Presenter: Ann Bright
Jack Bauer
Commission Agenda Item No. 21
Anticipated Litigation and Land Transfer
Travis County
August 2005
I. Executive Summary: Under the authority of §13.008 of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Code, staff is recommending the transfer of the Bright Leaf State Natural Area to the Austin Community Foundation for the Capital Area and/or the Nature Conservancy.
II. Discussion: The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department currently owns and operates the Bright Leaf State Natural Area in Travis County. The Bright Leaf property consists of about 217 acres in West Central Austin. Bright Leaf was bequeathed to the department by Georgia B. Lucas, to be used "only as a park and nature preserve and only in the manner described" in Ms. Lucas' Will. Ms. Lucas' Will also provided that if any condition of the bequest is violated, the property is to pass to the Austin Community Foundation for the Capital Area and to the Nature Conservancy, subject to the same restrictions as those imposed in the original bequest to TPWD.
III. Recommendation: Staff is recommending that the Commission find that ownership of Bright Leaf is no longer in the best interest of the department and authorize the Executive Director to take all actions necessary to transfer Bright Leaf to the Austin Community Foundation and/or the Nature Conservancy by the following motion:
"The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission finds that ownership of Bright Leaf State Natural Area is no longer in the best interest of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and authorizes the Executive Director to take all actions necessary to transfer ownership of Bright Leaf State Natural Area to the Austin Community Foundation, the Nature Conservancy, and/or another appropriate entity as authorized or directed by court order."
- Exhibit A - Property Map
Commission Agenda Item No. 21
Exhibit A