Presenter: Steve Whiston

Commission Agenda Item No. 9
FY 2008 General Obligation Bond Program
State Park Repairs
August 23, 2007

I. Executive Summary: FY 2008 General Obligation Bond Financing: In November 2001, Texas voters approved Proposition 8 authorizing the issuance of $850 million in general obligation bonds for 13 state agencies, including $101.5 million for renovations and improvements for the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. Since 2002, the Texas Bond Review Board has approved and Texas Parks and Wildlife Department has received a total of $54.755 million in bond proceeds. In May 2007, the 80th Texas Legislature authorized the issuance and appropriated debt service for an additional $17 million of these voter approved bonds.

II. Discussion: For the issuance of the $17 million of General Obligation bonds authorized by the 80th Legislature, a resolution authorizing a request for financing and the execution of financing documents is required between TPWD and TPFA.

III. Recommendation: The staff recommends the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission adopt the following motion:

"The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission adopts by resolution (Exhibit A) the "Resolution Authorizing a Request for Financing and the Execution and Delivery of Documents Required to Effect Such Financing."

Attachments – 1

  1. Exhibit A – Bond Financing Resolution

Commission Agenda Item No. 9
Exhibit A

A Resolution Authorizing a Request for Financing and the Execution and Delivery of Documents Required to Effect Such Financing

Whereas, the Texas Public Finance Authority (the "Authority") is authorized to issue general obligation bonds to finance the cost of certain projects for the use and benefit of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department ("Agency") pursuant to Article III, Section 50-f, Texas Constitution, Chapter 1232, Texas Government Code, as amended, Article VI, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Section 2, pp vi-31and vi-32, House Bill 1, 80th Texas Legislature, R.S. (2007), and Article IX, Section 19.70, Appropriations of Remaining Proposition 8 General Obligation Bond Proceeds, pp ix-92, House Bill 1, 80th Texas Legislature, R.S. (2007), (collectively, the "Authorizing Law").

Whereas, the Agency desires and intends to request the Authority to finance the cost of the projects as permitted by the Authorizing Law; and

Whereas, the Agency recognizes that in order to finance the cost of the projects, the Authority may issue short term obligations, general obligation bonds, either or both ("Obligations") in an aggregate principal amount sufficient to finance project costs in the estimated amount of $17,000,000, plus the costs of issuance and related administrative costs, if any, which will be determined at the time of issuance; and

Whereas, pursuant to Article IX, Section 19.70, p ix-92, projects funded with bond proceeds are subject to approval of the Legislative Budget Board;

Whereas, the form of a Request for Financing, dated as of August 23, 2007 (the "Request for Financing"), from the Agency to the Authority, which includes a detailed description of the projects to be financed for the Agency ("Projects " herein) and a proposed expenditure schedule, is presently before the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission that:

Section 1. The purpose of the financing is to provide funds sufficient to complete the Projects, and the financing thereof is appropriate at this time. Accordingly, the execution and delivery of the Request for Financing to the Authority pursuant to the Authorizing Law is hereby ratified, approved and confirmed.

Section 2. The Executive Director of the Agency is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to:

  1. sign and deliver any and all documents necessary or desirable to effect the financing and provide the projects, which documents may include but not be limited to a Memorandum of Understanding and a Financing Agreement between the Agency and the Authority;
  2. cooperate with the Authority and its consultants to prepare an Official Statement in connection with the sale of the Obligations;
  3. and to take any other action necessary to assist in such sale.

Section 3. All actions not inconsistent with provisions of this Resolution heretofore taken by the Agency, its officers, employees, agents or consultants, directed toward the financing of the Projects and the issuance of the Obligations, is hereby ratified, approved and confirmed.

Section 4. The officers and employees of the Agency shall take all action in conformity with the Authorizing Law to effect the issuance of the Obligations and complete the Projects as provided in the Agreement and to take all action necessary or desirable or in conformity with the Authorizing Law for carrying out, giving effect to, and consummating the transactions contemplated by the Memorandum of Understanding, the Agreement, the Obligations, and the Request for Financing, including without limitation, the execution and delivery of any closing documents in connection with the closing of the Obligations.

Section 5. The Projects have been submitted to the Legislative Budget Board for its approval.

Section 6. This Resolution was adopted at a meeting open to the public, and public notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting was given, all as required by Ch. 551, Texas Government Code.

