Finance Committee

Wednesday, 9:00am, April 6, 2005

Commission Hearing Room
4200 Smith School Road
Austin, TX 78744
Subject Public Hearing
Agenda Item No.
  Approval of Previous Meeting minutes.  
1. Chairman's Charges (Oral Presentation) Committee Only
2. Financial Review Update
Committee Only
3. Legislative Update
Staff: Robert Cook
Committee Only
4. Texas State Parks Pass
Staff: Walt Dabney
Committee Only
5. Other Business

Committee Agenda Item No. 2
Presenter: Mary Fields

Finance Committee
Financial Review Update
April 2005

I. Executive Summary: Staff will present a year-to-date financial review for FY 2005. This will include an update on revenues for Account 9, Game, Fish and Water Safety and Account 64, State Parks and an operating budget status. The Business Improvement Plan will also be discussed.

Committee Agenda Item No. 3
Presenter: Robert Cook

Finance Committee
Legislative Update
April 2005

I. Executive Summary: Staff will provide an update on issues relating to the legislative session to include legislation and appropriation.

Committee Agenda Item No. 4
Presenter: Walt Dabney

Finance Committee
Legislative Update
April 2005

I. Executive Summary: Staff will provide a briefing regarding the Texas State Parks Pass premier year (calendar year 2004).

II. Discussion: The Texas State Parks Pass premiered in January 2004 with outstanding results by December 31, 2004. A slide presentation on the pass will show sales results, samples of advertising and promotional efforts.