Presenters: John Young
Mike Tewes
Commission Agenda Item No. 8
Ocelot Conservation and Recovery in Texas
March 26, 2009
I. Executive Summary: This item is an update on ocelot conservation and recovery in Texas and related activities in Mexico. The ocelot was listed as an endangered species by the federal government in 1982. Mr. John Young of TPWD and Dr. Michael Tewes of the Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute will provide a review of current and planned activities, as well as long-term objectives.
II. Discussion: Increasing human population, development, and expanding road networks in the Rio Grande Valley have impacted the two remaining ocelot populations in Texas, which total less than 100 individuals. These populations have been deteriorating, both genetically and demographically, over the past 25 years. An Ocelot Translocation Working Group, headed by John Young, was formed to develop an implementation plan and to coordinate translocation activities. We will discuss strategies to reverse some of this population loss, and efforts to increase the survival probability of this beautiful cat in Texas.