Adopted by the affirmative vote of a majority of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission present and voting on this 23rd day of August 2007.

  • Peter M. Holt, Chairman
  • Donato D. Ramos, Vice-Chairman
  • Mark E. Bivins, Member
  • J. Robert Brown, Member
  • Joseph B. C. Fitzsimons, Member
  • T. Dan Friedkin, Member
  • Philip Montgomery III, Member
  • John D. Parker, Member
Texas Parks & Wildlife Department
Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Major Construction or Repair Priorities for State Parks
Proposition 8 General Obligation Bonds
August 23, 2007
Location Description Project Overview Estimated Project Cost
Bastrop SP Replace electrical system in the CCC built refectory The electrical system in the CCC Refectory is very old and deteriorating. It is a safety hazard and an inconvenience to park guests. This electrical system needs to be replaced with modern, safe wiring. 225,148
Bastrop SP Modify electric meter connections The proposed project will modify the electric system to connect the Park headquarters to the primary meter for the park and connect all of the Golf Association facilities to the primary meter for the Golf Association. 149,629
Bastrop SP Plumbing repairs to six CCC built cabins The existing plumbing to the Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC) Cabins 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 12 is very old, galvanized steel and it is deteriorated. This causes a health issue and an inconvenience to our guests. The plumbing needs to be replaced. 542,373
Bastrop SP Water/wastewater replacement to non-CCC facilities The existing water and wastewater infrastructure is aging and needs replacement to the Administrative Office, Park Headquarters and Residences 1 and 2. 349,990
Brazos Bend SP Renovate 30 year old restroom plumbing Water supply, vent, and sanitary sewer plumbing in the comfort stations and restrooms are dilapidated, as evidenced by numerous leaks and fixtures in poor condition. The 30 year old system has reached the end of its lifespan and requires complete replace 218,367
Choke Canyon — Calliham Unit Water treatment plant repairs Repair intake structure, pumps, sedimentation ponds, and transfer pump and some piping. 201,538
Daingerfield SP Connect wastewater system to local municipality Design and construct a wastewater collection system to eliminate the existing septic tank system in the park. Tie the park into the City of Daingerfield's wastewater collection system. 1,608,501
Daingerfield SP Replace deteriorated camping area restrooms The restrooms servicing the camping areas are old and near the end of their serviceable life. The restrooms need to be replaced. 751,041
Davis Mountains SP Davis Mountains wastewater system improvements Replace existing On-site Sanitary Sewage Facilities (OSSF) and connect to nearest waste system serving the City of Fort Davis, approximately 6 miles away. 1,322,328
Davis Mountains SP Replace failing group picnic area restroom Replace existing, failing restroom in the Group Picnic Areas with premanufactured CXT comfort station. 157,704
Falcon SP Renovate wastewater system Replace existing individual OSSF with six shared septic systems. 268,600
Garner SP Replace non-complaint restroom The failing and non-compliant existing restroom # 10 in the day use Oakmont area of the park is in need of replacement with a premanufactured CXT comfort station. 182,510
Goose Island SP Replace bay front shade shelters Replacement of 45 existing shade shelters that continue to experience wicking of moisture into the concrete walls, weakening the reinforcing steel due to rusting and causing the concrete to spall and fall off. 762,916
Goose Island SP Demolish and replace Old Woods restroom Replace the failing and non-compliant existing Old Woods restroom with premanufactured CXT restroom. 286,534
Hueco Tanks SHP Renovate the existing wastewater and electrical systems. Renovate the existing wastewater system and dump station; replace 30 amp service with 50 amp. 248,935
Huntsville SP Connect park systems to the City of Huntsville Water and Wastewater System In a move to delete wastewater treatment and potable water wells from our parks, this project would connect the water and wastewater systems of Huntsville State Park to the City of Huntsville's system. 1,362,097
Huntsville SP Replace three existing and non-accessible restrooms There are three (3) restrooms in the park that have old, corroding plumbing and are rotting due to age and moisture, causing inconveniences and higher maintenance. As well, these existing restrooms are not ADA compliant and fully accessible. 999,118
Huntsville SP Restroom replacement and improvements The restrooms in the park have deteriorated beyond the point of repair, due to corroded plumbing and rot. This project replaces the restrooms at the small beach (built c.1958) and the stables (c.1973), with concrete modular restrooms, that are durable. 299,216
