Outreach and Education Committee

Wednesday, 9:00am, November 5, 2003

Commission Hearing Room
4200 Smith School Road
Austin, TX 78744
Subject Public Hearing
Agenda Item No.
  Approval of the Committee Minutes from the previous meeting held May 28, 2003.  
1. Chairman's Charges (Oral Presentation) Committee Only
2. Outreach, Education and Interpretation – TPWD Program Charters
Staff: Ernie Gammage/Steve Hall
Committee Only
3. Other Business

Committee Agenda Item No. 2
Presenters: Ernie Gammage
Steve Hall

Outreach and Education Committee
November 2003

I. Executive Summary: The Outreach, Education and Interpretation Strategic Plan has been finalized and distributed to all Texas Parks and Wildlife Commissioners and to members of the Outreach and Education Advisory Committee. This briefing addresses efforts to implement the plan beginning in FY04.

II. Discussion:

Project staff will need the Commission’s continued guidance and support of this plan as the department works closely with the advisory committee to implement the strategies. Key first steps include: 1) refining the key messages, 2) building a coalition of partners, both traditional and new, that can provide direct assistance to the department, and 3) managing and evaluating department outreach, education and interpretation efforts using a project management approach.

The advisory committee met on October 21, 2003 to specifically address items 1 and 2 above.

Regarding Item 3, one of the main strategies in the project management process is a “Program Charter” for each of the major outreach, education and interpretation programs. TPWD executive management approves each charter on an annual basis. Charters address specific goals, objectives, approaches, costs, evaluation measures and major accomplishments of the program. Collectively, the charters comprise a list of department-sponsored programs that reach the public through presentations, training workshops, outreach events, school curricula and direct experiences – to involve Texans in hunting, fishing and outdoor recreation and the conservation of natural and cultural resources.

Attachment - 1

1. Exhibit A – Sample Charters (Handout)

A. Texas Parks & Wildlife Expo
B. Hunter Education
C. Law Enforcement Presentations – Fishing
D. Wildlife Field Interpretation