Presenter: Ted Hollingsworth
Commission Agenda Item No. 22
Land Sale - Donley County
Playa Lake Wildlife Management Area
August 23, 2007
I. Executive Summary: Staff recommends sale of a 3.4-acre tract isolated from the Taylor Lakes Unit of the Playa Lakes Wildlife Management Area (WMA) in Donley County by U.S. Highway 287.
II. Discussion: Playa Lakes WMA, in the Texas Panhandle, consists of three separate units. The Taylor Lakes Unit is the easternmost unit and includes a contiguous tract of 526 acres, and a 3.4-acre tract separated from the rest of the Unit by U.S. Highway 287. Staff finds that this 3.4-acre tract is impractical to manage and does not contribute to the goals of the WMA due to its size and isolation, and recommends that it be sold. Following a TPW Commission briefing in January, staff solicited input from local realtors to arrive at a sale price of $2,000, and in accordance with TPWD's Land Transaction and Conservation Planning Policy, offered the land to adjacent landowners, one of whom responded with an interest in purchasing and signed a contract at the posted price. Public input has been solicited per TPWD procedure, and staff will make the recommendation on Thursday that the sale be finalized.
III. Recommendation: The staff recommends that the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission adopt the following motion:
"The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission finds that ownership of 3.4 acres of the Taylor Lakes Unit of the Playa Lakes Wildlife Management Area is no longer in the best interest of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and authorizes the Executive Director to take all necessary steps to sell 3.4 acres in Donley County to an adjacent landowner at fair market value."
Attachments – 1
Commission Agenda Item No. 22
Exhibit A
Playa Lakes Wildlife Management Area
Taylor Lakes Unit

For help in interpreting this map, please contact Ted Hollingsworth.