Kickapoo Cavern SP Certify water system as PWS Replace existing pump house, storage vessel and associated piping to certify as Public Water System. 43,146
Lake Casa Blanca SP Replace deteriorated restrooms Lake Casa Blanca has many old, deteriorated, failing, non-compliant restrooms that need to be replaced; provide 5 new premanufactured CXT restroom and comfort stations. 841,443
Lake Corpus Christi SP Repair screened shelters Repair and replace non-compliant dilapidated screened cabins (25). Electrical service and lighting to be repaired in all units. 195,820
Lake Somerville SP — Birch Creek Unit Replace two deteriorated restrooms Two restrooms at the park have corroded and failing plumbing and the structures are worn with age. These are inconvenience to our guests and need to be replaced. 540,134
Lake Texana SP Replace wastewater collection system The existing wastewater collection system is worn out and failing. 535,723
Lake Whitney SP Repair non-compliant water/wastewater system Currently the trailer camping loop at Lake Whitney SP is composed of 51 sites, 35 of which have Wastewater service which does not comply with TCEQ regs. A central Wastewater collection system needs to be installed. 876,832
Lake Whitney SP Replace electrical and water services at camp loops The water distribution system in the park was installed in the 1960's. The system is in need of replacement and the electrical services should be replaced at the same time. 391,357
Lake Whitney SP Replace potable water distribution system The potable water system at Lake Whitney State Park was installed in the mid 1960's and utilized galvanized pipe. The park has experienced numerous leaks and the complete system needs renovation. 436,446
Longhorn Caverns SP Replace cavern lighting system The Cavern Lighting System was originally installed in 1938 along 6000' of passages. Corrosion due to humidity is causing rapid deterioration to lighting fixtures, circuit cabling, junction boxes, relay switching and grounding throughout the wiring system. 552,883
Longhorn Caverns SP Re-roof, renovations and asbestos abatement Replace aging, failing roof; address rising damp in walls and associated mold risk; remove existing asbestos siding and make interior renovations. 550,000
Martin Creek Lake SP Replace electric service system Martin Creek Lake State Park is presently on a single meter system for their primary electrical service. The local electrical provider is willing to take over all primary electrical hardware and maintain it. 40,733
Martin Creek Lake SP Remove hazardous mold from buildings Remove hazardous mold from buildings. Managers residence and Assistant managers residence has mold in HVAC ducts. 4,000
Ray Roberts Lake SP — Isle du Bois Unit Repair floating wave break The wave breaks are essential for the safe launching of boats. The anchorage systems have failed due to effects of high wind and waves. 74,778
Ray Roberts Lake SP — Johnson Branch Unit Repair wave break The wave breaks are essential to safe boat launching at the boat ramp. The wave break has been torn from its anchorage system by high winds and water. 74,778
Sea Rim SP Replace failing 4" water main The distribution water lines from the water main to the Marshland Unit and the Beach Unit have numerous underground leaks. The waterlines need to be replaced. 250,463
South Llano River SP Remove underground fuel storage tank Removal of two underground fuel storage tanks is needed due to measured pressure loss in the tanks. 81,488
South Llano River SP Connect park water system to public water supply Connect the park's water distribution system to the City of Junction's potable water system. 1,304,709
Tyler SP Repair residence #2 electrical system The electrical wiring in residence # 2 is old and not in compliance with NEC. This project is to rewire the residence and carport. 53,868
Tyler SP Rebuild park playgrounds and equipment The park playgrounds are old and in need have repair and equipment replacement. This will increase customers in day use facilities. 129,081
Wyler Aerial Tramway Replace tramway main drive motor The 47 year old existing main electric drive motor is at or beyond useful life. There is no spare and no exact replacement can be found. The Proposed project includes replacing the existing motor. 55,584
Department-Wide Emergency Reserve Reserve set aside to fund unanticipated emergency repairs occurring as a result of catastrophic events or natural disasters. 30,189
Total Proposition 8 Authority 17,000,000
The State Of Texas
County Of Travis

I, the undersigned Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true, full, and correct copy of a resolution adopted by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission of the State of Texas on the 23rd day of August 2007.

Executed Under My Hand and seal of said Commission on this the 23rd day of August 2007.

Robert L. Cook
Executive Director
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department