission and strategies
of the agency. The task
force has identified about
40 such programs coordinated
or conducted by TPWD. He
gave examples and noted
that executive management
will sign off on all charters.
Program Registry – the
collection of all program
charters that folks outside
the agency can view to determine
TPWD efforts.
Annual Accomplishments – Document
submitted by each program
manager, annually, that
is reviewed and signed by
project manager and executive
management that include
recommendations for improvement
and even termination.
Another component of the
plan that is in the works
is a comprehensive statewide
database that will be used
to coordinate and even evaluate
events and programs. He
gave examples of how the
database would help TPWD
better coordinate its efforts,
especially between divisional
lines. The database would
also help with reporting
measures (e.g. LBB) and
evaluation tools and instruments
that might be used by program
managers to determine effectiveness
of their programs. The database
would also be web-based,
ideally, so that field staff
and facilities could get
to it to easily enter information
that they currently enter
and pass onto others to
Hall turned it back over to Saldana to describe efforts with the Advisory Committee.
Saldana mentioned that
the agency would be harnessing
the talents and skills of
an external group of individuals.
She noted that Commissioner
Armstrong assembled a "blue
ribbon group" of members
who are to meet the very
next day. They will assist
Strategic Planning Efforts
Diversity of perspectives
including a diversity
of disciplines. Experts
in all facets, including
education, interpretation
and outreach, as well
as landowners, agricultural
interests, nature tourism
and an advertising executive
are on the committee.
Refining and doing better
at articulating our conservation
Members further include
Susan Combs, Agricultural
Commissioner and Ramona
Bass, creator of Texas Wild
Exhibit at Fort Worth Zoo
and a representative from
the Texas Education Agency
(Comer). Leading the committee
is Dick Bartlett who has
been active in conservation
for more than 40 years including
being on the boards of:
National Council for Science
and the Environment
Texas Environmental Education
Partnership Fund
National Environmental Education
and Training Foundation
Texas and New Mexico Nature
Aldo Leopold Foundation
She noted that Bartlett is also an avid hunter and angler.
She made a few closing remarks, introduced an Aldo Leopold quote and entertained questions from the Commissioners.
Hall noted that two new and very talented members (not on the slide) joined the group only the day before: Bobby Barrera and Ted Eubanks --who accepted the invitation by the Commission.
HENRY: Called for questions
or comments.
MONTGOMERY: Asked that,
whenever it is appropriate,
the Commission receive as
specific as possible a definition
of goals and gave an example.
He wanted to understand
where we are to heading
including resource allocation
SALDANA: Echoed Montgomery’s
MONTGOMERY: Stated that
programs will flow from
the goals and emphasized
that the goals be precise,
understood and agree to.
He said it is a big challenge
and acknowledged Dick Bartlett
as being a wonderful chairman
(great choice) to such a
great group of people.
ARMSTRONG: Acknowledged
and thanked Bartlett and
noted his enthusiasm for
education and conservation
as being infectious. She
also acknowledged and thanked
David Langford for his hard
work and noted that the
effort is really clicking
now. She personally noted
her excitement for this
important effort. It is
a mission and acknowledged
and thanked Commissioner
Henry for being on that
mission a long time.
HENRY: Thanked Commissioner
ARMSTRONG: Asked for questions
or comments.
HENRY: Asked that the committee
be closed.
ARMSTRONG: Adjourned the
Committee Agenda Item No. 1
Outreach and Education Committee
Chairman's Charges
April 2003
(This item will be an oral presentation.)
Committee Agenda Item No. 2
Presenter: Lydia Saldaña
of the Education, Interpretation
and Outreach Strategic
April 2003
I. Discussion: A draft of the Education, Interpretation and Outreach Strategic Plan has been prepared by an internal task force and reviewed by executive management. The draft will next be sent to the Education and Outreach Advisory Committee who will review and discuss it at their next regularly scheduled meeting on April 17 at Sheldon Lake State Park. The final draft will be sent to this Commission prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting in May for review and comment. The plan will be implemented beginning in FY04 and direct department education and outreach efforts for the next ten years. It also establishes a foundation for management of those efforts that complies with the provisions set forth in the Sunset Bill.
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