Presenter: Gary Saul
Commission Agenda Item No. 9
Inland Fisheries Hatchery
Renovation Update
November 2003
I. Executive Summary: Hatchery renovation continues at the Possum Kingdom Fish Hatchery near Graford. Phase one of the project is complete and Phase two is scheduled for FY04. Other planned improvements to the facilities at the Jasper, Dundee and A.E. Wood Fish Hatcheries are planned but currently unfunded. Recent legislation authorizes the Commission to issue a Freshwater Fishing Stamp to generate revenue for repairing, maintaining, renovating or replacing freshwater fish hatcheries and for the purchase of sport fish for stocking in public waters. Staff update will discuss current progress at the Possum Kingdom facility and plans for implementation of the renovation program at other facilities.
II. Discussion: Phase one of planned improvements to the Possum Kingdom Fish Hatchery including replacement of the hatchery water distribution and drain lines, installation of an effluent treatment and water reuse system and construction of maintenance and vehicle storage facilities is complete. Phase two of the project including construction of an intensive spawning and rearing facility and an administrative and laboratory building is scheduled for FY04. Total project cost is estimated at $6.0 million. Funding for the project has largely been from General Obligation Bonds.
House Bill 1989 of the 78th Texas Legislature authorizes the Commission to issue a Freshwater Fishing Stamp required of all licensed anglers who fish in freshwater. The stamp will cost $5.00, will become effective September 1, 2004 and be discontinued after 10 years. It is estimated that approximately $4.4 million will be raised annually to maintain, renovate or replace freshwater fish hatcheries. The replacement of the Jasper State Fish Hatchery has been identified as the most important project and staff is actively preparing for its initiation. Other critical projects will be identified with a proposed timetable for addressing the hatchery needs.
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