Presenter: Ann Bright

Commission Agenda Item No. 10
Designation of TPWD Representatives to the Biological Advisory Team and the Citizens Advisory Committee of the Edwards Aquifer Habitat Conservation Plan
November 2004

I. Executive Summary: This item would designate Dr. Randy Moss as the TPWD representative to the Biological Advisory Team of the Edwards Aquifer Habitat Conservation Plan (EAHCP), and would designate Dr. Duane Schlitter as the TPWD representative on the Citizens Advisory Committee of the EAHCP.

II. Discussion: The Edwards Aquifer Authority (EAA) is attempting to develop the EAHCP consistent with the provisions of Parks and Wildlife Code chapter 83, subchapter B, Habitat Protection by Political Subdivisions. Compliance with chapter 83 requires the formation of a Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC). Parks and Wildlife Code §83.016 requires the TPW Commission to appoint a representative to the CAC. John Herron, who recently left TPWD, was the previous TPWD representative on the CAC. TPWD staff recommends Dr. Duane Schlitter of the Wildlife Division to replace Mr. Herron.

Compliance with chapter 83 also requires formation of a Biological Advisory Team (BAT), and requires the TPW Commission to appoint a TPWD representative to the BAT who serves as its presiding officer. Dr. David Bowles, who recently left TPWD, was the previous TPWD representative and presiding officer of the BAT. TPWD staff recommends Dr. Randy Moss of the Inland Fisheries Division to replace Dr. Bowles.

III. Recommendation: The staff recommends the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission adopt the following motion:

"The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission adopts by resolution the appointment of Dr. Randy Moss of the Inland Fisheries Division to be TPWD's representative on the EAHCP Biological Advisory Team, as well as the presiding officer of the Biological Advisory Team, and the appointment of Dr. Duane Schlitter of the Wildlife Division to be TPWD's representative on the EAHCP Citizens Advisory Committee."

Attachment 1
Exhibit A - Resolution

Commission Agenda Item No. 10
Exhibit A


Whereas, the Edwards Aquifer Authority is attempting to develop the Edwards Aquifer Habitat Conservation Plan (EAHCP) consistent with the provisions of Parks and Wildlife Code chapter 83, subchapter B, Habitat Protection by Political Subdivisions;

Whereas, pursuant to Chapter 83 of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Code a Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) and a Biological Advisory Team (BAT) have been appointed in connection with the development of the EAHCP;

Whereas, Chapter 83, Texas Parks and Wildlife Code requires the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission to appoint a representative to the CAC;

Whereas, Chapter 83, Texas Parks and Wildlife Code requires the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission to appoint a representative to the BAT, who shall serve as the presiding officer of the BAT;

Whereas, the previous Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TWPD) representatives on the EAHCP CAC and BAT are no longer with TPWD, thus necessitating the appointment of replacement members;

Now, therefore, be it resolved by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission that Dr. Randy Moss of TPWD's Inland Fisheries Division is appointed to be TPWD's representative on the EAHCP Biological Advisory Team, as well as the presiding officer of the Biological Advisory Team, and Dr. Duane Schlitter of the Wildlife Division is appointed to be TPWD's representative on the EAHCP Citizens Advisory Committee.

In official recognition hereof, we hereby affix our signatures this 3rd day of November 2004.

Joseph B. C. Fitzsimons, Chairman

Alvin L. Henry, Vice-Chairman

J. Robert Brown, Member

Ned S. Holmes, Member

Peter M. Holt, Member

Philip Montgomery, III, Member

John D. Parker, Member

Donato D. Ramos, Member

Mark E. Watson, Jr., Member

The State of Texas
County of Travis

I, the undersigned Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true, full, and correct copy of a resolution adopted by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission of the State of Texas on the 3rd day of November 2004.

Executed under my hand and seal of said Commission on this the 3rd day of November 2004.

Robert L. Cook
Executive Director
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department